Exploring Los Angeles / The Getty with Kids

December 6, 2017

Here’s my takeaway from going to the Getty with two kids two and under. It’s lovely and beautiful but don’t bother going inside. Ha! We just spent our whole time wandering around the grounds and it was spectacular and more than enough for an afternoon outing. Our visit just wasn’t full of art. We saw a few sculptures, yes, but I couldn’t tell you much about what was in any of the buildings except the vast array of restrooms in every nook.

I wore Noah 95% of the time we were in California because it was way easier than staying inside for his naps 4 times a day. Lillebaby sent me one of their carriers right before we left and it was a lifesaver. He’s just about too heavy to spend the entire day in the Sollybaby wrap, and I have an Ergo 360 but I’ve never loved it. This one is a little bulkier but it has much better back support – like 8 hours carrying an 11 pound baby back support.  Maya loved running around the grounds, which was only mildly terrifying for me and my fear of heights.   Noah seems sort of giant to me normally, given he’s about double the size he was when he was born! But look how tiny he looks in peeking out the side of the carrier! I brought a bunch of “yollies” or dum-dum lollipops for the plane, and Maya kept asking for the pink ones all week. They came in very handy at very exhausting moments throughout our trip! All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon despite missing out on most of the art.


  • Reply Lois December 6, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    Great photos!

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