Back to Reality

July 2, 2012

Good morning from Amsterdam! I have a few hours here before I take another short flight to Dublin. The sun is shining through the corridors and the people watching is pretty wonderful.

I left Michael at the airport in Boston yesterday afternoon and he headed to Denver for a week visiting his brothers and sister. That means I am officially on my own in the whole country of Ireland for a week –  for the first time ever, there will be no one who shares my last name! Luckily I have a few good friends who get to keep me company!

On Saturday before I left, we packed up the boat and took off for a quick little adventure. We motored around to where my family spent lots of glassy, beautiful Maine mornings when I was young. None of us have been back in years, so it was great to breathe in that pure salty air and see the view in the photo above before I had to leave. The water was like glass – you could have water skied on it if it wasn’t so cold!

1 Comment

  • Reply Katie July 2, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    It was great to see you in the Village!

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