Flowers from China Village

June 27, 2012

Our neighbor, Nancy, has the most beautiful, enormous flower gardens. Every morning during the summer, she sets out artfully arranged bouquets of flowers from her garden and sells them in the cutest little stand. Three dollars per bouquet, and just leave your money in the plastic container – the honor system at its finest.

I picked up a bouquet of Nancy’s flowers over the weekend and I just wish I could package some up and bring them back to Ireland with me. They’re so vibrant and cheery – and a steal at only three dollars!

Back in the very beginning of my blog nearly two years ago, I was inspired by this very flower stand. For a few weeks, I sold baked treats at the bottom of our driveway since we get so much traffic with moms walking their kids to school in the morning. It was a great success, only cut short when I got a full time job and it started raining – a lot. I’d love to revive it and a stand like Nancy’s would definitely solve the rain problem!


  • Reply kathy daniels June 27, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    I miss Nancy’s flowers. By the time Bruce drives through on his way home to Camden, they’re all gone!

  • Reply Katie June 28, 2012 at 3:07 am

    What a joy to find a feature on my mom’s flowers during my daily From China Village check-in!

  • Reply Anita June 28, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    Where is the LIKE button?!
    Don’t forget to check out the reading tree up at the school if you have time.

  • Reply China Village Flowers | From China Village July 16, 2013 at 9:57 pm

    […] written about neighbor Nancy’s flower arrangements before (like here and here), but I think they merit at least an annual set of photos. They are just summer-in-Maine […]

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