Edinburgh, Take Two

April 11, 2012

While my parents were in town a couple weeks ago, we took a quick 48-hour trip to Edinburgh. Since they’ve been to Dublin several times now, we wanted them to get to see something a little different. And I loved Edinburgh so much when I went in January that I knew it would be the perfect little trip.

This is a fairly random collection of photos from our adventure. I thought I’d divide it into two parts. First, the sunny day. Edinburgh was a lot colder than Dublin, but luckily the sun was out for the morning and most of the afternoon. That sun was especially great because we walked at least ten miles around, across, and up and down the city!

{Michael decided it was a nice day for a stroll with a beer – completely legal in Edinburgh! So the boys had a beer walking down the street. Don’t they look thrilled! Ha!}

{Michael looking hilariously thug.}

And then it got cold and misty and windy. So I took wayyyy fewer photos.

And that is Edinburgh, numero dos! Equally enjoyable the second time around!


  • Reply Cyndi April 11, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    Love your pictures. Need to go to Edinburgh too, though I’ve only started on Ireland! Did you fly or take a ferry? When I was on the Giant’s Causeway, if it hadn’t been pouring rain and foggy, we could have seen Scotland so I know it’s close by.

    By the way my husband and I walked Dublin. Walked and walked! It’s fun to see your pictures and be able to say “I saw that!” I got the shoes right but I was the one in the purple rain coat. It kept me very dry but it took me about a minute to figure out that it might as well been stamped with the word “tourist.” Of course I found your blog just after I left.

    • Reply emily April 12, 2012 at 10:07 am

      Thanks, Cyndi! Next time you’re in Ireland, you can just pop over to Edinburgh! It’s only a 40 minute flight and so worth it for a quick trip! And I’m sure you didn’t look that touristy!

  • Reply naomi phillips April 13, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    That park looks so much prettier in Spring than it did in January!

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