Paris: The Louvre via iTouch

December 21, 2011

I think I’ve mentioned before that when we travel, Michael takes the lead. When we’re at home in Dublin, I try to keep us fed, clothed and clean, and sometimes that seems a bit unbalanced. But let me tell you, the moment we step foot in the airport, I shut off and simultaneously realize exactly how balanced our system really is.

When we travel, Michael is the navigator, the planner, the researcher when it comes to trips. He is directionally gifted, happens to know exactly where we are at all times, and has the patience to troll through AirBnB for hours, finding exactly the right place for us to stay. And once we’re on the road, he makes, researches and executes almost all the plans.

Yesterday, he downloaded two Louvre visitor guides to our iTouches (early Christmas presents from my parents – thank you!) so we could cruise through the museum at our own pace, but still learn more than just blankly looking at the French captions below each painting! It was the perfect way to spend an afternoon.

We decided to do the Christmas Story trail and the Masterpieces trail. They both had us moseying from one end of the Louvre to the other, but at our own pace. We didn’t have to trudge along after a tour guide, and if we had wanted to, we could have cut out halfway through and no one would have known!

The visitor guides don’t have tons of artistic information, but they had just enough facts so we felt like we learned a bunch of interesting tidbits by the end. And it gave us a good range of pieces, from stained glass and paintings to sculpted stone and metal. All in all, a great way to spend two hours at the Louvre!

{This last blurry shot is the scene in front of the Mona Lisa. At least a hundred people all crowding around, taking photos of it. Now what, exactly, are they going to do with those photos?! Taking photos of art baffle me!}

My job on this particular trip, was apparently to follow Michael around with a camera. I swear I’m on this trip too! And I’m sure there will be proof of that one of these days!

1 Comment

  • Reply Bill December 21, 2011 at 10:03 am

    You did the same thing we did at the Mona Lisa–take pictures of the people taking pictures. Glad you’re having a great time!

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