Paris: Photos by Day

December 22, 2011

We arrived home in Dublin late last night, and spent the day today running errands, cleaning and re-stocking the fridge for the weekend’s festivities. Tonight I finally sat down for a few hours of photo editing and Food Network watching in front of the Christmas tree.

Oddly, the weather has me thrown for a loop this year. Today, it must have been 60 degrees out! That’s nearly summer weather here! So, in an effort to make our holidays more festive, I convinced Michael we should bake and decorate a gingerbread house together tomorrow. We have very different artistic styles, so we’ll see how that goes!

Only a few days until Christmas. Are you feeling festive yet?

And now, Paris in the daytime, and a whole lotta photos. With absolutely no regard for importance or geography. Enjoy!

{the sky was totally dramatic when it wasn’t misting, Dublin-style}
{this building was decorated with the longest strings of tinsel!}
{these darling photos of yours truly, included only because of the expressions – the sun came out just as Michael was taking these and I was blinded!}
{Mike wanted me to take a photo of the tables with painted chess boards. I wanted to take a photo of those chairs. So lovely.}
{I love the contrast of beautiful architecture and gritty graffiti in Paris. It’s so jarring and arty at the same time.}
{The outside of some shops were decorated with real boughs and berries. Many of them had real little Christmas trees above the first floor.}
{See? Like these! So sweet!}
{My hat‘s from Target. It’s remarkably warm, especially when it’s 50 degrees and you convince your husband to walk up 15 flights of steps to the top of the Sacre Couer.}
{Ah, look at the sky.}
{Or look at this weird courtyard ceiling made of slabs of wood. Either way.}
{And this was my favorite people watching spot – or as we’ve been calling it, culture watching. Through a window of spray on snow, to the hustle and bustle of the street outside.}

Tomorrow, Paris by night. Decidedly fewer photos, since taking photos at night takes entirely more skill and patience. Until then, hope your house is filled with cheer!


  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} December 24, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Love these photos, Emily! I really do need to take a trip to Paris — and bring my cute cloche with me when I go (your red one is adorable).

  • Reply Paris: Photos by Night | From China Village May 3, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    […] In case you missed the daytime version, here! […]

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