Let Down

July 27, 2011

So, it finally happened. Post-vacation let-down finally hit me. All that go-go-going straight off the plane hit me this week. I’m working long days and using up every bit of brain power I have by the time I get home.

It’s manifesting itself in lots of not-so-graceful ways, but you probably don’t want to hear about all that. Suffice it to say, I’ve been a bit of a grump the last few days.

Michael’s rolling his eyes if he’s reading this and thinking, A bit of a grump?!

The worst part? No time for baking, projects, fun art, wandering around with my camera, and all those great creative things I usually spend a few hours doing every week. Grrrrr. Talk about frustrating.

But instead of taking my frustration on my poor, unsuspecting husband, I’ve come up with a new plan. Lists. Not a very sophisticated plan, I’ll admit, but I’m hoping it might get me a little more inspired as I plow through these next few weeks (or months, really).

So here’s a list of things I’m going to try to work on when I have a few spare moments.

1. Cupcakes for two.

{recipe and sweet photos from here}

I’ve been trying not to bake too much because when I’m exhausted there’s no will power left to resist eating the whole batch of brownies or bread or cookies. But these cupcakes for two are just enough to satisfy a sweet tooth without going over board! And a little festive, no?

2. Sea glass art.

{pretty shades from here}

I have so much sea glass I actually banned myself from collecting any more until I figured out what to make with it. Isn’t this a neat-o idea? And mindless and pretty.

3. Wedding lace necklace.

{lace necklace from this etsy shop}

I brought the extra lace from my wedding dress back from America and I am going to figure out how to make this necklace. Luckily, I brought back enough to make a few mistakes and not worry too much!

Right, so there we have it. Three projects, a little inspiration that might help me get through the week!

Do you ever run out of juice like I did this week? Use too much brain power at work to have any left for the fun stuff? And take it out on your significant other or whoever crosses your path? Or is that just me?



  • Reply Anita July 28, 2011 at 4:16 pm

    I feel the drain during the school year so I certainly understand how you feel. I have to remind myself to get outside, get moving and do something different to break up the routine – even if it is only for a few minutes.
    LOVE, LOVE the sea glass art!!!!!!!

  • Reply Gerry July 29, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    Well, Emily, here’s some good news to get your spirits up. The Patriots signed Ochocinqo! Well, maybe it will give Michael a boost.

  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} July 29, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    I think I’ll be getting out that giant jar of seaglass we have downstairs — and maybe even hunt for more this weekend. And I had no idea it was even possible to make cupcakes for two. That’s why I never make them — because I don’t want to be stuck with a whole bunch of cupcakes that I shouldn’t eat but may just because they’re there.

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