Edinburgh Design Inspiration

January 24, 2012

I know, I know. I swore I was done with Edinburgh. Turns out I have just a tiny bit more to say about the lovely Scottish city.

When we were in Paris before Christmas, I expected to be snapping photos of inspiring design at every turn. I didn’t really expect that to be the case in Edinburgh, but it was! I came home with two cool ideas I want to replicate either in our current tiny apartment or in our some-day dream home.

First, this stuffed stag. Not a great picture, but in both the Red Door Gallery and Curioser, I saw these cool stuffed stag heads.

I’m not normally a stag head type girl. They annoy me only because they are absolutely everywhere at the moment. I can’t wait for 20 years from now when they come back into fashion and I think I’ll be able to embrace them.

But what I do like is seeing a stag head done in a new way. These were sewn, made from pretty silk patterned fabric and stuffed. I’m contemplating trying to make my own from a few silk scarves I brought home. I think it will definitely test my rarely-used sewing skills.

I noticed this second bit of inspiration on the first night at our apartment. Walking by this restaurant, I might have said will you look at those ginormous lamp shades?! about fifteen times. (Sorry girls!) The combination of the size, the paisley pattern in pinks, greens and yellows, and the rest of the cool decor in the restaurant, turned me a tad obsessed.

{I don’t know these people, but they do a great job showing the huge scale of the lampshades!}

We ate at The West Room on our last night in Edinburgh and it was really yummy and really reasonable.

But back to the lamp shades. Aren’t they just so neat?! We need higher ceilings and a bigger house. That’s all there is to it.


Me, Elsewhere: Bucket List Nation

January 23, 2012

Happy Monday, everyone! This morning, while I recover from our cross country trip over the weekend, I”m over on few tips for staying in rental apartments when you”re traveling.

Come say hi and add your tips as well!


Balloons and Links for Friday!

January 20, 2012

Walking near St. Giles Church in Edinburgh last weekend, these sweet cafe workers from Caffe Nero kept coming outside with little bites of paninis and mini hot chocolates for passers by to try. Then they came out with balloons, and some how my darling friend Carly and I got stuck with them.

But then they became these funny props for photos at the entrance of one of the alleyways off the Royal Mile.

Thanks to dear Naomi for taking these cute photos!

And now, some links I’ve been wanting to share from around the interwebs this week.

The new cool way to find stuff to do when you travel. They’re expanding, thanks to a big investment by Etsy founder and Ashton Kutcher. Strange combo!

Thank you letter etiquette. Such a great step-by-step explanation.

The printing process, each day this week. Block printing, letterpress, die cutting, off set printing.

I lost my canning nerve when I moved to Dublin (not that I did much canning in America other than watch my mother make strawberry jam!), but I can’t wait to fill some mason jars, a la this fellow ex-pat and her marmalade. Yum.

Oh, and speaking of festivities – isn’t this a sweet idea for celebrating a birthday? And a re-fillable pinata!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


One Last Edinburgh: Red Door Gallery

January 19, 2012

I swear we did more than shop in Edinburgh, really! But I just had to share this last sweet spot with you before I’m done bombarding you with Edinburgh info.

On Victoria Street, in the Grassmarket area, up the winding hill, is the Red Door Gallery. It’s a gallery, but you really just leave wishing it’s your house.

Inside the tall red door is a white-washed room with stunning stone arches, remnants of the building from centuries ago. The combination of the stone and the white walls creates a fabulous backdrop to show off prints, calendars, jewelry, cards and everything in between. Packed into a small space, the Red Door Gallery holds tons of great pieces – I could have stayed in there for hours! (do you sense a theme there….)

{These were the cutest – little kits to make tiny metal tenement buildings, called Tinyments. Ha!}
{And these sweet Red Door Gallery totes! I love their vivid Red Door Gallery branding.}

You can browse their online shop, and you can also check out their blog!

Well worth a visit.

Red Door Gallery: 42 Victoria Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2JW

Back in the Day

January 19, 2012

A friend of my dad’s sent this photo from the Penobscot Marine Museum. It’s the street I grew up on, from way back in the day!

Now it looks more like this. There are a lot fewer trees on the street, and the road is paved. I wonder what they were doing with that step ladder near the tree? And I wonder who those kids are?!

You can see more here!

Truly Irish: Bianca Divito // Divito Studios

January 18, 2012

Since I spotted blooming daffodils on my way to work this morning, I thought it might be okay to share a little garden treat with you for my first in the Truly Irish series. Enjoy!

At this very moment, I think Bianca Divito is probably up to her elbows in soldering wire and hunks of coloured glass, getting ready for the Chelsea Flower Show. But this summer, she and her ultra-talented garden-designer fiance, Damien Keane, gave me a little tour around their corner of the world.

{Bianca Divito and Damien Keane}

I took a trip out to Mount Usher Gardens, where I got to visit Bianca and Damien. Bianca let me ask her a million questions about her business making beautiful glass art. Turns out, she also restores historic stained glass windows, and fixes those pretty Tiffany-style lamps. But what she really loves is creating beautiful glass art, from garden hangings that twinkle, peeking the leaves, to window hangings, lamps and lots of intricately sparkly bits.

Bianca and Damien are both displaying their work at the Chelsea Flower Show in a few months, which means thousands of people will get a chance to see a couple incredibly talented Irish artists!

And even better? They both teach classes on their respective casino netherlands crafts! If you”re looking to learn a little more about garden design, and then to sparkle it up with a handmade hanging, this dynamic duo is your best bet.

Wouldn”t these make the perfect, sparkly addition to your garden this spring? If our daffodils are popping, it must be time!

Perfect timing – Bianca and Damien just joined Twitter! Show them some love over on @DivitoStudios and @DamienKeane!

In an effort to change the world”s perception of Ireland, I”ll be posting weekly about fabulous Irish artists, designers, makers, crafters and creatives in a series called Truly Irish. I”m taking tips and suggestions – send an email to emily (at) fromchinavillage (dot) com if you know of someone I should feature!

New Series: Truly Irish

January 18, 2012

{funky bird print from this Irish Etsy shop!}

Last week, the Lonely Planet came out with their new guide for Ireland, and it caused a bit of a stir. It seems, not having read the full guide, that the guide’s writers concluded the best thing about Ireland is the pub culture. Meh.

(In fairness to Lonely Planet, I usually love their online guides and referenced their Edinburgh guide on my last trip.)

I was bummed, and I know I wasn’t alone. I’ve lived here for over three years and I can count on one hand the number of pints I’ve drunk! There’s just so much more to Ireland than what everyone already knows about Ireland!

So I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands with a new little weekly series: Truly Irish. Each week, I’ll spotlight an Irish artist, designer, maker, crafter, entrepreneur, or just overall inspiring creative person.

I have a bunch on the list to get me started, but I’ll also be taking suggestions and tips for fab things being created by fab Irish people. The more the merrier!

Post by little post, I’m hoping make sure the world knows we’ve got great pubs, and so much more!


I’ll be starting this series later today, but in the meantime, perhaps check out my first Poppytalk Dispatch from Dublin? I’ll be posting over there twice a month, telling the Poppytalk world about art and craft in Dublin.

Edinburgh: Focus on Students

January 17, 2012

One of the things I loved so much about Edinburgh was the student vibe. Admittedly, a student vibe is not something I would typically care too much about, but there were two shops that convinced me otherwise.

On a suggestion from Design*Sponge’s Edinburgh guide, we stopped into Analogue Books, a tiny art and design specialty book shop nestled into a basement on Candlemaker Row in the Grassmarket area. I was instantly smitten. Bright white walls with hints of lemon yellow, Analogue is filled with publications, serious coffee table books, and arty prints.

I could have lingered for hours, flipping through pages and pages of books and magazines I probably won’t be able to find easily anywhere else. In fact, I got chatting with Ian, who was manning the store, who told me about the store, its owners, the philosophy. He said he often sees customers scribbling down the names of publications they think they can find on Amazon or elsewhere, only to see them back a week later after they’ve come up empty.

Ian then pointed out a whole rack of student publications and explained that although the shop doesn’t make much money on student work, they believe it’s important to help students get a start in the publishing world. A few of the students who have displayed their work in Analogue have gone on become quite successful, all because someone gave them an edge.

Cut to Godiva Boutique, just across the square from Analogue, where I had a similarly exciting chat with Fi, the cheerful girl minding the shop for owner Fleur MacIntosh. I was so excited when Fi explained to me that the shop used to sell only vintage clothes and used to employ students to refashion the clothes. Over time, the shop has begun selling the clothes designed by those students! And can I mention, some of what they sell is simply gorgeous. I had to tear myself away from the hand-dyed silk lingerie and baby dresses made from vintage fabrics.

In the back of the store, Godiva still sells a collection of vintage clothes. Altogether a tempting combination of clothes and accessories.

{this was the dressing area – the birds were a three-panel screen!}

I was so impressed and felt so welcomed in both shops. Both Ian and Fi were so friendly, willing to answer my questions but also excited to tell me everything about where they work. And they let me snap away with my camera! I left both shops feeling incredibly inspired at the willingness to help students start their dream jobs – what generosity of spirit!

Analogue Books: 39 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH1 2QB, Scotland, UK. +44 0131 220 0601

Godiva Boutique: 9 West Port, The Grassmarket, Edinburgh, EH12JA, Scotland, UK. +44 0 131 221 9212

Edinburgh in Photos

January 16, 2012

I couldn’t get over how excited my friends, family and readers were about my trip to Edinburgh. Everyone had super suggestions and so many people said it was their favorite city! It made me a little nervous – I really wanted it to live up to my expectations. And, of course, it did.

Edinburgh is a beautiful, easily manageable city with tons to do. I loved being able to walk from one end to the other – and it helped there’s a certain system to its layout, which isn’t the case in Dublin!

My two very first impressions? The buildings were just incredible, and holy wow are those some steep hills. Dublin is so flat sometimes I forget what hills feel like!

I have lots more impressions, so you’ll be hearing about those a bit more this week, but for now, a few photos! We were lucky to have amazing weather – two days of glorious sun bouncing off the hills and buildings, and one day of grey. And no wind during the whole trip! Thank goodness, because otherwise I would have been an ice cube.

The light shining on the city tested my photography skills, but I couldn’t help but take a million photos of the shadows. Aren’t they awesome?!
The inside of St. Gile’s Church. Stunning ceiling and incredible lighting.
The book club girls, minus one sister-in-law who arrived late. Sarah, Carly, Naomi and Ciara. Great traveling companions!
Darling Naomi insisted on taking a few photos of me with my camera. So sweet!

We climbed Arthur’s Seat for this great view of the city. It was a little terrifying coming down as darkness fell, but we made it!

I know, the millionth image of the Scots Monument – but it was just so photogenic!

We stayed in the Dean’s Village neighborhood and I’d absolutely recommend it. More on that later in the week!


More tomorrow, in less random fashion!

Things That Matter

January 16, 2012

I landed in Dublin last night after a wonderful visit to Edinburgh. I’ll have lots of photos and info to share later today and over the next few days, but this morning, I wanted to take a moment to remember Martin Luther King, Jr., as yesterday was his birthday.

I also want to take a moment to think about what I’m doing to change or help or fix the things that matter. My new year’s resolutions didn’t include doing something for the world or my community or even my family, that would make them all better. Today I’m going to add a few.