Would You, Could You?

February 3, 2012

Tell me, would you elope?

{elopement with stunning green curtains from here}

I saw this lovely post with ten of the most beautiful elopements over on Grey Likes Weddings this morning.

Just imagining eloping gives me the butterflies, and I’m already married! One of my favorite parts of our wedding was looking out and seeing so many people we love in the same place, so we didn’t really consider the idea. But there were a few stressful moments when I thought to myself, sheesh, I understand why people elope! 

When I think about couples eloping now, I can’t help but think how brave! It must be so freeing to share that event with only your spouse and the person marrying you.

Well, and a photographer.

Would you ever consider tying the knot without a big audience? Did you think about eloping instead of having a big wedding?

(And if you’re wondering why I’m still looking at wedding blogs when I’m already married, well, because they’re just so darn pretty! Oh, and they’re great for party inspiration too!)

How to Get Out of a Funk

February 3, 2012

{Or this idea – set up in a shop window and ask the public for writing ideas. Isn’t this terrifying? I bet I’d have no trouble writing though!}

For the first few weeks of January, I managed to avoid a slump. I ran and hot yoga’d and travelled on the weekends. But when the weather got even chillier last weekend, instead of inching its way toward spring (like it is supposed to be doing!), I realized I’m heading straight in the direction of a big old January funk.

But since I can see it happening, here are a few things I thought I’d do to get straight back out of it.

Accomplish something creative. I get grumpy if I’m only accomplishing housework and zoning out on pinterest when I get home from work every night. Michael actually made the great suggestion that I spend one hour each night creating something – writing or sewing or even baking. I haven’t baked a single thing since before Christmas! No wonder I’m in a funk! The heck with all this healthy eating business…

Get outside in the daylight. Easier said than done lately. During the week, I don’t get home until after dark, and on the weekends I’ve been catching up on sleep and then rushing from one thing to another. My body desperately misses vitamin D, so I’m going to make a point to get out in it! Especially since we have this just around the corner!

Show our apartment some love. This month marks two years living in our sweet little apartment. I think most people would agree that after two years in a rental, you’re more than ready to change everything, especially the things you aren’t allowed to change. I’ve been avoiding making any decorating improvements because I’m ready for a clean slate (like a house that’s our own!), but that means every time I look around the apartment, I’m annoyed. So all the projects I’ve been putting off, they’re back on the list. This weekend, I’m determined to accomplish at least one and share it with you all.

What are your tricks for getting out of a funk? Any great ideas to share?

Valentine’s Inspiration

February 3, 2012

I’m not a big Valentine’s Day fan. It’s sweet and nice, and I like pink as much as the next person, but Michael and I have never bothered to celebrate it. Which, come to think of it, is a bit sad. So maybe this year I’ll slip a surprise treat in his lunch or something.

But even though we’re totally lame about Valentine’s Day, that doesn’t mean I won’t share a little inspiration for you. Enjoy!

You know me by now. I’m a sucker for twigs and branches and anything I can collect by the side of the road. This is a project I might bring myself to try this weekend. If only to brighten our living room a little!

I think this would be the sweetest (and easiest) project if I lived somewhere reliably freezing. Starting to think I’d trade freezing for a tiny glimpse of the sun. I’m starting to forget what it looks like!

Now talk about easy. Make a heart stamp from a toilet paper roll! I love all sorts of printing and I think this would actually be quite sweet!

What about you all? Are you a Valentine’s grinch like me? Have elaborate plans for red roses and chocolates in two weeks?

Can I Make This? Floor Pouf

February 3, 2012

Happy Monday, everyone! Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was rainy but productive and a little relaxing.

I came across these floor poufs the other day on Refinery 29. I love the colorful idea for extra seating space in a small apartment. But I do not love the price tag. $249? Way too steep for me.

So I’m wondering, lovely blog friends, do you think I could make them myself? I wonder what’s inside them – just lots and lots of pillow stuffing? Something stiffer that helps them keep their shape?

Adding these to the list of sewing projects I’ll hopefully get to soon!

Truly Irish: Karolin Felix // Dream

January 27, 2012

I’ve been thinking a little about the format these Truly Irish posts will take. I’ve decided that some weeks they’ll be long (like last week) and some weeks they’ll be short and sweet. Can you guess what you’re in for this week?

You guessed it. Short and sweet. But the artist I have to share today is no less talented!

While trolling through the wonderful world of Etsy this morning, I came across Karolin Felix. (Well, at least that’s her Etsy name, perhaps she goes by another name altogether!) Her shop is filled with really interesting jewelry. I especially love these wooden necklaces. I tried to decide which color I’d pick and I simply couldn’t. I’d need one of each.

Oh, and one of these.

Karolin Felix // Dream

In an effort to change the world’s perception of Ireland, I’ll be posting weekly about fabulous Irish artists, designers, makers, crafters and creatives in a series called Truly Irish. I’m taking tips and suggestions – send an email to emily (at) fromchinavillage (dot) com if you know of someone I should feature!

A Smallish Big Change

January 27, 2012

So, I did this thing.

I am no longer blond. Well, according to the hairdresser I am still a “dark blond”. I’m not sure what you call the color, but I think it’s prettier than what I had going on before. Years of highlighting my hair had made my hair really sad!

I’d been thinking about moving back toward my natural color for several months, mostly because it’s so darn expensive to be fake blond in Ireland! And after so many years as a blond, I started to feel like I was hiding behind it. It’s how I looked when I moved to Ireland, so it sort of became part of my identity – the blond American who married the oldest Westbrooks.

In one of those lightning bolt ideas a few weeks ago, I decided my identity could not rest on my hair color, not even a little bit.

I know, just a tad dramatic. But somehow symbolic of my feelings about this new year: make the change, don’t just think about it. Stop getting paralyzed by logistics and what ifs. Do it, make it happen. Keep trying doors until one opens for you.

Most importantly – don’t live the identity the world gives you. Live the identity you create.

And that is me climbing down off my high horse for the weekend. Ha!

I’m still getting used to this first change, but so far I think I like it.

Anyone else make a smallish big change in their lives lately? I know it’s a common January-blues coping mechanism, so I must not be the only one!

Five Things

January 26, 2012

Yesterday, right before I headed home from work, it hit me. My first cold of the season. I have been secretly gloating for the last few weeks that I’d managed to escape a winter cold this year. And the cold karma came back to bite me. Serves me right.

So today, I offer you five things you might not know about me. And I also offer you my apologies for this mostly strange and random over-share.

1. Until a few years ago, I hated celery. I’m still not a fan of it raw, but I can manage it cooked. When my sister found out I now eat the only thing I refused to eat my entire life, she said hey, you should have told me! I hated celery because you hated celery. Maybe I should change my mind too! And I laughed.

2. I wear uniform to work and it’s been an easy and hard adjustment in my new job. Luckily, it involves a purple polo, navy slacks and often a purple fleece. It means I don’t have to decide what to wear to work every day, but by the time the weekend rolls around, I can’t wait to wear different clothes. And I might make up excuses for wardrobe changes just so I can wear use up those lonely clothes that sit in the closet all week!

3. I haven’t seen my natural hair color in over 10 years. There was a brief phase of chocolate brown, but that wasn’t me either. I’ve been mostly shades of blonde and I’m not even certain what my hair color really is anymore! (This might be about to change. Stay tuned!)

4. My husband and I met twice in college before he remembered me. In fairness to him, we were introduced twice at big parties, and then finally when there weren’t so many distractions, it stuck. The third time really was a the charm!

5. Despite years and years of being a lifeguard, I’ve developed a completely irrational fear of being underwater. In the water doesn’t bother me, but ask me to hold my breath? Not a chance.

And a fun trivia fact about Michael? Totally and completely afraid of sharks. For all our love of travelling, there is no way you’ll find him surfing off the coast of Cape Town. Nope, no way!

See you tomorrow!

The First Step is the Hardest

January 25, 2012

When I was making lots of new year’s resolutions a few weeks ago (all most going well, by the way!), I didn’t mention the running. On the day after Christmas, St. Stephen’s Day in Ireland – a day reserved for doing absolutely zippo, my sister-in-law (Miss Angie) and I decided to train for a race.

We picked an 8k in late March, just down the road from us. We figured late March would give us plenty of time to get in gear before running alongside a bunch of way-fitter people. And we even decided this race would be perfect because it starts at the very civilized hour of 11am. No rolling out of bed at 6am and lining up with the masses before the sun fully comes up. Perfect for us amateurs.

Then we found a twelve week program and made ourselves a calendar. With lots of different colors. Nearly four weeks in, we’re both still trucking away – and even ran 5 miles around Edinburgh on that mini-vacation!

That’s not to say it’s been easy to get out the door every time there’s a run scheduled. I have a terrible habit of getting dressed to go running, and then procrastinating for about 3 hours before actually getting out the door. Admittedly, it is a miserable habit. And what makes it worse? Michael asking, “Didn’t you say you were going for a run tonight?” about every five minutes. To which I reply, “Yes, yes, but I’m getting mentally prepared!” or “I’m waiting for the rain to stop/wind to die down/pigs to fly!”

It goes on like that for hours some nights. Not a fabulous use of my time. So lately, I’ve been trying to remember these two things:

{Both images from pinterest, with no sources. Grrrr. If they’re yours, let me know and I’ll give you all the credit in the world for getting me off my butt!}

So far, my two new mantras have been helping a little. A little. As in, last night I left for my run at 9:15pm. So, maybe it works better some days than others.

Alright, here’s my plea for inspiration. Anything get you off your buns and out the door for exercise? Anyone do exactly what I do and procrastinate for hours? I’d love to hear I’m not the only one – especially since I’m sure my sister-in-law isn’t having this much trouble!

This Weekend in Dublin: TradFest

January 24, 2012

If you’re in Dublin this weekend, guess what’s on? TradFest! Set across lots of venues and stages in Temple Bar, it’s a big old festival of traditional music.

There are lots of free events, and lots of events you’ll need tickets for. And there’s even a drop-in craft class!

See the full schedule here.

Images from TradFest 2011.