On My Plants and More Plants

February 27, 2012

Happy Monday, friends! Did you have a nice weekend? We finally saw the sun, and we also took a quick trip to Galway for Mike’s last away basketball game of the season and I’m so relieved!

It’s grey and rainy in Dublin this morning and I’m working on a few projects I’m hoping to share with you later in the week. They’re both very sweet, one literally and one figuratively! I thought I’d take a quick break from my projects to talk about plants for a minute.

When we took down our Christmas tree in January this year, I realized how much I liked having something green in our living room. With that in mind, I have added and subsequently tortured, basil and cilantro plants. Michael brought me a spiky red plant a month ago which seems to be surviving, and although my paperwhite flowers have gone by, their leaves are still three feet tall and seem to be fairly happy.

But while the living room is a little greener, these plants are forcing me to act like a helicopter parent. Whenever I’m in the living room, I’m wondering and worrying if they have enough water or too much water?

I’ve decided what I really need is an air plant. Did you even know these exist? I spotted them a few weeks ago over on The Marion House Book and couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of them before! It could have something to do with them not being at all indigenous to Ireland, but still.

{Images of Emma’s air plants in her beautiful house. If you haven’t yet seen her blog, it’s well worth a visit! She has the kind of serene-but-lived-in home I just love.}

Aren’t they equally cool and creepy? According to Wikipedia, they gather nutrients and moisture from the air, from decaying plants, dust and insect matter, all stuff I’d be happy to have out of my air! And bonus points that they can apparently live on driftwood. You know how I feel about driftwood.

I’m not sure if I can get air plants in Ireland or if I’ll have to smuggle them back from America. Do you have air plants? In Ireland or elsewhere? I’d love to hear your experiences with them. Are they as easy as they seem?

Friday Links

February 24, 2012

{Just two images I pinned to my Pinterest boards – Gap jeans and cute purple shoes and a fab tutorial from Jenny at Little Green Notebook!}

I have a bad habit. At any given time, I probably have at least ten tabs open on my browser. Sometimes I have two windows with ten tabs open on each. When I read something interesting or worthy of remembering, I have a hard time closing the tab. I want to keep it in case I need it again, or in case I want to share it with someone.

Or everyone. My close friends could probably tell you that I’m forever telling them about this article they should read or that video they should watch. So this week, instead of inundating my friends with suggestions, I’m going to inundate you.

Here’s a collection of the tabs I had a hard time closing this week.

A recipe for customizable chocolate cookies.

The top 50 most innovative companies. Check out Southern New Hampshire University at number 12. Mainers, who knew?!

Hooray for Kindness is a fundraising initiative started by the Wedding Chicks to help stop bullying. Heart-warming.

A Where the Wild Things Are baby shower. Check out the tree!

I posted about romance on Grafton Street earlier in the week and it turns out so many people in my life know the piano man! What a small world! Here’s a video of his beautiful music from the street!

If I had kids, they’d be at The Ark in Temple Bar all the time. They had a workshop on beat-boxing!

I’m taking this walking tour. Anyone else want in? Last time they had a letterpress demo and a coffee chat!

If you’re traveling to Ireland anytime soon, I think this boutique camping (with yurts!) sounds amazing.

And for a little weekend learning – top grammar mistakes we didn’t even know we were making. We’re not talking your and you’re here.

I’ve also started actively adding more images that I want to save to my Pinterest boards. Come check them out!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you Monday!

Back to Baking

February 23, 2012

A few weeks ago, a friend pointed out that I hadn’t been posting many recipes. She’s right! I haven’t been spending much time baking, mostly because I’m trying to get back in shape after the winter and I find if I bake something, chances are good I’m going to end up eating it. All of it.

But these meringues from the Wedding Chicks look so light and airy, they might make it into my kitchen this weekend. Meringues often make me nervous, but I think they’re deceptively simple.  I think the key is to avoid a recipe that involves piping, and these recipes involve zero piping. I am not interested in piping. Mostly because I’m terrible at it, and also because it means more things to wash afterwards. These recipes seem to stand on imperfections, which is just my kind of style!

I’m hoping to have my own little meringue tutorial to share next week! Fingers crossed!

Berry Meringue and Ombre Meringue Parfaits from the Wedding Chicks.


Tweets from WWII

February 22, 2012

When I first read about this project earlier this year, I was so moved by it that I tore out the pages from the Sunday Times magazine and saved them. I found the combination of past and present so compelling – I love when new forms of technology are used to preserve history.

Chris Ayres noticed each entry in his late grandfather’s war journal was about the same length as a Twitter status update, so he opened a Twitter account to post the entries and honor his grandfather’s experience.

But not only is Ayres’ honoring his grandfather’s service, he’s also sharing a really incredible story. Ayres’ grandfather, British Private Ross Taylor, was captured as a prisoner of war and kept in work camps until he finally escaped five years later in a stolen, wood-burning truck with flat tires.

Two weeks after he was reunited with his girlfriend, Flo, who waited for him for all that time, they married and were together for 64 years.

Ayres didn’t get a chance to hear his grandfather tell the stories in his journal first hand, instead only fully began to understand his grandfather’s history after he had died. Many of us have grandfathers who fought in wars but never kept journals and aren’t eager to speak about those years.

In our world of over-sharing and constant status updates, I find our grandparents’ lives as soldiers utterly mysterious. Every so often, I get snippets of what my grandfather’s life was like in World War II, but there’s so much I’ll never know. He comes from a generation that couldn’t or didn’t need to pour out feelings and opinions at every turn. Stories could be kept and just never ever told.

I get goosebumps knowing that there are stories around the world that will never be spoken or heard. I know there are countless stories of bravery and courage, and probably stories of vulnerability and loneliness so deep that nothing I ever feel will quite compare.

When you stop and think about those untold stories, it’s just a little eerie. Are there stories only you will ever know? I have a few but maybe I’ll wait and share them with my grandchildren so they think I have grand secret stories!

Me, Elsewhere: My Life as a Blog on Blogstar

February 22, 2012

Yesterday Sarah from Blogstar posted what I wrote about my life as a blogger here in Dublin, and how writing my blog allowed me to feel at home here. I’ve talked a little bit about how hard it was for me to move to Dublin here on From China Village, but this really sums it up.

Thanks for reading! 

Romance on Grafton Street

February 21, 2012

Strolling up Grafton Street in the chilly wind last weekend, it occurred to me that you could make a pretty romantic date out of this common Dublin tourist destination.

First, check out the buskers. Buskers are the street musicians and Grafton Street is one of the most popular spots for street music.

I’d never seen this piano-playing guy before and he made my day. He was playing and grinning, surrounded by all these people who were grinning too. It was so nice! I’m not sure how he got his piano onto the street, but I hope he had a friend with a van.

FCV Edit: My friend Kate saw my post and said she went to school with the mystery piano man and his name is Luke Slott. Thanks, Kate!

{I’m pretty sure he also has a leprechaun on his keyboard. Can’t beat that.}

Next, stop into Butler’s Chocolate Cafe for one of their yummy hot chocolates. Butler’s is an Irish chain of coffee and chocolate shops and they make their hot chocolate by mixing hot milk with gooey chocolate fudge sauce and topping it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. They also serve each drink with a complimentary chocolate. Because you need more chocolate with your hot chocolate.

{Would you check out the line all the way out the door?! I’m not the only one who needed a little chocolate fix.}

I usually toss the chocolate in my bag and remember it a few days later. It’s the perfect surprise treat!

And finally, I’d say it would be pretty romantic to hop in this guy’s horse and carriage ride at the top of Grafton Street. He was a little crochety and his paddy hat was perfect. I bet he could tell you some great tidbits about the city as well!

Now that would be one romantic date and a great way to enjoy Dublin!

Bits of My Weekend and a Winner!

February 20, 2012

Happy Monday! Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was productive but rejuvenating. These few days off have been busy, but full of visits with friends, great chats and a ton of walking.

On Saturday afternoon, I met my friend Sebastian in the City Centre to take photos for a project I’m working on. Sebastian is my go-to for all photography questions. He works at Nikon in their professional customer care department. Obviously, he knows tons and he’s also a great photographer. He took these photos and helped me take these too. Good thing he doesn’t seem to mind that I’m forever asking him for photography favors!

While I wasn’t paying attention, Sebastian snapped a few photos of me playing photographer.

Tomorrow I should have a few of those photos to share with you!

We needed a winner for the Little Hill Designs cheese board, so I picked one using random.org. And the winner is: Kay Reinhart! Kay, please email me your address and I’ll put it in the mail! Thanks to you all for entering!

Friday Photo Walk

February 17, 2012

I left Michael snoozing in bed this morning and took myself on a photo walk. Early spring is so short and I wanted to capture a few of the first blossoms. And yes, it’s spring already in Dublin. It’s a trade-off, no hot summer but at least winter is mild and spring is early!

You have until midnight tonight (Dublin time) to enter the Little Hill Designs giveaway and I’ll be announcing the winner tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend!

Travel Plans: Berlin Style

February 16, 2012

Over the next few months, things start to get a little nutty around here. I’ll spare you the dates, but it starts at the end of March and goes something like this: parents visit,  Easter in Limerick (don’t ask, I blame basketball), sister visits, trip somewhere with my sister, long weekend in Spain, long weekend in Berlin, five weeks in America.

And by the first of July, I’ll be back in Dublin and will probably need until Christmas to recuperate. Ha! But all that to say I took a peek online at apartments to rent in Berlin today and was struck by the spare, white-washed style.

Would you check out that wall in the last image? I never thought so much concrete and cement could seem a bit cozy but with the light streaming in and the various textures, it doesn’t look too harsh.

I don’t think I’d have the discipline to live in apartments like these, but I’d love to try it out for a few days.

I’m not yet at the point of actually figuring out where I’m going to stay, but if any of these are in the vicinity of the conference I’ll be attending, sign me up.

I collected a few of my favorite tips for staying in rental apartment here. I think staying in an apartment is a great way to really experience living in that place like a local. Have you ever stayed in an apartment while traveling? And have you ever been to Berlin? I’d love tips for a little sightseeing while I’m there! 

{Click on the images to see the full apartments}