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  • Alex’s Dublin Charity Shop Tour

    I have such a treat to share with you today. Alex (from yesterday’s awesome post about our visit to the Merchant’s Market in East Wall, Dublin) has put together a charity shop tour of…

    October 1, 2013
  • Happy Friday and Autumn in Dublin

    Happy Friday, friends! I’ve had a whirlwind week. My mom was here until Wednesday morning, and once she left the house was quiet and lonely and there was lots of work to catch up…

    September 27, 2013
  • Me, Elsewhere: Moving to Dublin on InterNations

    I was asked to answer a few questions about my move to Ireland on a site called InterNations. The site was new to me, but as it turns out, it’s a fantastic resource for…

    September 26, 2013
  • A Dublin Bay Cruise / From Howth to Dun Laoghaire

    This morning I got up early to drop my mom to the airport. She’s been visiting since Friday, which was much too short a visit, although I think I might have worn her out…

    September 25, 2013
  • Dublin Now Video with LikeWhere

    I’ve been working with the travel start-up site LikeWhere for the last few months. They’re based in Dublin, have a killer concept, and a site that is such a pleasure to look at. You plug…

    September 24, 2013
  • Poetry at Dublin’s Garden of Remembrance

    I was giving one of my Vayable walking tours last week, and we headed up to the top of Parnell Square. Right after checking out the fruit and veg on Moore Street, and right…

    September 23, 2013
  • Styled in Ireland / A Night Out in Dublin

    Hey friends, it’s time for another installment of Styled in Ireland. This time, we’re exploring what to wear for a night out in Dublin city – whether that’s dinner and drinks with a few…

    June 26, 2013
  • Our Dublin Home in Ikea Live Magazine

    A few months ago, the kind folks from Ikea Live magazine reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to share a few photos from our little Dublin home with their…

    June 25, 2013