Friday Finds and Four Sweet Things

August 3, 2012

This week has gone by in a blur, just like usual! I’ve been running around trying to get a few projects ready for this weekend – I can’t wait to share one of them with you next week! Here’s just a sneak peek – a visit to the fabulous Project 51, and a meeting about make-up!

And then in news completely unrelated to projects, really, the lovely packaging from Glenilen Farm just makes me want to scoop up all of their pretty products. And Hot Press‘s Best of Dublin was stolen from me quite quickly by a curious husband.

What do you all have planned for the weekend? Anything nice? Here are a few inspiring links to get the weekend off on the right foot!

S’mores ice cream cake.

Still smitten with elopements.

Pretty sugar decorations.

Banana whoopie pies.

The rundown on €20 B&B’s.

Family baked bean recipe.

And finally, my sister-in-law modelling for her sister’s new clothing design company! Aren’t they cool?! And isn’t she fit?!

DIY: Hutch Makeover

August 1, 2012

This is instalment number 823495 of cute things I’m jealous of in my sister’s house. Don’t you love the transformation? It’s so fresh and cheery!

A few coats of green paint, new knobs from Anthropologie, and wallpaper to line the back of the shelves. Now she has pretty storage for all of her beautiful dishes and glasses. And she did it all by herself – the only casualty was green paint-covered feet!

Me, Elsewhere: The Informal Florist on Poppytalk

July 31, 2012

Today I’m so excited to be sharing another Dispatch from Dublin over on Poppytalk. This time, it’s all about flowers with the Informal Florist! It even has a great tutorial for a flat arrangement inspired by an Irish hedgerow!

I’ll be sharing a few more behind the scenes photos from my visit with Claire in the coming days, including our visit to the Smithfield Flower Market.

And special thanks to the talented Julie Matkin for taking such stunning photos!

One Day in Dublin

July 31, 2012

Welcome! Today is the first in what will be a series of posts exploring Dublin – perfect for both visitors and locals – and all on foot! (Although if you wanted to hop on a Dublin bike, I’ve got tips for that here!) My friend Naomi joined me for the day and was great company along the way. So off we go!

11:25 // We arrived in the city centre on the Dart and decided we needed a little caffeine and food before we started exploring. What better place to start than a cute cafe. We walked from the Pearce Dart station to KC Peaches on Nassau Street.

Our theory for the day was to eat a little less than we normally would, but to eat a little more often – that way we were able to try more! We decided to split a quiche and a selection of their delicious salads, and then try a few sweets with our tea and coffee. The lovely girl behind the counter named off every one of the treats so we could decide – and there were about 30! We chose their basic tea cake and shortbread. All were delicious – the ham and cheese quiche had their own roasted ham, and the tea cake and shortbread were perfect with our caffeine!

12:15 // Properly caffeinated, we headed down the road to catch a lecture at the National Gallery of Art. They have a daily schedule of free tours and lectures, so we caught Aspects of Irish Art with Katie. It was short and sweet – twenty minutes covered about six paintings and I left feeling like I had learned a bunch about Irish art in just a short time.

1:00 // On our way into the gallery, we noticed a new shop across the street called MakeShop. And who wouldn’t be drawn in by a name like that?!Turns out it’s an extension of the Trinity Science Gallery (more on that in a minute) where you can spend 15-30 minutes doing a workshop that teaches you how to make something science-y. I made a robot to learn about circuits, and Naomi soldered a pin with a little LED light. We were very proud of ourselves!

1:30 // Since we were feeling so science-y, we walked around the corner to the Trinity Science Gallery. Neither of us had been before so when we walked in, we weren’t quite sure what was going on. The exhibits change fairly often, and there were about 10 different exhibits. We must have looked a little baffled because one of the staff came over and offered to tell us a about one of the exhibits. Our new friend, Barry, was then commandeered to tell us about the entire exhibit. He knew lots about each exhibit and even told us about the different artists who created them.

At the risk of totally mortifying Barry, here he is explaining an odd exhibit that involved preventing credit cards from being hacked using special underwear. Sorry Barry!

2:00 // A quick walk past the artists displaying their work on Merrion Square (every Saturday and Sunday!) and over to the Natural History Museum, otherwise known as the Dead Zoo. We took a short stroll through the small museum (only two large rooms, one up, one down) to see all the stuffed (real!) animals. I can’t imagine what it would be like to see as a child since I get such a kick out of it as an adult!

2:20 // A sunny stroll through St. Stephen’s Green. We loved seeing a group of women in fancy hats having a little picnic tea party in one of the gazebos! What a great idea!

2:30 // A peek inside a new fabric store at the top of Grafton Street – the Cloth Shop. It’s lovely inside and has a great range of pretty oil cloths, among lots of other fabric. I just loved their logo stencilled on the wall!

2:40 // Another little browse through A. Rubanesque, a gorgeous shop in Powerscourt Centre filled with ribbons, buttons and generally gorgeous bits. Working in one of these beautiful shops would be so fun and cheery!

3:00 // After visiting a few more shops in Powerscourt (I’ll share in depth about a few of them in the next few weeks), we strolled up George’s Street for a late lunch and a little more sugar. Despite the occasional rain, the street was bustling.

3:30 // The Cake Cafe. If you live in Dublin and you haven’t been, you need to go. If you’re just visiting, you also need to go. Walking up Camden Street, you look for a shop with a bright orange awning called Daintree. Daintree sells pretty paper goods and wedding invitations. After browsing through the colored papers, you walk straight through Daintree and out the back door to the courtyard. Set back through bamboo leaves is the Cake Cafe. If it’s nice weather, you can sit outside in the arty courtyard, or you can cozy up inside. The weather when we were there couldn’t make up its mind, so we took a spot by the window inside – great for people watching and weather watching!

We split a sandwich on their delicious homemade bread – goat cheese, cranberry relish, baby rocket greens and roasted hazelnuts. It was divine.

And of course, we couldn’t leave the Cake Cafe without a slice of their freshly baked cake. We shared the carrot cake; I enjoyed mine with a chai latte (sometimes hard to find in Dublin!) and Naomi sipped her way through a huge pot of tea.

And since it kept raining off and on, we just kept sipping and people watching for another hour!

So there you have it! A day of exploring Dublin, eating lots of sweet treats, exploring pretty shops and even learning a little!

One Day in Dublin is a series of posts detailing a day of exploration in Dublin. If you have suggestions for places to explore in Dublin, please send me an email at! 

In the Name of Research // New Series

July 30, 2012

Good morning! Happy Monday! I had a busy weekend filled with lots and lots of exploring and researching. And some relaxing with friends and family. Oh, and a nap yesterday that was completely necessary but overall a bad idea since I couldn’t manage to fall asleep until 2 last night. But it’s sunny this morning, so I’m hoping that gets me through the day!

Tomorrow I’m starting a new series on FCV called One Day in Dublin. One Day in Dublin is going to be a great resource for exploring the city – for both visitors and locals. An extension of my Design*Sponge City Guide, this series is going to be a collection of tips for what to do, what to see, where to eat – and all packed into one day.

Visiting Dublin? Here’s where to start. Living in Dublin and want to explore a few new spots? Here’s where to start.

I’ll be back tomorrow with our first One Day in Dublin. Until then, have a beautiful Monday!

Friday Finds and Four Fun Things

July 27, 2012

Lately, weeks have been flying by in a blur of projects, activities, meetings and workdays. I thought instead of my usual wow-it’s-friday-here’s-some-links post, I’d share a little of my week. I’m a sporadic Instagram user, but you can keep up with the fun of my week that way as well (I’m @emilyholmes!). In fact, if you follow me, that would be so great because then I can follow you and have lots more fun in my Instagram!

So this week, four fun things. And then the links. Because if I didn’t share them, I might spontaneously combust!

I had a great meeting with Claire of the Informal Florist, and she inspired me to take a shot at my own arrangement. It’s not nearly as elegant, but it made me smile! Until it started disintegrating and now I need to vacuum, desperately.

I met up with my extra-talented friend Ursula and we worked on a project inspired by my parents’ China Village house. You’ll get to see it soon!

Slow Food Dublin Prize

Michael and I joined some friends at the Slow Food Dublin food quiz during the week. Table quizzes are usually my least favorite activity – I always leave feeling like I couldn’t answer a single question! And as the American, I’m always expected to know the American questions and when I don’t I feel like a bad American. All that to say this was a much better experience – the questions were all about food! And there was a tasting round! And I won a prize! That never happens to me!

Hibernian Gallery Dublin

We joined my in-laws at the Royal Hibernian Gallery for a stroll around, and then hit up Pablo Picante for burritos. The gallery was a showing a selection of works from local artists and the range of different artwork was so interesting! And the burritos were absolutely delish.

And now, links for your weekend. Have a fabulous weekend!

DIY Sharpie dinnerware.

10 great photo editing apps.

Gooseberry jam donuts.


The average cost of getting married. Wowza!

500 free online courses.

Dublin’s Georgian Doors Accessorized?

July 26, 2012

I came across something odd today on my walk from the office into the city centre.

I saw a whole handful of the iconic Dublin doors covered with these stripey cloths. Like a pretty summer outfit for the doors? Are we protecting the doors form fading in the (not very prevalent) sunshine? Are we accessorizing?

I’m baffled but find the stripey cheerfulness totally charming.

Can anyone explain?

Dublin Botanic Gardens

July 25, 2012

Over the weekend, I took a trip to the Botanic Gardens over the weekend with my friend Julie. We were working out some logistics for a new project we’ve got cooking – lots to share in just a couple weeks! Julie is a magical photographer and snapped these few photos while we were there.

Julie’s a regular at the Botanic Gardens, but I had never been. It is amazing! Greenhouse after greenhouse, and sprawling gardens perfect for a Saturday afternoon wander. It’s free but only open regular business hours and weekends, so you’ll have to get there during the daytime.

Oddly enough, I had been to the iconic pub, Gravediggers, around the corner. Can you tell I’ve got a boy as my tour guide?! But since I’m making recommendations, do make sure to visit both! Grab a cake from the garden cafe and wander through the greenhouses. Then stop into Gravediggers for a pint – they’ve been serving them since 1833!

The Neighborhood Milk Man

July 24, 2012

Did you know Ireland still has milk men? We have one in our neighborhood. It’s one of my favorite things about living here.

When I first spotted the milk man in our neighborhood, it was winter time and I was out for a walk. It was quite dark and getting late in the evening. I saw this truck loitering on our block, and a dark character running from house to house. I imagined it was an elaborate robbery scheme and started walking very quickly home. (I’ve been known to watch way too much Law & Order!)

But when I got close, I realized the side of the truck was open and scattered with loose milk cartons. A milk man! It was so mysterious creeping around in the dark. Now that it’s summer and the sun stays out very late, I was able to catch a few photos in the daylight.

There’s a man who drives the truck, and then a teenage boy who runs back and forth from the truck to the customers’ front porches. I suppose I could have asked the milk kid to pose for a photo, but I think I prefer the mystery of him running up and down our street like a flash! I wonder if the milk kid is a track star?!

Neighborhood Little Free Library

July 23, 2012

This is new in my neighborhood. A little free library!

My friend Katie sent me an email about little free libraries a few weeks ago. There are tons across America, but only one or two in Ireland. I was so surprised to see this one in my neighborhood last week. I love the little windows on the side and the fact that it matches the house perfectly!

Just something happy for your Monday!