2 // One Day in Dublin

August 20, 2012

I’m back with another installment of One Day in Dublin. This time, Michael joined me for a little zip around the city. We nabbed a tiny parking spot and Michael managed to squeeze our car into it. I held my breath and tried not to back-seat-drive. Dublin parking is almost worse than Dublin driving – terrifying!

Our first stop was the National Museum of Archaeology on Kildare Street. We were on a mission to see the bog men, human remains mummified in the peat bogs. Michael had seen them when he was a child, but this was my first time.

I think I might have been too impressed with the building’s architecture to focus on the exhibits. The floor is covered in detailed mosaics, and the ceiling is just stunning. The bog men were interesting, but a lot flatter than I would have thought!

After our quick tour through the museum, we shifted gears and headed for the Royal Hibernian Academy Gallery to see their annual exhibition. This exhibit is a huge collection from emerging as well as established artists around the country. We enjoyed it because it’s such a broad range of pieces in one enormous collection of contemporary Irish art.

We finished at the gallery just in time to catch the lunchtime concert at the National Concert Hall. For just ten euro, you get a lovely lunchtime concert in the beautiful National Concert Hall. You could add another five euro for a sandwich and a coffee, but we had another plan for lunch!

After the concert, we wandered through the Iveagh Gardens, a little known park just around the corner from Stephen’s Green. The Iveagh Gardens (pronounced Ivy) had their annual play in the park going on at the time, so all these people were relaxing on the lawn, listening to a performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

{Stephen’s Green gets points for having this statue of Robert Emmet – my grandfather and father were named for him!}

Because the two are so close to each other, we decided to stroll through Stephen’s Green and compare the vibe in the two parks. The Iveagh Gardens are quieter and calmer. Stephen’s Green is always buzzing with tourists and the Iveagh Gardens seemed to be mostly locals. It’s a great spot if you’re looking for a little peace and quiet from the city!

After all that strolling, we were hungry! We stopped at the ever-colorful Little Ass Burrito Bar on Dawson Street. Their planters were so cheery! Burritos joints are absolutely everywhere in Dublin at the moment and it’s been fun to try them all out, one by one!

As we strolled back toward our car, we passed the Mansion House, where Dublin’s Lord Mayor resides. We’re hoping to try Fire restaurant, which is attached to the Mansion House – apparently the Lord Mayor gets to eat there whenever he likes.

Last but not least, Michael insisted we stop in the Celtic Whiskey Shop for a little browsing. We loved spotting Maine’s Cold River Vodka on the shelf! They have lots of little bottles of Irish whiskey – just small enough to fit in your carry-on. And I now have a few great birthday gift ideas for my lovely husband!

Summer Swim

August 15, 2012

Michael got it in his head a few weeks ago that he wanted a beach day. He keeps talking about this day where we all trek down to the deserted end of the beach with snacks and games to last us all day. In this dream of his, I think he also envisions it being warm, which is why no one has taken him up on his idea for a day-long outing yet.

But last night the sun was out, so Michael decided we should have a mini version. I got so caught up in his excitement I even put my bathing suit on! And then I put on three layers, including a sweatshirt.

I should have brought mittens. I was absolutely frozen – and I was sitting dry on the sand!

Michael and my sister-in-law, Angie, stripped down and ran in. There were a few other people playing in the water, but they were all kids. There were tons of people on the beach – but they were either running or bundled up and walking.

There were so many sail boats cruising by from Malahide to Howth, and they all got so close to the shore! It was great entertainment for the spectators.

Mike and Angie were joined by both of Michael’s parents – and they all splashed for a good 20 minutes. Troopers! (Or as my own water-wimp mother would say, no brain, no pain!)

Then they ran out and we met them with towels…

And tea! Nothing better to warm up from the freezing Irish Sea and the wild Irish wind than a nice cup of tea.

Styled in Ireland // Summer

August 14, 2012

Tips for Travellers

For this Styled in Ireland post, I wanted to give a few tips for what to wear in Ireland in the summertime. On my first visit to Dublin five years ago, I packed shorts, skirts and sandals. Thankfully, I also packed jeans and a jacket. I was warm-ish a few times, but I was chilly most of the time! You just can’t depend on the Irish summer weather to be warm. Or dry, for that matter.

So whenever I get questions about what to wear on a visit to Dublin in the summer, I always suggest playing it safe with this combination: pants + light top + layers.  And you’ll need to be prepared for the rain as well as the sun; always pack an umbrella and sunglasses. You may even find yourself wearing both at the same time!

And lastly, wedges can be a lifesaver with all the cobblestone streets in Dublin. I’d choose them over regular heels any day! Well, first I’d choose flats for exploring the city, but if you’re trying to get fancy, wedges are your best bet.

Highlight // Irish Designer

Eily O’Connell’s jewellery works perfectly with this ensemble. She makes direct casts from natural objects, giving the pieces this cool, tough edge. At first glance, her work is pretty, but each piece makes you look twice to see what it is. She shares photos from her process on her website. I love that she just goes outside looking for cool things, and then makes beautiful jewellery from them!

Sponsor // Project 51

I was hugely grateful to Project 51 for sponsoring the first instalment of Styled in Ireland. Project 51 is a great Dublin boutique that features the work of over 30 Irish designers, both clothing and accessories. They also have studio space used by several of their designers, and a space they use as a gallery and for occasional classes.

Polka dot top: Zara / Cropped trousers: Zara / Blazer : H&M / Wedges: Penny’s / Sunglasses: H&M / Umbrella: United Colours of Benetton / Hair and makeup: Kristin Labanauskas / Photography: Julie Matkin, Half a Dream Away / Styling: Emily Westbrooks

New Series // Styled in Ireland

August 13, 2012

Good morning, everyone! Happy Monday! I’m so excited to be sharing about a new series I’ll be starting tomorrow on FCV. The new series, Styled in Ireland, has a couple of purposes. First, it’s designed to explain to my American readers some tips for what to wear when they visit Ireland. I get a ton of emails from readers planning trips to Ireland asking what’s appropriate to wear or how warmly to dress. This should give visitors great tips for what to pack. And for my Irish readers, you’ll get the chance to weigh in with your tips as well!

Second, the new series is an opportunity to highlight Irish designers. It’ll come as no surprise that I’m hugely passionate about publicizing the exciting design and craft work going on in this lovely island. So here’s another great avenue for that!

You’ll see Styled in Ireland posts about every three weeks (don’t worry, FCV isn’t turning into a fashion blog!), and they’ll focus on different designers and looks each time. And sometimes they’ll even involve looks for men as well! Well, if I can convince Michael to do a little modeling for me. Fingers crossed!

This whole project wouldn’t be possible without two key ingredients – Julie Matkin, the most talented photographer, and Kristin Labanauskas, who worked magic with my makeup and hair. If you’re getting married, you need these two! Thank you both!

Friday Finds and Three Great Things

August 11, 2012

Well, sometimes Friday Finds just have to wait until Saturday. The sun was shining yesterday and since we’ve been having such a dismal summer, sunshine trumps all.

The only other moment of sunshine this week was an evening walk on the beach with Michael. If only we were the folks on the horses instead of watching them!

From these photos, you’d think it’s sunny all the time. I love this ivy-covered building and snap photos of it whenever I walk by. And finally, I had a wonderful cup of coffee in Brioche on George’s Street this week. Perhaps the best coffee I’ve had in Dublin!

Our plans for the weekend are up in the air – all to be decided based on how much (or little) sunshine we end up with. Michael’s been scheming for a beach day (not the sun bathing kind, just the lounging around kind) and he just might get it!

In other news this week, I was so thrilled to be asked by the lovely girls at Handsome and Pretty to do a little interview. They had some really tough and thought-provoking questions!

And a few lovely links.

This tart looks light and delicious.

Very clever Irish fry breakfast salad.

Schlepping as exercise.

Stuffed succulents!

Do we have any cutting gardens in Ireland? I’ve never heard of them but I’d love to find one!

Have a happy weekend!


DIY Trends in Sister Magazine

August 8, 2012

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After speaking at The Hive in Berlin last spring, I was thrilled to work with two smart and fabulous German sisters on a feature for their online magazine. I wrote about trends in the DIY world and I’m excited to be able to share it with you today!

Sister Magazine is an online magazine created and published by two amazing sisters, Toni and Thea. They have come up with a fabulous concept – a magazine designed for women who are smart and savvy and interested lots of different subjects, from art and travel, to food and fashion. It’s such a great read!


Truly Irish // Smithfield Flower Market

August 7, 2012

When I met up with Claire a few weeks ago to talk about the Informal Florist and put together a cute hedgerow-inspired bouquet, we started at the Smithfield Flower Market.

We had a nice chat with Joe Duffy, who runs one of the oldest stalls in the flower market. Claire sources most of her flowers from him, and places orders ahead of time for weddings and other events.

It was so interesting to hear what the flower market used to be like – Joe’s grandfather once auctioned 100,000 Christmas trees at the market! Can you even believe that?! And people used to travel for miles around to sell their produce at the market.

The market used to be busier and filled with more bustling stalls. Now, on a Saturday morning, it was fairly quiet. But the building is still beautiful, and the old signage gives you a taste of what it used to be like in years past.

All photos by Julie Matkin of Half a Dream Away – more photos from our day over there!

Sweet Spot: Three Irish Jellies

August 6, 2012

Jelly isn’t really my thing. Faced with a decision between anything else and chocolate, I will always, always choose chocolate. That said, Irish jellies are downright fascinating. Here’s a little selection: jelly babies, wine gums and fruit pastilles. I mean, come on, we eat the babies? And wine-flavored sweets? And what the heck is a pastille?!

Turns out they’re all a lot more innocent than you’d think.  Well, except for the babies. I’m still not sure how I feel about biting off a crying baby’s head.

Wine gums don’t taste like wine. They’re just chewy, generically fruit flavored jellies. The jelly babies are similar in flavor but have a cornstarch coating and the insides are a little more gooey. And the fruit pastilles are little disks with a crystallized sugar coating – again, similar generic fruit flavor.

One major difference for Americans? Dark purple won’t taste like grape. They’re blackcurrant flavored, which is hard to describe but very Irish! It’s kind of sweet and purple-y tasting, if that makes any sense!

Do you have a favorite Irish jelly? How do you feel about eating baby candy?