Autumn Bucket List

September 17, 2012

Four years in Dublin and I’ve figured out a pattern: I get homesick when the seasons change. When a season starts to shift, I can’t help but remember the way Maine feels with its strong seasons. Ireland obviously has seasons, they just aren’t so pronounced or celebrated as they are in New England. This weekend, I came up with a little autumn bucket list to combat the homesickness.

I started pumping in the fall taste in the kitchen this weekend with a big (in fact, accidentally huge) batch of snickerdoodles. I used a recipe from The Kitchn that’s pretty quick and easy, but next time I’ll halve it. We’re inundated with snickerdoodles at the moment. But they’re cinnamon-y with a hint of nutmeg. Just the way to ease into autumn.

Now here’s the rest of my list:

  • go pretend apple picking (this involves finding an apple tree with a willing owner!)
  • make apple crumble with lots of butter
  • get pumpkins to decorate and carve
  • decorate the house with lots of candles, branches and leaves
  • kick through lots of leaf piles
  • bake something (or lots of somethings!) pumpkin-y
  • go for a walk in the woods
  • have a Thanksgiving!

For the first time in a few years, Michael and I are going back to Maine for Christmas. We’re really excited, but I’m a little bummed to be missing Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday (I was born on it!) and it’s hard to recreate Thanksgiving over here – even with lots of American friends! – because everyone has to work on that Thursday! But it’s happening and I’m already planning.

What about you all? Is it getting all autumn-y where you are? What’s on your list?

Friday Finds on a Sunday

September 16, 2012

Happy belated weekend, everyone! Friday just got away from me and here we are on Sunday evening and I’m just sitting down at the computer. I booked my first Vayable tour at the last minute for yesterday morning and it was so much fun! The rest of the weekend has been spent working on a few crafty projects I hope to be sharing in the next few weeks. I’m thrilled with how they turned out!

Did you all have a nice weekend? If you’re panicking about having to go back to work tomorrow, check out this little list of fun links!

First, did you know my dad is a writer? He wrote a lovely piece on the Maine Crime Writers site about what it’s like to be a crime writer with kids – like when your kids or their friends start reading your books! I loved reading it and I love being a crime writer’s kid – especially since I’m the one with a collaboration in the works!

Sweet *free* printable stationery!

These stamped swaddle blankets would make great baby shower gifts!

Yum! Quinoa and black bean chili.

Halloween is around the corner – don’t we all need a wire spider web for our doors?

Maine and more Maine making me homesick.

I love the idea of celebrating un-birthdays with people who live far away!

And finally, a chimpanzee tea party at the Dublin Zoo 40 years ago. It made me laugh out loud!

Have a lovely week!

p.s. Big (now belated) birthday shout-out to my little brother Charlie!

Need a Dublin Tour Guide?

September 13, 2012

After announcing my local craft classes last week, I was a little worried all my non-local readers might be a little jealous. Well, this one’s for you!

I’m now working with Vayable as a tour guide in this fair city. Vayable has such a cool concept – if you’re travelling, the best way to really get to know a city is with a local as your guide. Vayable is a little like AirBnb for tours – locals in come up with a tour they’d like to give in their city, and then they post that tour on Vayable. If you’re planning a trip to Ireland, you can search for Dublin and find my tour! But just like AirBnb vets apartment offerings, Vayable vets their tour guides so you know you can trust what you’re getting is going to meet a certain standard.

My Dublin tour is called Made in Dublin – which we all know is a topic I get so excited about! I love sharing the awesome things Dublin’s designers, crafters, makers, and bakers are doing with anyone who will listen. If that’s up your alley, get in touch!

Oh, and if you happen to be travelling to Paris, check out my friend Anne’s tour!

Sea Glass Sculptures

September 12, 2012

Oh man, you guys. If you come here often, you know love sea glass, so I think these sculptures by Jonathan Fuller are just so cool.

I think it’s so neat that his website includes a whole page about what sea glass is. And he says, “It’s a very addictive hobby driven by the chance of finding a piece which is rare and beautiful in colour.” Exactly how I feel! Although I told myself I couldn’t collect any more until I used mine up. I might have to make a mini-masterpiece a la Jonathan Fuller!

3 // One Day in Dublin

September 11, 2012

It’s another installment in the One Day in Dublin series! My friend Naomi, a One Day in Dublin veteran, and my sister-in-law Angie joined me for a really fun day in our city.

We started by having a light lunch at Foam Cafe on Strand Street on the north side of the city. It’s known for its wacky decor.

If we’re being really honest, this was my second trip to Foam Cafe and both times I’ve found the service to be iffy and on a Saturday at noon they had no bread (?). Luckily, the salad Angie and I shared was huge and delicious and gave us lots of energy for our adventure.

We headed off along the River Liffey and unexpectedly found St. Mary’s Abbey open. It’s located right outside my favorite art store, but it’s never been open when I’m there. For Heritage week, it was open on Saturday, but it’s usually open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10-5pm. The Abbey was founded in 1139 and only the chapter house and another room remain. We took a quick peek inside and loved the beautiful old arched windows.

Then we popped around the corner to KM Evans Art Supply store for a quick browse. It’s no Hobby Lobby, but it’s one of the only art supply options in Dublin. I was thrilled to find they now carry both fabric and porcelain paint!

Another ten steps down the road and we stopped into a little fruit and vegetable stand outside the larger Smithfield Fruit and Flower market. The big Smithfield market closes early on Saturday mornings and we had missed it, but this little hole in the wall shop had a great selection of Irish potatoes (I’m still blown away by how many varieties there are!) and spices. I stocked up on poppyseeds and fennel seeds since they were way cheaper than the grocery store.

The Smithfield market is worth a browse – it’s where Claire picked up some of her flowers for this post!

One of our plans for the day was to visit the National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks. By now, I’m sure you’ve realized I am a huge proponent of the National Museums here in Dublin. They’re free and there are so many of them! On my first One Day in Dublin, I visited my favorite, the National Gallery of Art, and during the second, Michael and I checked out the bog men in the National Museum that focuses on Archaeology.

This National Museum was originally an army barracks and the building is incredibly impressive. Since One Day in Dublin is really about getting a sample of the city, we decided to pick one exhibit to explore. We chose The Way We Wore exhibit, filled with information about clothes and fashion throughout Irish history. We all found it so interesting!

I thought this part of the exhibit was cute – a mirror to show what people wear today!

I was also excited to finally see the Tara Brooch in person after hearing lots about it. One of the artists who works out of the Irish Design Shop has done a modern version using anodized aluminum and it is so neat to see the original!

After the museum, we headed over to the Irish Museum of Modern Art only to find out it’s been closed for nearly a year and is still being renovated until the end of this year! Oops!

There is a smaller gallery open, but we opted to try out the Itsa Imma Cafe for a few treats instead. We picked up delicious chocolate cake and carrot cake and sat in the grass looking out at the beautiful gardens.

I can’t wait until the museum reopens so we can enjoy the inside, but the treats in the garden sun wasn’t a bad back up plan at all!

We were so smitten with the sunshine (we’re starved for it, obviously!) that we decided to head home and get a beach trip going! More about that here!

Guest Post: Indian Summer

September 10, 2012

Hello, friends! I have something new and fun for you on this rainy (at least in Dublin) Monday. Once a month, we’ll be getting a fun guest post from one of my favorite Irish bloggers, Kim of This is Alainn.  Alainn means beautiful in Irish, although don’t ask me to pronounce it! I butcher it every time! Kim writes all about beautiful Irish products, designs and artists. Right up our collective alley here at FCV, no? 

Kim’s first post for us is inspired by our recent summery weather here in Dublin. In true Irish style, it’s pouring today, but hopefully we still have a few nice days yet! Thanks, Kim!

Indian summer
Don’t pack away the last of the sunshine just yet –  here are some gorgeous Irish-made pieces inspired by our recent Indian summer – bold, bright and beautiful. Enjoy.

1. A la Provence / Filled with amazingly scented lavender from Provence, these linen bags will infuse bedrooms with the most delicious perfume.

€16.50 /

2. Mini Marrakech / Fiona Snow’s Moroccan light towers look gorgeous scattered around a room, and come in a selection of colours and sizes.

From €11 /

3. Bright Nights / Inspired by midsummer Mayo these super-snug mohair throws come in turquoise, petunia and flame orange.

€84 /

4. Ears to Summer / Intense pinks were definitely the hottest hue of the season – this pair of earrings is sure to look hot in fall, too.

€17.95 /

5. Flower Power / For a quick pop of colour in the home, The Irish Handmade Glass Company’s colourful glass vases work perfectly – Line them up for added wow.

€38 / available at

Closing Party
Surely there’s time for one last garden party? Fear not, this pretty cream lace plastic bunting is waterproof!

€16.50 /

Dark Photography by Anna Williams

September 6, 2012

Despite the fact that it is beautifully sunny in Dublin right now, I am loving these dark, moody photos. They’re from Anna Williams’ photography project, The Voracity. When Julie sent the link to her Williams’ work over the other day, I nearly fell over.

Which, in itself, is a really interesting project. It’s a photography and writing online magazine of sorts, that explores topics of consumption, hunger and beauty.

These images remind me of fall in New England. Aren’t they beautiful?

Evening Craft Classes – with Me!

September 5, 2012

It’s official! I’m teaching craft classes in my neighborhood this autumn! I’m beyond excited about the list of projects we’ll be tackling in the eight weeks. We’ll spend the first four weeks learning how to make stamps and stencils, making garlands and bunting, and painting on dishes. Then we’ll gear up for Christmas with four weeks of holiday crafts, gifts, decorations, wrapping paper and ornaments!

You’ll want to book soon, though, the spaces are limited to 15 people. We want to keep it cosy! Email me for more information.

Five Minute Spruced Up Flower Pot

September 4, 2012

These guys have been hanging out in my living room since before we went to America earlier this summer. It’s high time they got some air time on FCV.

These flower pots were cheap at Ikea but a little drab. Enter masking tape, paint and a brush.

I wrapped the pots in masking tape to create geometric shapes. I didn’t make them in a specific pattern but I did try to spread them evenly around the pots.

Then I painted two coats.

I waited for the paint to dry (I have a hard time with this part!) and peeled off the tape.

Voilà! Spruced up flower pots in mere minutes.

White Neon on White

September 3, 2012

{left unknown – help? // right}

White neon on white is my new favorite thing. It’s just so darn expensive! What do you think, can we DIY neon signs? Any ideas?

It might just have to wait until I make my millions! Happy Monday, friends!