Looking Back at 2012

January 2, 2013

After a month in Maine, I’m back in Dublin, jet lagged and slowly getting my house back in order. With all the traveling, I’ve been thinking a lot about last year, trying to sum it up in my head. It’s one of my favorite processes – getting a grip on the last year before diving into the next.

Ending 2012, I have a really great memory of the year. But the reality is that it wasn’t so rose-colored the whole way through. I actually spent most of the year in an internal (and very external) discussion and battle about whether to quit my job. Michael and I talked about it endlessly, my girlfriends and my family listened to me hem and haw day after day. For months.

At the start of 2012, I declared that by December 31st, I was going to be working for myself. I made plans and goals, and worked every weekend and evening to make it happen. But even though I knew in my gut it was what I wanted, it took a long time for it not to feel like a selfish decision. Leaving the stability of my day job felt like I was letting Michael down. And it felt like I was failing or giving up.

But when I finally decided to leave my day job, it felt like I could breath again. The space in my brain that had been reserved for hashing and re-hashing whether to leave was free again. I can finally listen and hear my friends and family again; I can focus now that the constant should-I-shouldn’t-I conversation wasn’t running nonstop in my head.

I haven’t cried (except for leaving my family in Maine and watching the coverage of the Sandy Hook tragedy) since November. Michael and I haven’t had more than a few minutes of arguments in two months. My heart is light and my brain feels calm.

One of the casualties of my career situation last year is that I stopped writing about myself and my life here on From China Village. There are a few reasons: I couldn’t write about my unhappiness about my job in a public forum, although that probably would have made my decision for me a lot earlier. This blog would have been a very boring place if even half of the posts reflected my inner frustration!

But mainly, this space was my refuge. It’s where I could channel all of my ideas, and share things that made me smile and gave me hope. It’s where I could picture what my life would look like when I could work for myself. I’m proud of so many of the posts I’ve put together here during the last year, but I know I’m also ready to put more of me back into the words. 

Now is the time of year when bloggers typically thank their readers for sticking around all year, but really and truly, thank you for reading all year. There were so many days when your comments cheered me up at exactly the right time. The emails I got throughout the year with questions about Dublin or suggestions of projects to check out were such welcome surprises. The friends I’ve made because of this website have been invaluable; the companies and organizations I’ve been able to start working with because of this space have given me freedom and confidence I hope I never take for granted.

And of course, without From China Village, I simply wouldn’t have even realized that this is what I want to spend my days doing. Because of your encouragement, I’ve realized writing and sharing are things I’m happiest doing.

I’m closing 2012 with a happy heart, grateful to be able to make a living from something I enjoy so much. Thank you for the enormous part you have played in this process. I want to wish you and your family a happy, healthy new year, filled with peace, blessings and light hearts. Here’s to 2013!

Merry and Happy

December 28, 2012

I had every intention of wishing you all a merry Christmas before the actual holiday, but the festivities just swept me right off the internet. So now I’d like to wish you a belated merry Christmas, a belated happy St. Stephen’s Day, and a very happy and healthy new year next week.

I’m spending a few more days with my family in Maine before heading back to Dublin this weekend. (Today we had snow and went sledding!) The regular From China Village schedule will resume on Tuesday! I’m looking forward to an exciting 2013, but in the meantime, enjoy your last few days of 2012!

DIY Christmas Ornaments Three Ways

December 19, 2012

I made three kinds of homemade ornaments this year. First, I dipped pinecones in white paint, let them dry, then added a little gold leaf to make them sparkle.

I always like to make a batch of cinnamon ornaments. I don’t think you can ever have enough cinnamon scent for your tree!

Finally, I spent a few evenings at the Trinity Arts Workshop ceramics class making these simple stars. I certainly wasn’t the most adventurous student in the class, but I really love the way these came out.

Mini Cinnamon Garland DIY

December 18, 2012

Today I’m sharing a little DIY cinnamon garland over on Umba Box. It’s really delicate but packs a big punch when it comes to the spicy cinnamon scent!

Umba Box is a monthly subscription service that sends surprise handmade gifts – a great last minute option for the hard to buy people in your life!

Christmas Tree Chopping

December 17, 2012

Over the weekend, I went with my parents to Nutkin Knoll Farm in Dixmont, Maine, to pick out a Christmas tree. We had such a nice time, although I forgot what 25 degrees really feels like. My fingers and nose were freezing!

We always try to chop down a tree in Ireland, but it was so nice to do it in Maine, with the sun shining and a little snow on the ground.

My dad and I came prepared with our L.L. Bean boots on. His are about 20 years older than mine!

At the farm, you’re sent out with a little saw and a tarp to drag your tree back with.

I did about four minutes of the dragging – it wasn’t heavy, it just had a mind of its own!

Down the tiniest incline, this tree wasn’t cooperating.

So I let my dad take over. Doesn’t the tree look pretty big? Once we got it home, we realized it’s tall but skinnier than we usually go for. Hopefully it will fit all of the ornaments!

The farm had a barn full of wreaths, hot apple cider and even maple cotton candy! Yum!

Is your tree up yet? All decorated? Skinny or chubby?

Friday Finds

December 14, 2012

Happy Friday, friends. I’ve just read the news about the horrific shooting in Connecticut and I’m so sad for all of the families and kids affected. I’m going to squeeze my family tight this weekend. Stay safe, friends.

And while you’re hunkered down at home (because I know that’s where we all feel like being right now), here are a few links to help you celebrate with your family.

I love this holiday shadowbox DIY.

A friend made this homemade Irish cream over the weekend – I declared it better than Bailey’s.

A lovely holiday wreath-making party.

The fastest way to spruce up holiday gift bags.

A sweet little printable calendar with a DIY twist.

Gorgeous and fast paper strip wreath DIY.

This book of handwritten recipes would make a sweet gift.

Cosy Cafe / Brother Hubbard

December 13, 2012

I thought it might be fun to highlight a lovely Dublin cafe every once in a while. At this time of the year, there’s nothing cosier than sitting in a warm cafe with a cup of hot chocolate. Brother Hubbard on Capel Street (pronounced with an a like caper, not chapel!) in Dublin is a perfect spot to take a break from the crowds while you’re out picking up some Christmas gifts!

The decor is simple, with wooden tables, light charcoal painted walls and high ceilings. Their hot chocolate is decadent – you’re presented with a pitcher of steamed chocolate milk to pour into a mug of chocolate ganache. It’s perfectly rich but not overly sweet.

The cinnamon and walnut scrolls are yeasty and flavorful – they’re a little like American cinnamon rolls but again, not quite as sweet. But my favorite part of the whole cafe has to be the little contraptions they’ve had custom made for their silverware, napkins and salt and pepper. They found the beautiful gold pepper grinders in Turkey and had the wooden blocks made to fit the rest of the bits. I love how they’ve repurposed the iconic black treacle tins – I might have to borrow that idea! If only I could get one of those blocks and a pretty gold pepper grinder too!

Brother Hubbard / 153 Capel St, Dublin 1 – a map!  Monday to Friday, 8 – 5.30; Saturdays 10-5

A Brunette with Bangs

December 13, 2012

Anyone recognize this girl?

Also known as Dear husband, here’s what your wife is looking like on the other side of the ocean. Surprise!


DIY Boutonniere for One Fab Day – Outtakes!

December 12, 2012

I’m sharing a really simple DIY boutonniere over on One Fab Day – using a rose, a holly leaf and a sprig of rosemary! Perfect for a winter wedding.

My brother was such a trooper to be my model for this project. In the post, they only ended up using shots of his neck, but here are a few of the outtakes!

I think he’s a few years away from a wedding, but he’s going to make such a dashing groom! Thanks, Charlie!