Baby Toes and Feet

February 13, 2013


reo toes reo bottle baby reo feet I took a few photos of this little guy for a friend yesterday. There’s something especially photogenic about baby feet and baby toes. And somehow, the grey, dull, depressing weather made for perfect light!

Lovable Links

February 12, 2013


There are some absolutely lovely Valentine’s ideas bopping around the web at the moment. Here are a few of my favorites!

DIY Chocolate heart wall from the Sweetest Occasion

Valentine’s for the birds from Reading My Tea Leaves

DIY Valentine Banner from Say Yes to Hoboken

Chocolate Stout Truffles from Edible Ireland

Valentine Desktop Wallpaper from Fellow Fellow

Pop Up Chocolate Shop from Snippet & Ink

Free Printable Valentine’s for Kids (or adults!) from On To Baby

Another Desktop Wallpaper from Breanna Rose

Irish Marriage Statistics from One Fab Day 

Bedroom Inspiration

February 11, 2013

Screen shot 2012-12-07 at 9.03.25 AM

Since this week is supposed to be all romantic and love-filled, let’s talk about my bedroom. If for no other reason than I noticed I have pinned a bajillion house photos in the last week or so, most specifically, bedroom photos.

This set of images I’ve pinned lately of bright, airy, spacious bedrooms is a direct reaction to the fact that our bedroom feels like it’s getting smaller by the minute, the walls closing in around me. We have about eight inches of space on one side of the bed (which is a full, not even a queen to share with my 6’4 dude!), and the other side backs up to a wardrobe. Every time I make the bed, I take my life into my hands, hopping over the bed to tuck in the sheets with a cat that thinks pouncing while bed making is a great game.

It’s starting to get to me, so I’ve opted for a new coping mechanism. Not necessarily the most productive coping mechanism, but hey, it’s dark and cold and the sun hasn’t been out since last week! Come on, March!


So here’s what I want in my dream home. Bright white, with space around the bed on three whole sides.
8a2f2ca0c173fc7cb43279a6aa3116f3 Megan-Mullally-hollywood-homes-ed0910-08-lgn How’s February going for you so far? I hope your week is off to a more romantic and less grumbly start than mine!

Bedroom 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


Sweet Stories of Dublin with Storymap

February 7, 2013

Screen shot 2013-02-06 at 19.02.20 I just spent the last hour watching videos on StoryMap. Have you heard of it? It’s a map of Dublin with little colorful polka dots. When you click on the dots, you get videos from people – locals or historians or tour guides – telling stories about Dublin from exactly that spot! There’s a whole range of story categories, from literary to funny to historic. They give you great little bits of trivia about different places around Dublin. They’re just fantastic!

StoryMap would be a fun way to explore the city – especially since there’s an app! Just search StoryMap in iTunes or Google Play to find it. It’s about 3 euro – imagine watching these little videos while standing in the spot where they were told!

Here are a few StoryMap stories to get you started:

Ireland’s Nazi Spy / Eighty Year Old Underwear / Murder at Trinity College

Rome Tips and Reader Comments

February 6, 2013

san luigi

I gave Michael a lot of credit for planning our trip to Rome, but I wanted to talk a little more about who gets the rest of the credit – you guys! When I asked for your tips for Rome, boy did you deliver. I thought it would be fun to add to this gelato tip by telling you a few more awesome reader tips we tried.

And of course, we hope to try the rest of your tips when we go back next time! We loved Rome and will definitely need a repeat visit!

Church San Luigi – Caravaggios (photo above)

The best thing to do is to wander into churches. They’re free, and have the best art. Definitely go to San Luigi dei Francesi, which is between Navona and the Pantheon. It has three of Caravaggio’s best known works in the back to the left of the altar. – Emily


Sandwiches at 200 

If you are near the Vatican and want to stop for something to eat, go to the Piazza Rinascimento next door and stop in at 200 (pronounced due cento gradi) for great sandwiches. – Emily

espresso and palmiers

No coffee with milk after 10:30

It is a faux-paux to order cappuccino after 10:30am. Something about the heavy milk on the stomach after breakfast, but that rule doesn’t apply for the pasta! – Lindsey

Il Papiro 

There is also a gorgeous ‘student shop’ by the Pantheon leather journals wax seals, embossing tools and leather satchels. – Riona

I’ll have more on the cute paper goods shop Il Papiro soon – I came back with a fun souvenir!

Five Chocolates You’ll Find in Ireland

February 5, 2013

We’ve talked about Irish jellies and biscuits already, so with Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought it would be a great time to talk about some of the chocolate bars you can find in shops in Ireland.

When you’re walking around the city centre, one of these bars would give you an extra boost – not necessarily nutritious, but certainly delicious. You can find any of these in convenience stores and they’d make great little gifts to give co-workers or kids when you return from your travels in Ireland.

dairy milk mint We’ll start with Cadbury, which most people have heard of. Well, make sure to check out the lesser known flavours – my favorite is Mint Crisp. In fact, mint is almost the only thing I’ll let you mix with my chocolate! Mint Crisp is just that – minty and crispy.

crunchie Crunchies are crispy honeycomb covered in chocolate. If you’re not coming to Ireland any time soon, you can try this recipe to make them yourself!

flake Personally, Flake doesn’t do it for me. But Michael loves them! And I do have a soft spot for them because they stick them into the traditional soft-serve ice cream cones here. They’re essentially Cadbury’s chocolate in a really flaky bar. Perhaps I’m not their biggest fan because of the mess they make when Michael eats them!

kit kat chunky Kit Kat Chunky is a great improvement on the regular old Kit Kat, in my opinion. They’re heartier – large like the size of a Snickers, with a thicker chocolate coating on the outside.

DSC_0002 copy Finally, Galaxy Minstrels. These are like M&M’s on steroids. Same crunchy coating, but the candy itself is about twice the size. They are especially perfect mixed with popcorn for munching at the movies.

There are, of course, so many more – this is only the the tip of the iceberg! Irish readers, what’s your go-to chocolate bar when you need a fix? 




My Fearless Navigator

February 4, 2013

I noticed a bunch of similar images in my photos from Rome – this guy, leading the way.

A photo montage tribute to my fearless navigator. I would be lost without this guy, literally and figuratively.

{This look is called hurry up, stop taking a million photos, we’re walking here!}

Google Maps on the iPhone was a lifesaver, or so I’m told.

Here he’s using Google Translate to learn how to order chocolate cake for yours truly. What a guy. Thanks, babe!

Friday Finds

February 1, 2013

{I preferred cappucino to espresso in Rome. This was the yummiest.}

Oh, what a week, friends. What. a. week. On Wednesday, for the first (and second) time in our three years in this house, I locked myself out of the house. Twice. Twice! Well, in fairness, the second time wasn’t my fault. But still. Ughhh.

But despite some unexpected hours away from my little home office at my dining room table, it was still a great week. Lots of progress made on lots of fun projects coming up. I think you’re going to like them!

This weekend, we’re going to sleep late, then knock out a few un-fun projects around the house that just need doing! Some days, being a grown-up is just not that glamorous. We’ve got shower-drain unclogging and garden shed organizing on the agenda. Hopefully there will also be some wine and cheese with friends and a birthday celebration for a brother-in-law!

Now, for some links to interesting tidbits around the web. Have a wonderful weekend!

One of my readers asked about contemporary Irish authors – here’s a really comprehensive list!

A story about a Russian family that was cut off from civilization for 40 years. It’s incredible and tragic.

A beautiful idea for a birdfeeder!

A pretty desktop wallpaper for Valentine’s Day.

An interview and some beautiful cakes from an Irish baker, photographed by an Irish food blogger.

Rome in a Million Photos // Part 2

January 31, 2013

It was bright this morning in Dublin, but it’s currently pelting down rain (and apparently golf ball sized hail in other parts of the city!). Solution? Sunny Rome photos!

These are mostly photos from our second day in Rome. We walked and wandered in the general direction of the Colosseum, past the Altare della Patria (otherwise known as the tomb of the unknown soldier) and the Roman Forum. Everything was just grand, as in the size and the intricacy, not the way the Irish use the word!

One of my favorite things about Rome were the square cobblestones. Cobblestones in Dublin are rectangular and less widespread. These cute little square ones were everywhere!

Of course, the Colosseum was huge. I was debating whether or not to visit it, but I’m so glad we did.

Just resting the feet! It’s a good thing I wore such sensible footwear or this would have happened much earlier!

I loved this wide street – it was closed to cars so we just strolled along in the sunshine!

And then Michael tried out one of the fountains like a local! These little fountains are all over Rome, and apparently the water is safe to drink. Just plug the bottom hole and the water spurts up!

Right before we headed for the airport, we stopped by the Trevi Fountain. It was mobbed! We should have taken the advice we were given – go in the early morning before the crowds descend. Nonetheless, it was beautiful in the fading light. A perfect ending to our wonderful trip!

Since we got back, I heard on the radio that Fendi is sponsoring the restoration of the Trevi Fountain – just like Tod’s has sponsored a 25 million dollar restoration of the Colosseum. Interesting mix of private brands and public institutions, huh?!

DIY Real Cork Board on One Fab Day

January 31, 2013

Anyone else feel like the only way to get through the dark and dreary nights of January is with a nice glass of wine, cozied up on the couch under a blanket? Well, now that the days are getting a little longer, you can put the winter’s wine cork collection to good use. I’m sharing a textural DIY cork board over on One Fab Day today. Pop over and check it out!