Art Classes to Take in Dublin

February 27, 2013
trinity arts workshop copy
{The Trinity Arts Workshop ceramic studio}

Last year, I wrote a post for Poppytalk about art classes in Dublin. I love classes, generally, but I’m also really fond of the idea of taking a class while you’re visiting as a way to create your own souvenir. Dublin’s a perfect place to do that because, unlike other places you might travel, everyone speaks English!

I thought it would be fun to do a little roundup of courses you could take whether you’re here visiting or live here like me!

Trinity Arts Workshop

This year, my sister-in-law and I tried out the Trinity Arts Workshop ceramic class and it was great. Angie tried her hand at the wheel, and I stuck to making Christmas ornaments. It’s so fun

Irish Design Shop

The Irish Design Shop runs two-day jewellery classes on weekends throughout the year. And for those of you thinking of getting married, you and your fiancee can even make your own wedding rings! How special would that be?

National Print Museum

The National Print museum runs printing workshops from their location in Beggars Bush. Their letterpress class is notoriously difficult to get into – it is popular! But some of their other classes are equally great.


The Makeshop is a little more about science and a little less about art, but who doesn’t love spending twenty minutes making stuff? When I stopped by, I learned how to complete a circuit. It was way more interesting than when I learned it in grade school!


And if you’re traveling (or living) with kids, here are a couple classes to check out to keep them inspired and occupied!

The Hugh Lane Gallery

The Hugh Lane Gallery runs Sunday Sketching workshops for kids seven and older. I’ve seen them in action – they look great and colorful!

The Ark

The Ark, located in Temple Bar, runs a series of music and theater workshops for kids of all ages.

Half-way Projects and Dublin Backsides

February 26, 2013

dublin street


{While I was searching for that elusive sporty image, I found this guy. The backside of Wicklow Street in Dublin. One of my favorite things about Dublin is the old store advertisements painted on the buildings.}


For the last hour, I’ve been searching for a photo that I am certain exists but I just can’t put my finger on it. It’s a really specific photo of the last gaelic football match I saw here in Dublin. It exists, I’m sure of it, and when I find it, then I’ll start writing this great post about all the fun sporty stuff you can do in Dublin. At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the last hour when the thought creeps in that I might just be procrastinating. Just a little. When the voice of reason pipes in and says just write the darn post, and worry about the photo later.

After two months of working from home, I’ve started to notice a pattern sneaking in. The most pressing things on the to-do list – responding to emails, sending invoices, and going to meetings – get done every day. The big dreamy ideas that take a calm brain? The projects that bounce around in my head when I wake up in the middle of the night? They get squeezed out by the every day, every day.

I have what feels like 72 projects half ready to meet the world at the moment. And they are going to be so good when they are ready. They’re projects I just can’t wait to share with you, like a new podcast series featuring Irish creatives, two new sets of craft classes for locals here in Dublin, and a bunch of posts that will have you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in style. Not to mention a new Dublin guide for Design*Sponge, a fun feature about Dublin in The Simple Things magazine, and blogger meetup collaboration with Avoca.

Have you ever found yourself in this position? Too many ideas, not enough time? This might be my first real stumper of my freelance career – how do you stop treading water long enough to move forward? And while you’re moving forward, who’s doing the dishes-laundry-making-dinner-neverending-cycle-that-just-won’t-stop?

And with that, I’m off to record a few more podcast interviews that will hopefully be hitting the airwaves in the next week. Happy Tuesday, friends! Wishing you clear brains, quiet inboxes and short to-do lists.

Friday Finds

February 22, 2013

Dublin Sunset Hello, friends! Happy Friday! Did you have a nice week? I’ve been busy this week getting ready to shoot another bunch of Styled in Ireland posts this weekend. I’m hoping for a freak warm front to swoop in tomorrow because it has been really chilly here in Dublin! Our daffodils are almost fully out and yet we saw snow flurries today. I am very ready for spring to come and stay very soon!

Now a few links to have with a nice cup of coffee this weekend! See you next week!

A great little interview with the illustrator behind the Windows of New York project.

Stylish bags made from recycled sails in Ireland.

This almond poppyseed bread makes yummy muffins.

I love these illustrated cake prints.

Look how many varieties of vegetables!

Dublin Street Wisdom

February 21, 2013

dublin street wisdom

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably already seen these little snippets of Dublin street wisdom I posted yesterday. I literally stumbled over them on a street I’ve walked down at least thirty times. I’ve never noticed them before but I love that I noticed them yesterday when I was in need of a boost.

dublin street wisdom 2

Sometimes you just need a little reminder that little steps build into bigger changes. Patience and perseverance are the name of the game. Thanks for the pep talk, Dublin!

And if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, my username is emilyholmes.


Homemade Hummus

February 20, 2013
hummus title Hummus isn’t the most photogenic food I’ve ever tried to capture for FCV, but it sure is tasty!

One of the downsides of working from home is that my kitchen is 10 steps away and I always seem to want to munch on something, so I’ve been on the lookout for healthy snacks that will keep me full for a little longer. Enter homemade hummus. Extremely easy to make (all you need is a food processor!), and very satisfying for munching all afternoon.


Here’s how to make your own.

What you’ll need:

1 can chickpeas, drained

1 tbsp sesame tahini (you can find this in Dublin in Holland & Barrett or Donnybrook Fair)

1/8 tsp salt

juice of 1 lemon

1 large garlic clove, grated or minced

2 tbsp olive oil

Put everything except the olive oil into a food processor. Blend together. Add in the olive oil and blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

hummus 2 Happy healthy munching!

Start Where You Are / Desktop Wallpaper

February 19, 2013

fields desktop wallpaper feb 2013 I think it’s high time for a new From China Village desktop wallpaper, don’t you?

This one might be my favorite yet. I love this quote from author Robert Collier. That first sentence has so much power – Start where you are. It’s a really lovely reminder not to panic at the long to-do list, not to get worried about what anyone else is doing, but just to start where you are right this minute.

And of course, I love this image from Julie at Half a Dream Away photography. It reminds me of my mother, who just loves rock walls. She (and my dad) have even built a few rock walls in China Village with a couple tons of rock over the years! When we took her to the Aran Islands a few years ago, she was in rock wall heaven! 

To make this your desktop wallpaper, click here to open the image. Download it, then right click on the image and select Set as Desktop. You should be all set to see inspiration on your desktop all day long! Enjoy!


Starry Skies

February 18, 2013

starry skies Can you believe these stars are painted in gold on the ceiling of one of the rooms in the Vatican museum in Rome? They were lovely. Some day, I think I’d like gold stars on my ceiling. Happy Monday, friends.


Happy Weekend!

February 16, 2013

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Happy weekend, friends! How was your week?

It was midterm break in the school world here, so Michael was hanging around our house more than usual. It meant we had lots of time to hang out and yesterday we even painted our kitchen/hallway. It took most of the day, probably because Michael did it mostly himself. I did the part above the upper cabinets and complained the whole time. My neck hurts! My arm hurts! I hate painting! 

Which is, friends, the sad truth. As much as I love interiors and small projects, I hate painting rooms and the attendant prep and clean-up involved. I do however, love the finished result. And I love my husband for dealing with the painting and the grumping After three years of living here (and who knows how many before that since the last coat of paint!), we’re in need of some sprucing.

Today, I am still complaining. My neck is sore! My arm is sore! I’m never painting again! 

This weekend, Michael is speaking at an event for Irish high school kids looking to go to college in America, we’re trying out a new brunch spot, and having friends over for pizza.

What are you up to? Any fun plans?

A Last Minute Valentine Smoothie

February 14, 2013

smoothie 2


Just in case you’re still on the lookout for a treat for your sweetie – this strawberry banana smoothie is fast and festive. And the recipe makes enough for two!

smoothie 1

What you’ll need:

1 banana

1 cup frozen strawberries

4 ice cubes

3/4 cup plain yogurt

3/4 cup cranberry juice

2 glasses, 2 straws, and 2 construction paper hearts!

Blend and pour. I find everything blends better if I layer the liquids on the bottom and the frozen berries and ice cubes on top. But you know your own blender and it’s quirks.

Happy sipping!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2013

DSC_0040 Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! Do you have lovely plans? We don’t typically celebrate Valentine’s Day but my Valentine is giving me a great present. He’s currently giving our kitchen a fresh coat of paint! And we finally got a little sunshine today which is making the day seem extra cheerful.

I hope your day is filled with love and friendship. And if you’re in America, some conversation hearts!

rose DSC_0045 A few photos from a project I did for One Fab Day – see how here!