Irish Countryside

April 15, 2013


On Friday, I went out to Borris, in County Carlow, to take some photos for a project I’m working on with Irish wedding styling company Pearl & Godiva. I’ve been so busy working in Dublin I didn’t even realize how much I missed the countryside. I haven’t been outside of Dublin in maybe six months? That’s way too long for this small town girl. Just the smell of grass, less traffic, tractors putting along the country roads – it was so refreshing.

purple flowers borris

I snapped a few pictures of the incredible estate where we were working – horses, sheep, sleepy dogs – serious farm stuff! I’ll be sharing more about the actual project in the coming weeks, but here’s a taste of the countryside in the meantime!

horse 2   dog borris

Oh, and there were flowers. Serious flowers. But more on that later!

extra flowers

Enjoying Dublin / Five Great Resources

April 11, 2013


DSC_0108 Sometimes, for a quick minute, I think there isn’t enough to do in this little old town of Dublin. Isn’t that what everyone thinks about where they live? Certainly it was more true in China Village, there were only a few options in our tiny town – movies, miniature golf in the summer, maybe some sledding in the winter? Some days, I can even feel that way this big city.

But it’s just not the case. There is always tons going on here! You just have to know where to look. I have some go-to places to find lots of cool, new, interesting, exciting stuff going on in this city. I figured today was a great day to share those resources with you! And the best part? Great for visitors and locals. You know those are my favorite suggestions to make, huh?! Equal opportunity suggestions, I like to say.

So here we are. Five fab resources for enjoying this lovely town.

Le Cool Dublin

Le Cool Dublin is a website and weekly email newsletter sharing everything that’s going on that week. For the most part, they focus on the cool and quirky concerts, shows, and events going on in Dublin. Sign up for their weekly emails – you’ll be shocked how much goes on each week! They also offer tours of Dublin – I reviewed one here!

Totally Dublin Magazine

Totally Dublin is a free monthly magazine you can pick up in lots of shops and restaurants around Dublin. It is packed full of restaurant reviews, the latest info on neighborhoods and exhibits and movements. Every time I bring one home, Michael and I say to each other, Can you believe they included all these places?! It’s a treasure trove. Technically, Totally Dublin has a website, but you really should pick up a paper copy. It’s so satisfying to flip through!

Dublin Event Guide

The Dublin Event Guide is a website devoted to the free events taking place around the city. Cool, huh? It includes events like markets or trad sessions that happen every week, as well as once-off events. It’s a great resource if you’re looking to save a little money but still get out and about!

Dublin Town

Dublin Town is a website packed full of photos and info about shops, restaurants, pubs, and galleries in Dublin. It’s really visual, which is nice, and it’s fun to browse their categories and find new places to check out. Whenever I’m scrolling through Dublin Town, I’m always shocked to find more shops and boutiques I didn’t know about.

Isle Magazine

Isle Magazine is a little different than the rest of these resources, but since it’s a free online publication filled with all the amazing things Ireland has to offer, I thought it would round out our resources nicely! Isle Magazine is full of articles about the food producers, crafts people, artists and just interesting folks here on this island. It may not give you plans for your weekend, but it’s certainly inspiring and incredibly positive!

And just for good measure, here’s one more fun resource that will at least keep you busy into the wee hours of the night, reading away! Check out the Latest Irish Blog Posts Pinterest Page for the newest posts from Irish bloggers. It’s great fun to discover new blogs from across Ireland.

So, friends, where do you find inspiration in your town? Any fun resources you want to share? Wherever you are, happy almost Friday!


Howth in Panorama

April 10, 2013

howth panorama emily panorama howth howth panorama I’m probably really late to the game, but did you know the iPhone takes panoramic photos?! Michael’s brother’s new fiance (welcome to the family, Summer!) introduced us to this fun trick when she was visiting last week.

Michael tried it out while we were hiking in Howth over the weekend. If there’s a place on earth that’s better served by a panoramic photo, I challenge you to find it!

To take panoramic photos on your iPhone, open the camera and click option. Then click on panorama and hold down the button while you scan the horizon. We found the photos came out better and less distorted if you only go about 2/3 of the way around.

Can you spot me in one of the photos? Have a better spot for a panoramic photo? Share! It’ll be like a panorama-off!

Styled in Ireland / What to Wear in the Rain

April 9, 2013

rain title

I’m back this morning with a new Styled in Ireland post and we’re going to take a stab at how to prepare for Ireland’s rainy weather. First, a little disclaimer. I’m only going to attempt to help you out when it comes to regular rain. In Ireland, we also have what I like to call sideways rain, when the rain combines with wind to sneak under your umbrella and soak you from head to toe. For that kind of rain, all bets are off. Wrap yourself in a few ponchos and hope for the best!

rain 2

Tips for Travellers

When it’s just normal rain, you can usually stay relatively dry with a few (still stylish!) tricks. First, a cute, waterproof rain jacket. I don’t think there’s any reason rainy days should be made more depressing with dreary black rain coats. This bright patterned one from Avoca’s Anthology line has a nice cut and a cute hood.

Second, boots, not wellies. If you are on a farm, mucking around in the mud, wear wellies. I just don’t believe wellies are city wear. In fact, I don’t even own a pair!

The final element, a sturdy umbrella. You don’t want one that’ll flip inside out with the slightest breeze. I’ve had my orange United Colors of Benetton umbrella for four years and it’s still going strong, but I do like the ruffle on this creamy umbrella. I might need an upgrade!

rain 5 {Can you see the snow in this photo? It was blizzarding the day we took these photos!}

Highlight // Irish Designer

Some of the clothing you’ll see in Avoca is sourced from around Europe, but their Anthology line of women’s clothing is designed at the Avoca headquarters south of Dublin in Kilmacanogue. You can visit the headquarters to shop and enjoy their cafe, but can you imagine working there as a designer every day? How fun!

The Avoca Anthology line is very sweet and feminine, and usually follows Avoca’s traditional colors – lilacs, Irish greens, dusty pinks – but they throw in a few modern patterns which are surprisingly fun to mix with stripes and black and white!

rain 3


And when all else fails, find a pub, order a pot of tea or a pint of Guinness, and wait out the rain. It’s bound to end eventually!

Missed the previous Styled in Ireland posts? Check them out here! Summer / Match Day / Afternoon Tea / Picnic / Chilly Weather / Wedding Guest / Date Night / Festive Paddy’s Day

Rain Jacket: Avoca Anthology / Striped dress: Avoca / Boots: Etienne Aigner / Tights: Penney’s / Umbrella: Avoca / Hair and makeup: Kristin Labanauskas / Photography: Julie Matkin, Half a Dream Away / Styling: Emily Westbrooks


April 8, 2013

I’m starting this morning quite proud of myself. I just spent the entire weekend without opening my computer, and it was amazing. Michael and I went for a hike in Howth, spent lots of time with friends and family, and even grabbed a Sunday afternoon nap. Altogether, a relaxing, refreshing weekend!

beer tasting 3 On Friday evening, we had friends for a little homemade pizza and craft beer tasting. We were sent a few bottles by the Craft Collection and Michael and our friends had a great time sipping and comparing. I stuck with my glass of wine (I don’t like bubbles!) and tried to capture a few photos before we lost the light. They are blurry, but I prefer to think of them as arty. Ha!

beer tasting 2 beer tasting We were thrilled to have our friend Dan with us – he knows so much about beer (and whiskey, and wine ;). I spent most of the night wondering how he could keep so much information in his head! I can barely keep wine straight, let alone so many other categories!

beer tasting 4


Overall, it was a success of a weekend. Did you do anything nice? Or relaxing? Or hilarious? Have a wonderful Monday, friends!

Building Community / Lifestyle Bloggers at Avoca Malahide

April 4, 2013
em setting table julie {We got to pull props from the shop floor to add to our table settings – so much fun! Photos by Julie Matkin unless noted!}

Last night, I had the pleasure hosting a lifestyle blogger get together at Avoca Malahide. It was an idea that had been rolling around my head for a few months, to put together a meet-up where we could all chat, face to face, and build relationships. With a little encouragement from a few blogger friends, I decided to bite the bullet and set it up!

tables julie

When I approached Avoca Malahide with the idea, I was nervous; sometimes I worry that the ideas I’ve created in my head won’t translate or that I won’t be able to explain them properly! But Odharnait (pronounced Orna!) Kiernan, the wonderful manager at the newest Avoca store, got it instantly. She said, “That’s perfect, you’re lifestyle bloggers, we’re a lifestyle brand.” Luckily, the lovely bloggers I invited liked the idea just as much as Odharnait and I did!


IMG_0269 {Previous two photos by the lovely Nathalie}

Last night, Odharnait and the Avoca Malahide team, Allie, Andrew and head chef Michael,  gave us an incredibly warm welcome. Odharnait explained to us all that they are trying to build a community at Avoca Malahide that extends beyond the retail space, and becomes a space for locals and visitors to spend time together, connecting. We spent the night doing just that, chatting excitedly with each other, munching on gorgeous Avoca food, and wandering the empty store like kids who get to explore a museum after hours.

Last night provided more than 20 of us an opportunity to meet each other, put faces to blog names, and bring a community that began online, to a new level offline.

avoca outside julie

Writing From China Village has expanded my world. I’ve been introduced to some of the kindest, most open-hearted people around the world as well as here in Dublin. Writing here has created such a unique and creative community for me that has been instrumental in helping me feel at home in Dublin. It was such a pleasure and an honor to have so many warm, friendly people join together in person to learn more about each other and to celebrate one another. At least half of the conversations I had last night involved someone saying, “Did you know so-and-so did this? Amazing!” This community is positive, encouraging, and downright cheerful. I’m really proud to be a part of it.

treats julie

I was so busy chatting I didn’t take a single photo. Luckily, Julie and Nathalie did – and captured the evening much better than I ever could! Unfortunately, we don’t have so many photos of everyone chatting away, but there certainly were lots of ladies having chats! And hopefully we’ll do a repeat again soon!

Thanks again to Avoca Malahide, and all the wonderful bloggers who attended for making it such a sweet evening!

All photos by Julie Matkin unless otherwise noted. Thanks, Julie, for all your help setting up, clearing out, and capturing the evening!

Home Office / Inspiration

April 2, 2013

home office inspiration

Today, for our last post in this last month’s Home Office mini-series, I wanted to talk about inspiration and where to find it. One of the most common conversations I have when someone finds out I’m a blogger is about inspiration. A lot of people find it hard to imagine having something to say every single day! On the other hand, in the blogging world, a topic that pops up every few months is bloggers block – what to do when you’re just not feeling creatively inspired?

I’m not immune to creative droughts, and now that I’ve been blogging for a few years, I have a few tricks I employ when my brain goes blank. Here’s what’s worked for me in the past.


Since college, I’ve had this theory that if you just start writing, that’s half the battle. When I used to get stuck writing papers, I’d just start writing everything I thought might be useful, then rearrange or delete or add. Just that act of writing usually gets me back on track and before I know it, whatever I was struggling with is finished.


We’ve already learned how attached I am to my lists, so it’s probably no surprise that I keep a few running lists. If I have an idea when I’m on the train or out at a meeting, I’ve learned to just add it to the list. Sometimes the idea turns out to be terrible, and sits there on the list for months, but other times the idea can end up being really useful when I’m looking for inspiration.


Walking away from the computer, and the iPhone, and the notebooks is sometimes the best way to find inspiration. Sometimes I try laundry, some dishes, going through the stacks of papers on my table that seem to grow every day. But what really works is a little crafty project that has me using my hands and lets my brain wander – sketching, cutting paper, painting teacups. Something small without a lot of supplies or pressure, but just enough to reset my brain.


I’m not sure I can believe I’m really recommending running as a tactic for finding inspiration, but it’s worked so many times for me that I don’t think I can call it a coincidence. When I have a big project that needs brainstorming, or a pitch that needs structure, I save it for a run. I like to choose a project and just roll it around in my head, thinking of all the angles and possibilities, almost like meditating on the topic. The only trick with this one is I have to find my notebook as soon as I get in the door so I can write down my ideas, otherwise I forget how great they were!

So there you have it, four tried and tested ways to find inspiration, whether you’re a blogger, writer or just a creative soul. What do you do when you’re panicking at the sight of a blank page? Any tricks you’d like to share?

New April Desktop Wallpaper

April 1, 2013

april 2013 desktop wallpaper It’s April. How did it get to be April? We are still in the thick of the longest cold snap I can remember in this country – we’re talking barely above freezing for weeks with no end in sight! So I’m staring at this beautiful photograph on my desktop that just screams summer. Not that I’ve ever actually rode a ferris wheel because I’m too scared of heights, but they do look like the perfect warm weather activity. At this point, I might even risk a ride if it meant I would get a little springtime weather!

This Louisa May Alcott quote is the perfect dose of inspiration paired with a sunny ferris wheel. I love the idea of looking to the sunny sky for a reminder of my biggest goals – and then moving toward them, bit by bit. I’m a sucker for a daily dose of inspiration!

The great news is that we can all share in this cheery new April desktop! Just click here

to open the image, then right click on the image and select Set as Desktop. Easy as that! Enjoy!

Desktop wallpapers are a collaboration between From China Village and photographer Julie Matkin. Thanks, Julie!


Speaking at ReFound in Belfast

March 28, 2013

I was so excited to be asked to speak at this wonderful event in Belfast next month. It’s a series run by Refound, a shop that’s devoted to turning old furniture into works of art. The series features people talking about the creative projects they work on outside regular office hours. I’m going to be speaking about how I started my freelance career by working all those late hours after I got home from my desk job.

If you’re in Belfast, come say hello! It should be a really fun evening!

flyer version 2 with text

The Best People Watching in Dublin

March 26, 2013

moore st

A few weeks ago, I was featured in the Design*Sponge newsletter ahead of St. Patrick’s Day (and on the heels of the new Design*Sponge Dublin City Guide). I got to share some of my favorite Irish artists, what my perfect day in Dublin would include, and the best spots to people watch in the city. I thought it would be fun to share a few more details with all of you. People watching is so much fun in a city – and Dublin certainly has some characters and I especially like looking at what everyone is wearing!

Bewley’s Cafe (and even Starbuck’s on the second floor of BT2) both have good views of Grafton Street. I like to grab a window seat in the morning when the shops are just opening before the crowds descend.

Kylemore Cafe in Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre gives you a perfect perch to watch the buskers perform. A few months ago, a friend introduced me to this spot – it looks down on the very top of Grafton Street, and we watched a whole performance, including straight jackets and unicycles. Everyone outside looked chilly, but we were cosy and warm! (I should warn you, though, the coffee is not great. I’d stick with the tea!)

Clement & Pekoe‘s front porch is perfect for watching the city’s creatives and hipster students walk by. It also gets afternoon sunshine if you happen to have a sunny afternoon!

The Milennium Spire is the meeting spot for locals on the north side and it is fantastic people watching. If it’s warm enough (can you tell we’re having a chilly spell here?!), grab a bench and watch people come and go. I like watching teenage couples meet, so perfectly uncomfortable!

Moore Street is the north side’s market street, with lots of fruit and veg stands – my favorite is when the ladies yell out “Two for a Euro” every few minutes – somehow everything is always two for a euro!

Know of any other great Dublin people watching spots? What’s your favorite, Dubliners?