Behind the Scenes at the Four Seasons

April 30, 2013

four seasons shoot Good morning! I thought I’d share a few behind the scenes shots from my weekend photo shoot at the Four Seasons. The team at the Four Seasons loved our Styled in Ireland / Afternoon Tea feature and they asked us (Julie and I) back to help feature a few more spots around the space. We got to play around in the spa, the lobby, the dining room and their Ice Bar. Michael even joined me for a few shots!

four seasons bathroom Is it weird that I have a favorite bathroom at the Four Seasons? This one has mirrors for days and is quite possibly bigger than my whole house. Brenda Wall worked absolute magic with my hair and makeup – that updo was beyond amazing!

BI8DetOCMAAQQKC Clearly we had to think really hard about what to order for lunch. Everything looked so yummy! We ended up with quiche and the yummiest cheese board full of Sheridan’s cheeses.

four seasons couch This is the face I make when I’m zoning out for a minute between shots. It’s not that attractive, but it recharges me well!

elevator four seasons And then I found possibly the most flattering mirror on the planet in the elevator and had to capture it with a blurry dark photo because when I got to the lobby and had to get off the elevator, I had to not trip over those huge heels all the way across the lobby. This photo was just to document the pre-teetering-through-fancy-lobby-in-bright-dress moment.

I’ll be sharing more of the real photographs and process in the coming weeks!

Blogging Workshops in Dublin!

April 29, 2013

blogging workshops

I have some exciting news to share. A few weeks ago, the folks at LA College of Creative Arts approached me about teaching a course. We’ve come up with a fantastic weekend workshop on blogging that I’m really excited to be teaching! We have two scheduled so far – May 18/19 and July 20/21 – and a third course (perhaps online!) in June to be announced soon.

LA College runs short and long courses on makeup, hair and fashion styling, as well as shorter workshops in a whole range of creative courses like watercolors and millinery. I’m excited to be able to share what I’ve learned blogging over the last few years with a whole bunch of excited students. If you have any questions about what it will involve, check out their website or shoot me an email! We’re also planning a more advanced blogging course in the future as well, and you’re welcome to shoot me an email if you want to get information when we decide those details!

If you’ve ever had an inkling to start a blog, I would absolutely love to have you in this course!

Happy Weekend!

April 27, 2013

howth waves

Happy Saturday, friends! Are you having a nice weekend? After working through the last few weekends and a few late nights this week, I decided to take yesterday off. I was beat and my house needed some love and attention. I spent the entire day weeding out my closet and switching out the winter clothes for the spring/summer clothes. I hadn’t really thrown away clothes since I moved to Dublin and I was starting to really run out of room!

Today was totally and completely sunny – and even warm out of the wind, so I went for a long run, did a few errands, and spent the afternoon in the back garden doing a painting project that took way longer than it should have. You might see it this week, but it’s in my bathroom which is the size of a postage stamp and nearly impossible to photograph, so you might not. Time will tell!

Tomorrow, I’m working with Julie, my favorite fabulous photographer, on a shoot for the Four Seasons. They liked what we did with our Styled in Ireland / Afternoon Tea shoot, so they asked us back to help highlight more of their space. I’m excited – and wearing a whole lotta jewels. You might see some behind the scenes pics over on Instagram!

Now, a few links for your weekend.

Fake townhouses hiding underground portals.

The incredible story of the Boston highjacking victim.

This time last year, I was in Italy with my sister. I miss both!

Awesome stag’s head shower curtain DIY.

A sweet pinata cake topper for a wedding cake – with vows hidden within for a lovely anniversary memories!

My friend Brittany is going to be on the Today Show on Thursday. She’s a finalist in their Kentucky Derby hat contest – cheer at the TV for me if you’re in America!

See you Monday!

Five Weird or Great Things This Week

April 25, 2013

rolling donut The Rolling Donut shop that will be opening on Capel Street/Camden Street. It’s apparently an extension of the little donut hut on O’Connell Street that looks a little iffy but everyone says is amazing. Count me in.

four wheelers dublin These guys driving up and down the streets of Dublin. What do we think they were doing? Ghost busters?

pigeon on car This car rolled through Temple Bar while I was giving a tour last week. Can you catch the little man catching a ride?

granny graffiti I found the street art mecca just off Francis Street. It needs a whole post but here’s a preview.

skin exhibit The skin exhibit in the Royal Hibernian Academy was quite icky. This was the only piece I was willing to take a photo of. The rest were just too vivid.

And that is all I’ve got for you on this Thursday, friends. Happy almost weekend!

Blogging in Belfast

April 24, 2013

belfast center

On Friday last week, I took the bus up to Belfast to speak about blogging at event held at a shop called Refound. I got to Belfast around lunchtime and had met my friend Sarah, who was also speaking at the event, for lunch at a cute cafe. I had grand plans of exploring the city for the afternoon, but ended up getting sucked back into working on my laptop (in a sweet cafe called the Black Bear) and barely saw the city! Luckily the walk to the event was straight through the main shopping district in the bright sunshine.

belfast street Belfast reminds me a lot of Edinburgh – it feels very different from Dublin. The buildings are taller and the taxis are the traditional black cabs you’d see in London.

belfast street 2 Some of them are sassier than others!

belfast craig and sarah

Friday was our first spring-feeling day and it was lovely to feel warm!
refound mantle

I didn’t see too much of Belfast, so I can’t make very many recommendations except you must stop by Refound. It’s a fabulous combination of an art gallery and a vintage shop. Owner Jill O’Neill finds pieces at auctions and markets, and has a collection of Refound artists give them a new lease on life. Everywhere you look, there’s something to cool to discover.  refound vignette stairway refound The Refound space is so neat – really old with original details and really high ceilings. It was such an inspiring backdrop to speak about how I turned a hobby into a creative career!

refound chairs

refound lanterns

Aren’t those lanterns incredible? They’re covered with cupcake papers – and you wouldn’t even know it, huh?!  artwork refound

sarah and jill After a lot of oohing and ahhing, we talked blogging with the lovely audience! That’s Jill, on the left, and my friend Sarah on the right. We also heard from John from Forked, who had us all inspired to eat at a whole bunch of great Belfast restaurants – next time I visit for sure!

emily refound And finally, I got to prove how much of a hand talker I really am! I’ll be sharing a few of the tips I talked about over the next few weeks as well!

Thanks so much to Jill for having me up to Belfast to speak – and for letting me snoop around your lovely shop!


Cocktails at the Morrison

April 23, 2013
hotel irish art {Artwork for the hotel was commissioned from Irish artists. Those blocks on the left were done by artist David Quinn.}

Last week, I stopped by the Morrison Hotel on Ormond Quay (hurrah North side!) for a few drinks and a little tour of the hotel’s recent renovation. It’s so fun to see the inside of Dublin hotels since we rarely stay in them. But I get a lot of emails asking for recommendations, so I like to know what the options are

morrison decor {Above photos by Julie Matkin}

You might not notice the Morrison Hotel from the outside – it’s very understated. In fact, you might not even realize it’s a hotel! But the newly renovated inside is chic and bright, and feels very cosmopolitan. We were there on early on a Wednesday evening and the place was buzzing with a set of very cool customers.

morrison penthouse We got a little tour of some of the rooms. The hotel has a music theme, so the rooms each reflect that – artwork that looks like sound clouds, white lantern lamps with bass clef cut-outs (above left), and even lyrics from Irish artists on the wall in each room. The theme was subtle but kind of lovely once you knew to look for it!

girls mirror {Me, Alex, Rincy and Julie. Photo by me, obviously, and edited by Rincy!}

We also got a peek into their art gallery, which they use for functions (including weddings!). There was a huge mirror on the wall. Apparently it was the only thing that stayed during the original renovation of the space. I wouldn’t have wanted to move it either!  morrison drink and wall And then we had cocktails. They were delicious and pretty. Each week a member of the bar staff gets to come up with a new cocktail of the week – with a little friendly voting on Facebook to keep the bartenders on their toes!

morrison food If you make it to the Morrison, you have to order their deep fried olives. I’m not usually a fan of deep fried things, but they’re delicious green olives stuffed with cheese and lightly fried. But if you’re not an olive person (Michael, I’m looking at you), try the smoked salmon on house baked treacle bread – made with the chef’s granny’s recipe!

Morrison Hotel, Ormond Quay, Dublin 1

Friday Finds

April 19, 2013

pink peony 4

Hello, friends! Happy Friday! I’m writing from the lovely bus on the way up to Belfast, where I’ll be speaking at this fab event on blogging tonight.  If you’re in Belfast, I’d love to see you!

I thought I’d get to explore Belfast all afternoon, but the t0-do list is just too long. I’m going to park myself in a coffee shop and people watch/work on my computer for a few hours. If you know of the perfect Belfast coffee shop for that, do let me know!

This weekend, I’m giving a Vayable tour, having a dinner date with my husband (where should we go?), and working on a whole bunch of DIY projects for One Fab Day. Speaking of One Fab Day, I’m teaching two DIY bridal classes for their School of Chic next week. There are just a few spots left if you want to learn how to decorate cakes or make bouquets!

Coffee for a good cause.

Stumped? 50 ideas for blog posts.

Great tips for product photography.

Serious ice cream cake.

I’m hooked on the Skimm – daily news to your inbox.

Love this washi tape table for spring!

Hilarious thoughts on tattoos.

I’m following the news from Boston with a heavy heart. It must be an incredibly scary place to be, so I’m hoping for the most peace for everyone affected.

One Day in Kilkenny

April 18, 2013

kilkenny street

On Monday, I tagged along with my friend Ursula on a trip to Kilkenny. With all the traveling around the country we’ve done for Michael’s various basketball matches, I had never been to Kilkenny. As it turns out, it’s absolutely lovely!

kilkenny castle 2

I was imagining the town to be tiny and a little sleepy, but it’s way bigger than I had anticipated and there’s so much to do and see! There were a few boutiques I could have browsed around all day, lots of great cafes, and a great mix of old and new. The town is really well taken care of – there’s even a little public toilet kiosk in the main square. That’s so uncommon in Ireland!

kilkenny castle Turns out there’s a castle, and just across the street in the old stable buildings is the Kilkenny Design Centre (which has a great shop as well as cafe and little food hall) and the Craft Council offices and studios. There are a few galleries, and you can pop into any of the studios to buy pieces from the artists working there.

kilkenny crafts council There’s also a beautiful garden in the back. The pond is lined with huge stone blocks that were originally from Nelson’s Pillar in Dublin, which was bombed by the IRA in 1966. The blocks are a really nice design element – they’re very graphic as well as functional. Perfect for perching while you have an outdoor lunch!

kilkenny park

kilkenny pond And the pond had little red goldfish!

kilkenny alley The tough thing about Irish towns is that the streets are quite narrow, which makes it hard to take photos because you can’t get far enough away! I didn’t take too many photos, but I loved these little alleyways leading off the main streets.

smithwicks brewery So there is just a very little glimpse into the lovely Kilkenny! I’m going to have to return when my parents visit – my dad will love the Smithwick’s brewery tour!

And huge thanks to Ursula for being such a great tour guide!

Loving Your Work Series on Image Daily

April 17, 2013

If you’ve been reading From China Village for any length of time, you know I’m an enormous proponent of loving your work. I think it’s essential for a person’s happiness, and I love celebrating it. So you’ll understand why I’m just thrilled to be writing all about loving your work for the Image Daily.

image daily

The first post is an interview with the fabulous Claire Ryan, otherwise known as the Informal Florist. You can check it out here!

Need a Dublin Vacation?

April 16, 2013


Michael and I are going to be in America for about seven weeks (!) this summer, from the beginning of June to the middle of July, and we’re going to be renting our apartment. Looking for a Dublin vacation – (for a few weeks or all seven)? Shoot me an email and we’ll work something out!

It’s sweet and cosy, perfect for one person or a couple, close to the city and the sea – and I guarantee cheaper than any other place you’ll find!

Send me an email for more details. And check out the rest of the photos of the house in this little tour here!