Howth Rhododendron Trees – Go Now!

May 16, 2013


If you happen to find yourself in the vicinity of Deer Park in Howth over the next few days, you have got to go see the rhododendron trees in bloom. You just have to. They are huge and so stunning!

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Before I moved to Dublin, I had no idea that rhododendrons could grow so big. We only have bushes of them in Maine!

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To see the rhododendrons, you just drive up to the golf club and take the little path that runs to the right of the club house. The rhododendrons grow along the base of the cliff.

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While you’re there, you should take the ten minute hike up to the summit. Incredible views of all of Dublin city and the beaches to the north.

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rhododendrons 2

But you have to go soon, because some of the trees are already starting to lose all their bright petals!

In the News: House and Home!

May 16, 2013

house and home feature for blog I have some fun news to share. House and Home asked me to share my favorite spots here in Dublin. Some of the spots you've heard me chat about here on the blog before, but some will be new. If you're in Ireland, you can still pick up the latest copy from news stands around the country and see my smiling face on the very last page!

Great Irish Blogs

May 15, 2013

great Irish blogs

I thought it might be fun to share some other wonderful Irish blogs with you today. There are lots, and this list is not exhaustive or exclusive, so if you have an Irish blog do add it to this list in the comments. I’d love to see it if I haven’t already!

First, here is a list of fabulous bloggers who attended our Avoca lifestyle blogger event a few weeks ago. Talented chicas altogether!

Creme de Citron | Wholesome Ireland | Nathalie Marquez Courtney | One Fab Day | Half a Dream Away | Hydrangea Girl | Ellie Loves | Style Serendipity | Girl From the Hills | Image Interiors & Living |Rua Ruth | We Love Town | Edible Ireland | Sweet Like Cinnamon | Lemon Yellow Journal | Buzz and Lola

Now, a few of my favorite Irish food blogs:

Donal Skehan | Farmette | I Can Has Cook | Like Mam Used to Bake | Any Given Food

Ireland happens to have tons of food blogs – like hundreds! You can see them all at the Irish Food Bloggers Association website.

So here’s the fun part – know some great Irish blogs you want to add to the list? Comment away! I’d love to know about more!

P.S. There are still a few more spots available in my blogging course this weekend – if you want to be an Irish blogger and want to learn how to get started, let me know!

Irish Artist // Eleanor McCaughey

May 14, 2013

They like to arrange their toys before sleep

A few weeks ago, artist Eleanor McCaughey got in touch just to say she’d been loving my Design*Sponge Dublin Guide. (So kind of her!) But what I really loved was getting a chance to see some of her own work. She’s a painter and works from her home studio on the city’s south side.

funnybone Her latest series was inspired by a set of Childcraft books from the 60’s and 70’s. She came across the books when her family was moving out of their long-time home, a consequence of the economic recession.

materials I love the vintage feel of the paintings, as well as the unfinished blocks of color.

iseesigns Thanks for sharing your work, Eleanor!

Friday Finds

May 10, 2013



{Tulips masquerading as peonies!}

Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Mine was bonkers. Deadlines and tours and meetings galore. I blame the four-day week – it felt like I was trying to cram five days into four, which made for some LONG days and evenings. Luckily, Michael and I are grabbing some friends and heading off to the countryside for the weekend. We’re all looking forward to resting, relaxing, and spending a little time together before Michael and I head off to America for 7 (!) weeks this summer! I’m very, very excited about the trip, but I know I’ll miss things and people here too while we’re gone.

Have I even really told you about our trip? I’m heading back for my brother’s graduation from college at the end of May (cannot believe my little brother is old enough to be a college graduate!), then we’re joining my family for a week in sunny Florida. We’ve never done a warm vacation with my family – growing up we would do trips like Ireland or London or Wales – in February! We were always capitalizing on school vacation and out of season ticket prices. Those trips were great, but we’re looking forward to some lounging on the beach for a week!

From there, Michael and I head to Chicago for a wedding in the Chicago planetarium, which we’re really looking forward to. Then we’re taking a little road trip to see Michael’s extended family between Illinois and Ohio, then hopping on a flight to Denver to see his brother and visit my sister-in-law’s family. After that marathon of travel, we’re headed back to Maine for a few weeks of boating, exploring and visiting family.

I’ll be taking one week totally off and away from work, but the rest of the time, I’ll be working from wherever I am and wherever I can find internet access. I’m excited for the new ideas and perspective I know a change of scenery (or constantly changing scenery) will bring, although I know it might be a little tough to get into a routine.

All that to say, we’re squeezing in a few last days with friends before we head off. Here’s hoping we have lovely weather this weekend for exploring County Clare! What are you all up to this fine weekend? Big plans? Baking? Crafting? Relaxing? Whatever it is, have a super time!

And now just a few links.

A DIY concrete letter.

Chocolate banoffee pies.

Brussels sprouts on the grill.

An incredible wall of flowers.

DIY birthday candles!

Happy weekend!


Pinterest for Travel

May 9, 2013

pinterest for travel

I’m taking part in a little Pinterest party today with their brand new Pin it Forward UK campaign. I’ve been using Pinterest for ages (you can see my boards here!), mostly to keep myself sane while I dream about a bigger bedroom that I can walk all the way around! But I just started pinning more images of inspiration for traveling to Ireland. I figure it’s a great spot to catalogue all the suggestions I make here on the blog, and I can include even more recommendations from other pinners who live or travel here!

Will Taylor from Bright Bazaar is kicking off 30 days of bloggers sharing their Pinterest inspiration over on the Pinterest blog this morning, and you can check out whole bunches (seriously, lots!) of bloggers who are also sharing their favorite boards this month over there, including this lovely bunch here who kick off this morning:

Boho WeddingsCars & LifeCraft Blog UKfabric of my lifeGlobalGrasshopperI Want You To KnowJane FosterKingdom of StyleLisa ElridgeLove Chic MumMenswear StyleThe English KitchenThis Is Life

Since the whole idea of Pinning it Forward is to introduce you to new bloggers in this part of the world and their boards full of dreamy images, check out Europe a la Carte, where Karen pins loads of inspiring places including a whole board of European beaches!

You can follow the 30 days of bloggers sharing their Pinterest inspiration with the hashtag #pinitforwarduk. I think it’s kind of fun that my Irish blog snuck in amongst all those British ones! Score one for celebrating Ireland!

Styled in Ireland // One Day in Dublin

May 8, 2013

one day in dublin title It’s time for another Styled in Ireland post today! This one is a combination of two of my favorite series on FCV – it’s Styled in Ireland meets One Day in Dublin! I do a lot of trekking around my sweet city and have learned (often the hard way!) what works. Here are a few tips!

emily shopping Tips for Travellers:

Whether you’re in Dublin on a visit or just exploring a new-to-you neighborhood, there are a few things it’s worth remembering. First, comfortable shoes. The public transportation for getting to Dublin is pretty good, but your options for getting around the city are slightly more limited. You’ll be doing some walking, probably over cobblestones. I try to find something with a bit of a heel that can still cope with the cobblestones. I’ve worn these Clark’s ankle boots all winter (including on a bunch of my three hour Vayable walking tours!), and they’re incredibly comfortable.

temple bar street x3

{How funny are these lads in the middle photo? They were on a stag from England and have clearly mastered the photobomb!}

Next, I always, always pack an umbrella and almost always throw on a scarf. Better to be pleasantly surprised if it’s sunny and warm than grumpy, soggy and cold! And I should note that while I’m wearing a suede jacket for this One Day in Dublin, I only risk that when I’m reasonably sure it won’t be too wet. If I waited for a day I was absolutely sure it wouldn’t rain, I’d never wear suede, so I take the risk sometimes!

bag of tricks

Highlight // Irish Designer

Don’t you just love this bag? I picked it up in Bow Boutique in Powerscourt. It’s from Me&Emee, run by two sisters, Emer and Louise O’Leary who have a background in textiles and a sassy sense of humor! The bags aren’t your average tote – they’re much sturdier and have leather handles. They’re perfect for bringing home all your lovely souvenirs and treats!

emily shopping 2 {This is exactly how excited I get when I’m out and about in Dublin. I had just found postcards made of balsa wood at Industry and clearly thought they were pretty great!}

When you’re planning a city adventure, whether you’re traveling or just exploring your own, I find it’s best to do three things: make a plan, stick to one area, and stop for treats! Nothing gets you worn out faster than having to walk a long distane from place to place, and I find there’s a direct correlation between how worn out you are and how much (or little!) you enjoy exploring. When I’m tired or hungry, even the Eifel Tower wouldn’t sound appealing!

Instead, make a plan based on how much walking you’re prepared to do. I like to stick to one neighborhood and try to find as many places to explore within that imaginary boundary. You can also plan stops for coffee, tea and treats – there’s nearly always a cafe along the way to rest your feet for a bit! I find it’s helpful to have a reward to look forward to in case the journey is getting long!

Now it’s your turn to share, what are your tips for enjoying your own city or one you’re visiting? Anything you always remember to pack that makes the exploring easier?

Missed the previous Styled in Ireland posts? Check them out here! Summer / Match Day / Afternoon Tea / Picnic / Chilly Weather / Wedding Guest / Date Night / Festive Paddy’s Day / Rainy Weather

Jacket: Zara / Tank: H&M / Scarf: Avoca / Boots: Clark’s / Bag: Me&Emee / Hair and makeup: Kristin Labanauskas / Photography: Julie Matkin, Half a Dream Away / Styling: Emily Westbrooks

All City Jam / Graffiti in Dublin

May 7, 2013


Lately, I’ve loved spotting street art around Dublin. There’s some incredible and hilarious and sweet art out there covering the walls of our city. Then I heard about the All City Jam happening in the Tivoli car park on May 18th. I’m hoping I’ll have a chance to stop by and see some of the artists in action!

Ombre Irish Carpets

May 6, 2013

IMG_0209 When I visited the Morrison Hotel a few weeks ago, I couldn’t help but notice the lovely vibrant carpets spread throughout the hotel, especially the few ombre carpets in the lobby. Ombre seems to be the trend that just won’t die, and design bloggers have been going nuts for it for years. It’s not entirely my cup of tea, but these particular ombre carpets were Irish designed and made – not all that common for rugs!

green carpet The rugs were designed by Irish artist Maree Hensey and produced by Caedogan Rugs in county Wexford. Maree also worked on the carpet that was placed in the middle of the lobby when the hotel first opened years ago!

All of the rugs made in the Caedogan workshop are made using a hand held tufting gun, isn’t that incredible? These rugs in the Morrison are large – that’s a lot of man hours with a tufting gun!

Fab photos by Julie Matkin!

Quickie DIY // Fabric Wrapped Wire Words

May 1, 2013

wonder diy title It’s been ages since I did a crafty project. I’ve had a busy few months, and when I get busy, my brain stops being creative all together. Things have eased up slightly in the last week, just enough to allow my brain to do the simplest of projects.

wonder diy And this one is the simplest. I chose a word, wrote it by bending craft wire, then wrapped it in strips of flowery fabric. I tied the ends to secure them, so I didn’t even need to use glue, although you could.

Now I have a pretty little bit of springy inspiration to remind me to take in the wonders of the world around me, starting with these amazing lilies. They smell amazing, and remind me of my father’s mother, whom I always associate with Easter lilies and white gloves and bonnets.

What word would you choose?