Snapshot of a Marriage / Josh and Debs

June 6, 2013

Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 09.42.15 Every other week, I share a new Snapshot of a Marriage over on Snippet & Ink. These Snapshots are one of my favorite projects to work on. With every interview, I learn so much about a couple’s journey and so much about what goes on behind the scenes. Marriage is one of those things that is so individual to each couple and yet so completely universal as well. Talking to friends about relationships, I often reference one of my couples – they give incredibly sincere and humble advice based on their own experiences. It’s really an honor to get to share stories of so much love with the world.

This week, I’m sharing an interview with a really special couple – Josh and Debs are the couple who married Michael and I almost five years ago! When Michael and I are having a tough moment or a disagreement, I often try to remember the advice they gave us before our wedding and during our ceremony. They share a hilarious story of how they first met and advice they give to couples young and old! You can read their Snapshot right here.

And isn’t Debs’ dress incredible? So Princess Diana!

5 Sporty Activities to Enjoy in Dublin

June 5, 2013
5 sporty activities in dublin {That’s the Aviva in the background – such a neat building!}

I toyed with calling this post five things that will keep the husbands and boyfriends happy, but in all honesty, each of these things would be interesting and enjoyable even if you aren’t completely sports obsessed!

When I first moved to Dublin, I didn’t realize what a vital role sports play in everyones’ lives. Irish people love sports, and I’m not just talking about my basketball-obsessed husband! There’s soccer, rugby, gaelic football, hurling, field hockey, and the list goes on. I think one of the best ways to get to know Irish culture is by checking out a sporty activity while you’re here. And of course, if you live here, I’m sure you’ve already been to one or more of these – but the rest are worth checking out too!

Here are a few sporty activities to check out in Dublin!

Croke Park

Croke Park is the big stadium on the city’s north side. Croke Park (also known as Croker by locals) is where mostly gaelic games are played, like gaelic football and hurling. If you can catch a match, do. Do a little research on the teams that are playing (have a local teach you how to sing Those Boys in Blue to support the Dublin teams!), and wear one of the team’s colors. If you’re feeling really daring, buy tickets for Hill 16, the standing room only section for the rowdy fans.

If you can’t catch a match, you can take the Croke Park Experience tour and visit the stadium’s museum to learn about the history of the sports and even walk down onto the field!

Aviva Stadium

On the south side, the big sports stadium is called the Aviva Stadium, and it’s at the Lansdowne Road Dart stop – the train actually goes through the stadium! Rugby and soccer are both played at the Aviva, and concerts are held here as well. Again, try to catch a match. The bigger matches will sell out, but you should be able to get tickets to smaller matches on game day.

Again, if you can’t make a match, take one of the Aviva stadium tours. The building itself is architecturally, and the hour long tour manages to keep even little ones’ attention. You’ll get a chance to peek into the players’ locker rooms and learn about their game day routines!

Dog Races

I always thought it was a little strange that staff nights out for companies would involve “going to the dogs”, or spending an evening at the dog races. But I suppose when in Rome, huh? A lot of clubs or sports teams will do fundraisers at the dog races, getting big groups of people together to bet around €2 per race. I’ve never heard of anyone winning much money, but it can be a fun activity for an evening! Try here or here.


If you can’t manage to get to a match in Dublin, the best alternative is finding a pub. Doesn’t matter what time of day or night, there’s bound to be some sports match on the television and a group gathered yelling or grumbling for one team or another. Pull up a stool, order a pint, and you might even get one of the locals to explain the intricacies of hurling or camogie to you! Another tip? If there’s a big match on, try a pub near the stadium for a little extra atmosphere!

Dublin Bikes

There are tons of activities you can do in and around Dublin if you’re interested in getting some exercise, not watching other people get theirs. From kite surfing to hiking to mountain biking, there are endless options within a few miles of the city centre. But the simplest and cheapest? Grab a Dublin Bike, plot yourself a course, and explore the city. I wrote a whole bunch of tips for renting Dublin Bikes in this post here (and bonus, Emily with blond hair!).

Are you planning, or thinking of planning, a trip to Dublin? Check out Expedia for booking flights or finding hotels when planning a city break to my lovely city! And, don’t forget to embark upon your very own Irish sporting adventure.

Back in Action

June 4, 2013

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Phew, I think we’re back, friends. I hope. For the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to conquer problems created when WordPress was hacked a few months ago. I didn’t notice anything wrong at first, but then I started getting messages from readers saying there was something funky going on with my site. After every message, I’d try to figure out what the problem was (and frantically email Brandi and Julie for help!), and think I’d gotten it sorted out. But it just kept coming back! It’s so frustrating to feel helpless and drowning in a sea of technological problems you don’t understand.

Thankfully, I think the problems are finally gone and normal action can resume over here. I’m relieved but also incredibly hopeful that everything is really fixed!

I’m spending this week on the beach in Florida with my family. I was planning to take a week away from the blog, but oddly enough, all I want to do is get back to business around here!

Thank you to those of you who sent emails letting me know things were looking a little off, and thank you to the rest of you for your patience while I got this sorted out! I’ll be back tomorrow with a post I’ve been waiting more than a week to share!

Technical Difficulties!

May 30, 2013

I’m dealing with a few technical difficulties here today. I’m working with a few helpful experts who will hopefully have the problems sorted in the next day or so. In the meantime, can I ask you please not to click on any pop ups or downloads that come up while you’re here? You should still be able to read previous posts and click on links, but for the time being, I want to be extra careful.

Hopefully things will be back to normal next week!  Thanks for your understanding and patience!

Home Office / Down Time

May 29, 2013

home office down time

You guys seemed to like my little Home Office series, so I thought I’d revive it every once in a while when I have something to say or need advice. Sound good? Super. Off we go!

Today, I wanted to talk about something I’ve been struggling with a little bit: down time. Or more specifically, how to walk away from work when you are your own boss or you work from home.

Since the beginning of 2012, when I decided to essentially do everything I could to get out of my desk job, I spent every evening and weekend working on my blog, doing collaborations on projects, pitching and writing stories. Because I was working toward getting out of a work situation that was making me very unhappy, every moment was an opportunity to get closer to freedom faster.

Working those extra hours paid off and I left my day job in early November of last year and am loving every minute of it. But now that I’m freelancing full time, my schedule hasn’t been any more regular. I thought I would have more time to myself, but if anything, it’s probably been more packed – with meetings and deadlines, researching for new projets, and pitching more ideas. I’m grateful and thrilled, but I’m also a little worn out! Because I’m my own boss and am still working toward building my freelance career, evenings and weekends still seem like fair game for making things happen. Every extra minute or hour seems like an opportunity to accomplish more.

I suppose I should have seen this coming. I’ve always been the type of person who likes to check things off the list. There was a time in college when I was three weeks ahead of all my reading assignments just because I liked to finish things. (Needless to say I was not the coolest college kid!) There’s also a huge part of me that likes to get ahead of work in case I have to take time off later. But so far this spring, that time off has been quite elusive – and I really only have myself to blame.

I’m often asked how I keep myself on disciplined and working when there’s no one to tell me to – I have the opposite problem. There’s no one to tell me to shut off the computer and stop working, so I just keep working. Michael has started hinting in the last few weeks, so I think it’s time to back away from the computer just a bit. This summer, while we’ll be traveling around America visiting various friends and family, I’ll be working, but I also hope I’ll be able to take some time away from work to let my brain rest, without the guilt of my never-ending to-do list looming.

Fellow creatives and freelancers and self-employed folks, does this happen to you? Do you worry about wasting time that could be spent building your business? Do you have a hard time turning it off? I’d love to hear how you cope with being your own boss and making your schedule. I think the solution might just be making the choice to walk away, and reminding myself that this career is a marathon, not a sprint. Slow and steady wins the race? How about medium and steady wins the race. We’ll start there, at least!

For more in the Home Office Mini-Series, check out these posts on Challenges, Inspiration, Daily Schedules, and Tips.

Peony Season in Dublin

May 28, 2013

pink peony 4

I am happily home in Maine, enjoying the late spring sunshine now that the weekend of torrential rain has stopped. I made it just in time to see my little brother graduate from college, and to celebrate my grandmother’s 85th (!) birthday with my family. It’s been a great, relaxing long weekend after a slightly manic busy spring.

pink peony 2 There’s only one tiny thing I’m missing from Dublin at the moment (other than my lovely husband who arrives this weekend!), and that’s peony season. I absolutely love when the peonies come out in our neighborhood, but I left right before they really bloomed. I even stole a few buds from our neighbor (sorry, Graham!), but they took ages to open and I had to hop on my flight to America before they reached their fullest potential.

flowers borris I’ve been consoling myself with these photos from a wedding I helped with a few weeks ago. They’re not as much fun as having big, fat peony blooms in a vase on my desk, but they’re close. Don’t you just want to squeeze them?

pink peony I love this photo, even though it’s a little over-exposed. I think the petals are just so beautifully paper thin and delicate. 

pink peony 3 It’s also just the tail end of lilac season here in Maine, which is almost equally amazing! Tell me, what’s blooming in your area at the moment? 


Cabin Day Dreaming

May 27, 2013

A 486785 A friend sent me on a list of blogs he thought I’d like last week. Boy, was he right. He sent me into a deep rabbit hole of blogs and sites that I accidentally got lost in for way too long. One of the sites he recommended was Cabin Porn. The title’s a little racy (my sister wasn’t too keen on opening it at work!), but it’s pretty wholesome. It’s a collection of photographs of cabins, both inhabited and deserted, from around the world.

cabin porn 2 Most of the cabins are fairly isolated from the rest of the world. They remind me of camping, or of what I think a roadtrip across the midwest might be like.

cabin porn 3 Looking at each of them gave me this really strong longing to be out in the middle of nowhere, all by myself. That feeling has crept in every few months for the last year or so. Maybe it’s because we live in a city now; the houses are so close to each other and we always have neighbors around. Even when we go to the countryside, there is almost always a cottage or house out in the distance.

cabin porn 4 When I was in college, I spent a summer working at a summer camp in northern Minnesota. One day, I borrowed a friend’s car and drove aimlessly for hours. Luckily, my sense of direction is pretty good, and I made my way back okay, but just the feeling of driving and looking at new views was so refreshing.

cabin porn 1 This year, I even asked Michael if we could take a road trip during our summer travels. I was shooting for that open road feeling, with only a paper map as our guide. I wanted something old fashioned and adventurous (but flat, I’m not the biggest fan of winding through mountain roads). I’m not entirely sure we’ll get open road driving between Chicago and Peoria and Cincinnati but maybe Michael will let us take a few detours and get a little intentionally lost!

cabin porn 6 Have any road trip or cabin dreams you’ve been harboring? Tell me that tree house with fairy lights doesn’t have you packing your bags immediately!

Healthy Butternut Squash Stew

May 22, 2013

butternut squash stew Do you ever find a recipe you just absolutely love and then proceed to make it for weeks on end? I've been making this awesome Healthy Butternut Squash Lentil Stew every week for months and can't seem to get sick of it! It's filled with so many healthy veggies but tastes delicious and hearty. It even has a bit of kick from jalapenos. As if that wasn't enough to persuade you to give it a shot, it's barely more work than chopping a few ingredients and opening a few cans. Then it sits on the stove for a couple hours and it's good to go!

butternut squash soup


1 glug olive oil

1 onion

1 carrot

1 tsp jalapeno, minced (or however much you can handle!)

1 tablespoon curry powder

1 garlic clove, minced

3/4 cup dried red lentils

1 butternut squash, peeled and chopped into 1 inch cubes

2 cans chopped tomatoes

1 can chickpeas, drained

2 vegetable stock cubes

4 cups water

Heat the olive oil in the soup pot. Add the onion and carrot and allow them to cook until they start to get tender, about five minutes. Add the garlic and cook for two minutes. Add the curry powder and cook for two minutes. Then add the jalapeno and cook for two minutes. Now, add all of the rest of the ingredients, adding the water last. You want to make sure the water almost covers the rest of the ingredients. Put a lid on the soup pot and allow the stew to come to a boil. Let it boil for about five minutes and turn the heat down to medium low. Let the stew simmer for about two hours. It should start to get thick and the butternut squash will start to fall apart just a little. Serve with sour cream or creme fraiche!

May Desktop Wallpaper and a Birthday!

May 20, 2013

desktop wallpaper may for web Today I have an extra special FCV desktop wallpaper to share with you. Not only is it a beautiful sunset over my neighborhood, it's also a beautiful quote from my wonderful and eloquent father, whose birthday is today!

When I was having a tough time at my job last year, both of my parents were incredibly supportive. I would talk to my dad for a few minutes almost every day, and he would share his absolute best pep talks with me. My dad is a writer and an editor (you can find his books on Amazon!), and he understands so well my desperate need to be creative. His pep talks got me through the toughest days when I was struggling at work and trying my hardest to get my freelance career going.

At the end of last year, my dad wrote me a letter (he writes them after most of my visits home and I will always cherish them). In that note, he wrote these words: Hold tightly to that which makes you truly happy – and keep your hustle on! 

I thought the beginning part would make a perfect desktop wallpaper reminder and I wanted to share some original Gerry Boyle inspiration with you. Hold tightly to that which makes you truly happy. Wise words from my wonderful dad.

To download the wallpaper for your computer, click here to open the image, then right click to set the image as your desktop wallpaper.

Happy birthday, Dad! I'll see you soon!

Friday Finds

May 17, 2013

friday purple blooms

Happy Friday, friends! It honestly feels like yesterday I was typing those same words. These weeks are flying by! I started my week with a big styling assignment for Image Interiors. I styled a whole house! And I had an absolute blast. I can't wait to see the images in print. Then yesterday, I was asked to be part of a welcome video for travel bloggers attending the TBEX conference here in Dublin in October. It was so fun to chat about my favorite Dublin spots!

Today I've been putting the final touches on my blogging course that starts tomorrow morning. I'm really excited to meet my students tomorrow and teach them a whole bunch in a few short days. I can't wait to see what they come up with. It's so fun to think that each of my students will have a blog of their own starting tomorrow! (Our July course still has openings!)

If you're in Dublin this weekend, I have a few suggestions for you! Check out the Graffiti Jam or the Howth rhododendron trees!

And here are a few links for your weekend!

Irish wedding inspiration.

Seasonal rhubarb floats.

Bright dip-dyed placemats.

DIY plaster mini votive holders.

Springy white bean salad with peas and mint.

See you Monday!