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  • Hello Winter!

    Today is the third day straight of rain, which means winter is officially on its way. I love that the leaves are falling off the tops of the trees first. The leaves in Dublin…

    November 3, 2010
  • Election Day and Little Baking!

    Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween and have come down off the sugar high! We had about 30 trick-or-treaters and got lots of compliments on our carved pumpkins. And…

    November 1, 2010
  • Birthday Blues

    Not the sad, I’m getting old Birthday Blues, the we-wear-matching-outfits-and-only-notice-when-we-see-photos Birthday Blues. We celebrated Michael’s birthday on Sunday night with a little surprise and a big cake! And apparently matching outfits… But more importantly,…

    October 26, 2010
  • The Experiment: Week One

    It’s the end of week one of my experiment of selling my baked goods at a little stand in the front garden. Here’s the tally for each day: Monday: 2 pieces coffee cakeTuesday: 3…

    October 22, 2010
  • #9 Clontarf Road

    This is number 9, Clontarf Road. Just under the stairs is the door to our first home, affectionately referred to as the Hobbit House. The lowest window is our living room window. The blue…

    June 28, 2009
  • The Plan

    A couple of very wise people have been suggesting for some time that I should be keeping a journal of my adventures and observations in this move to Dublin. So, while I’ve been here…

    June 28, 2009