Friday Finds

June 21, 2013

peonies chicago


Hey friends, happy Friday to you all! We are finishing off the last of our week in Colorado and heading back to Maine on the red eye tomorrow night. We’re milking the last of this time with Michael’s family with two barbecues and a little pool time tomorrow. We’ve had such fun on this adventure, but we’re excited to unpack for a few weeks and stay in the same place for more than a few days! I’ll be getting back to a more regular work schedule, and starting to plan some big projects for my return to Dublin!

Now, some fun, summery links for your weekend. Enjoy!

A beautiful summer tabletop.

Pretty painted party glasses.

Oreo pudding pops.

Snapchat? Nope, try Snapcat!

Beautiful DIY cutting boards.

Stone fruit trifle, yum!

My Twenty Minute Road Trip

June 20, 2013

barn Remember how excited I was about a little road trip during our time in the midwest last week? Well, we did have a wonderful time visiting with family and gazing out over flat corn fields from the highway. But what I really wanted to do on my version of the road trip was get off the highway and take lots of photos of these incredible weather-worn barns off teeny tiny back country roads.

barn 2 Know how long that lasted? Twenty minutes. Michael just wasn’t with me on the barn photo op journey.

farmland So now I’ve come up with a new theory. The kind of road trip I want, I’m just going to have to go it alone. Next summer, it’s just going to be me, my camera, and a really reliable GPS.  I think I’d only need a day in order to capture a whole lotta barns.

barn 3 But seriously, aren’t these barns  just too Little House on the Prairie? Or Friday Night Lights maybe. At the very least, a country music song or two!

road farmland And I could drive down long country roads for days. Without anyone to interrupt my photo-taking!


Travel Update: Colorado Edition

June 20, 2013

colorado update We’re closing in on the last week of our time traveling around America (before we settle into Maine for a good three weeks!), and we’re certainly making the most of it! We’re currently visiting Michael’s two brothers and their other halves in Denver and Colorado Springs.

In just 24 hours, we’ve picnicked in the Garden of the Gods, tandem bicycled to the cutest coffee shop, enjoyed some sisterly pedicures, and watched a whole lotta hockey (go Bruins!) and basketball. As if that wasn’t enough action, this morning we hiked the Manitou Springs Incline, a special brand of pain-inducing hiking that involves over 4,000 steps and a net gain of more than 2,000 feet up the side of a mountain. Apparently people do this daily and some people even run up it! Michael and I huffed and puffed our way to the top with our sad little sea level lungs, and then spent the rest of the day horizontal and poolside.

We’re plum tuckered but excited for three more days in Colorado before we’re back to reality in Maine at the weekend!


July Weekend Blogging Course and a Discount!

June 18, 2013

blogging course july 2013

Next month I am teaching another weekend blogging course in Dublin. It runs from 10-4pm Saturday and Sunday, July 20th and 21st. The last course was so much fun – brand new bloggers were up and posting by lunchtime on the first day!

If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, come join me for the weekend! And the best news? There’s a 10% discount if you book before June 30th!

Five Good Things on a Saturday

June 15, 2013

flower box


We’re back in Chicago for a few days after a weeklong mini-road trip. We’ve had such a wonderful, relaxing week. So today, how about five good things from the week?

1. Spending time with Michael’s aunts and uncles and cousins (and even a grand-cousin!) across the midwest. It’s been a few years since we last saw everyone, so it’s been so great to catch up. We have been so spoiled – Michael’s family is beyond hospitable.

2. Getting to see Michael’s grandmother, who just turned 88! She has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t always remember Michael, but when she does it’s really sweet to see. She lives with Michael’s aunt and her family, and if we’re ever in the position to take in any of our parents years from now, I hope we can do it half as gracefully.

3. Animals! I’ve seen more birds on this trip (and I think my dad would be proud of how many I can identify!) – hummingbirds, bright yellow finches, cardinals, red wing blackbirds. I really think we need a bird feeder in Dublin. I forgot how much I enjoy watching them all day. And Michael’s cousins have a horse, goats, two types of chickens (some for meat and some for eggs), ducks and cats. Michael’s decided he wants to build a chicken coop in our back garden in Dublin after eating fresh eggs for a few days!

4. Riding our cousin’s horse! Michael has always wanted to get horses, so now in addition to our chickens, he’s plotting for horses too!

5. Road tripping with my husband – watching corn fields roll by, spotting great old barns, chatting and not chatting, a little moving prayer time together, and holding hands while we drive. It’s been a very good week!

Today, we have a little time with some more family in Chicago, then tomorrow we are off to Colorado for a week before heading back to Maine! Have a happy weekend!

Travels via Instagram

June 13, 2013
IMG_1176 Doesn’t China Village look so grand all decked out for Memorial Day? That’s my grandfather’s military flag hanging from the front porch.

I’ve been struggling a little with how and whether to share all my many photos from all the various legs of our trip. Then I got up today and figured it might just be fun to share some of my Instagram photos for those of you who might not follow me over there! Plus, they’re already edited and sized, so it saves me a little time in front of the computer!

So we’ll take a little tour, starting with Maine!

IMG_1173 Nothing like a Maine lobster. It’s $4.99 a pound at the moment!

And quickly on to Florida! Blue skies, beach, and my little family!

IMG_1200 IMG_1223 IMG_1237

IMG_1288 My gorgeous sister!

IMG_1250 And then on to Chicago for relaxing breakfasts with friends, and a wedding in the Chicago Planetarium!

IMG_1317 IMG_1350 I loved the Planetarium’s inspirational branding!



You can follow along with my travels on my Instagram feed – I’m @emilyholmes!

Travel Update!

June 12, 2013

midwest update After a week in Florida with my family, Michael and I zipped up to Chicago for a week in the midwest visiting friends, attending a wedding, and then taking a road trip to visit his extended family. We’re currently near Peoria, Illinois, and tomorrow we head to Cincinnati, Ohio. We’re having a wonderful time catching up with family we haven’t seen in a few years – and getting so spoiled by Michael’s aunts and uncles!

It has been so refreshing and rejuvenating to spend time in this flat, fabulous small-town place. I’ve always loved seeing corn fields that stretch on for miles – it’s such a different landscape from what I grew up in and it reminds me of country music and Little House on the Prairie books. Tonight, for dinner, we ate corn from Michael’s grandparents’ farm!

I have lots more photos to share once we’ve settled in one spot for more than a couple days. In the meantime, I leave you with blue skies and corn fields!


Video / Welcome to Dublin!

June 10, 2013

gathering video Anyone else think it’s pretty weird watching yourself on video? It certainly brings out your inner critic! But all that cringing aside, I was thrilled to participate in a little video made by the folks at The Gathering to welcome travel bloggers to Dublin in the fall. A handful of bloggers and writers in Dublin got to talk about what makes Dublin so great, and they asked me to join in! Not a bad gig at all!

I think my favorite part of the video is when French food blogger Ketty talks about Irish cheese expanding her cheese world – a high compliment to Irish cheese! There’s also a funny part when we all recommend the same thing to travelers packing for a trip to Dublin. Can you guess what it is?

You can view the video here. I hope you like it and I hope it inspires you to visit or explore Dublin!

Huge thanks to Claire and Laura from the Irish Design Shop who let us take over their store for a little while to film!

Happy Weekend!

June 9, 2013

sunrise florida


{Florida sunrise yesterday}

Hello friends! Happy weekend! I’m blogging from a sunshiny spot on a deck in Chicago! But I’m hearing it’s been spectacularly sunny in Dublin for weeks now!

Tonight, Michael and I are heading to a wedding at the Chicago planetarium, and then tomorrow we’ll start our little road trip across the midwest. We are really excited to see family members we haven’t seen in years!

So far, between our various gadgets, working remotely has been pretty easy (if a little heavy!). We picked up a keyboard for the iPad and it works like a dream. It also means we don’t have to share my computer, so when I need to work, Michael can stay entertained! He’s actually been practicing his Spanish with a hilarious app – every few hours he breaks out with ustedes eres hombres and I just crack up.

What are you all up to this weekend? Here are a few great links to keep you entertained in case it’s not so sunny where you are (sorry, Maine!). See you tomorrow to start the week!

A guide to edible flowers.

Arctic cabins in summer and winter.

I think I need some of these reusable paper towels.

And one of these ethereal prints.

The signature cocktails from film and literature classics.

Three free father’s day cards.