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  • DIYing, Holiday Style

    You know one thing I love about Ireland? The absolute over-use of the description “DIY”. I’ll admit, I’ve adopted it. It’s one of those phrases that annoys me if I think about it too…

    December 1, 2010
  • Holiday Picks: Kitchen Edition!

    I think some of you might still be snowed in this morning in Dublin! Hope you are staying in and cosy today! I spent yesterday afternoon sewing Christmas stockings for a few little boys…

    November 29, 2010
  • Winter Fair Report

    Hello from China Village! I made it up to my hometown late yesterday afternoon. No major incidents driving on the other side of the road and I had so much fun turning right on…

    November 23, 2010
  • The Other Home

    Good morning from dark and gray Portland, Maine! I arrived LATE last night and am still zonked, but I am here! I wanted to share a quick few photos with you this morning before…

    November 22, 2010
  • Scavenging

    Did you think I had left you? Moved on to bigger and better things? Not so! The internet was out yesterday, so I was cut off from the world of my blog. I knew…

    November 18, 2010
  • Give-away Winner!

    You know what the most fun part of this give-away was? Getting to hear about all the fun things you have been baking! I got one great new recipe already (thanks, Jess G!), and…

    November 14, 2010
  • Inedible

    Hello friends, I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend filled with a lot more edible baking than mine! I was feeling under the weather this weekend, and Michael was away with basketball,…

    November 14, 2010
  • Give-away!

    So to celebrate this cool news, I”m doing a little give-away. Here”s how to enter: Simply leave a comment on this post with the answer to this question: What was the last or most…

    November 12, 2010
  • An A in Statistics

    Hello everyone! Just a few views from my walk earlier today before we get going here this afternoon. Right, now, down to business. I picked this blog up again just three weeks ago, and…

    November 10, 2010
  • More Online Love and an Adventure

    Hello everyone! I’ve got a tiny bit of fun news! Yesterday, when I posted about the lovely Gifted online magazine on this blog, I sent a note to the editor that I had posted…

    November 5, 2010