Sneak Peek: Colby College Art Museum

July 12, 2013

chuck close ansel adams

{That’s Chuck Close in tapestry form. Yes, tapestry! And also a lovely Ansel Adams}

Yesterday, Michael and I got to tag along on a media preview of the new Colby College art museum. Michael and I both went to Colby (actually, my parents met there too, so our Colby blood runs deep!), and it’s even where we got married nearly five years ago.

I’ve been calling it the new art museum, but there was a great museum there before. What we got to see yesterday is actually an enormous addition built to accommodate 500 new works that were donated by Peter and Paula Lunder, also Colby alums. The new addition makes the Colby art museum the largest exhibition space in the state.

colby museum lobby

The lobby is filled with modern furniture and contemporary artwork like this flashing light stick and a mirrored work that’s great for taking selfies (although I am sure the artist did not intend on that as a use!).

colby museum 2 We got a wonderful tour of the new space from art director Sharon Corwin, who shared a little about the process of curating a collection that ranges from Georgia O’Keefe to Mary Cassatt to Sol Lewitt and James McNeill Whistler, with a little of everything in between. Instead of organizing the pieces chronologically, they’ve chosen to arrange the works thematically, which I absolutely loved. I think it’s a much nicer way to experience the art, when you can recognize similarities between different pieces or different time periods and learn about the varying treatment and representation of themes.

colby museum I’ve been thinking about this piece since we left yesterday. It’s an installation designed by Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam War Memorial. Lin designed a template, which was sent to Colby along with all of those pins, and museum interns spent three weeks hammering the pins in to create this river. What struck me is how temporary that artwork is – when the pins are removed, the art goes too. Similarly, the museum has a Sol Lewitt painted wall that the museum has the rights to for ten years. After ten years, either they renew the lease or paint over it. I just find the idea of leasing the rights to art, and sending a template and a box of pins, so fascinating.

my boys at colby museum

Taking photos of a museum while you’re on a tour is a little difficult (too many people in the way!), so I took a few of these two dudes to liven up my pictures. Michael was fairly preoccupied with his tattoo, which he had finished the night before. And that’s my dad, who also happens to be the excellent editor of the Colby alumni magazine, and wrote about the Lunders’ decision to send their artwork to Colby. You can read more about it here.

All in all, if you ever find yourself in lovely central Maine, you’ll definitely have to make a pitstop at the Colby Museum of Art on the way to have an ice cream in China Village! And if you’re around Colby this weekend, there’s a public opening on Saturday with lots of activities for the whole family!

China Village Porch Party

July 8, 2013

china village porch party We’ve been having a heat wave in China Village. (So has Dublin, but we’re trying not to dwell on the fact that we’re missing the hottest weather Dublin will see for the next 20 years!) But in China Village, it’s been 90’s and humid and everything’s been sticky for days.

On Saturday night, we had my whole family home and the plan for dinner was lobster and corn. A great idea on normal days, but boiling two enormous pots of water in an already steamy house? I panicked a little, and then I decided we should take advantage of our very stately front porch and have a little cocktail party, at least while that water was boiling!

porch party china So we threw together a little party on the porch, complete with impromptu arrangements of thyme, clematis and an unidentified yellow flower.

mike shucking corn Poor Michael got put to work – his mom grew up on a farm, and he spent summers there as a kid, so he shucks corn like a pro!

lobster corn And then, lobster and corn! The perfect Maine summer meal with my whole family sitting around the table. And no photographic proof that I was even there because we do not need to immortalize my stickiness and humidity-frizzed hair for all time in pictures!





Happy Fourth of July!

July 4, 2013

fourth of july

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Well, everyone who celebrates it, I suppose. We’re still in Maine, so it’s fun to be able to celebrate the holiday here in America. We’ll be hanging out at the lake, eating some hotdogs, and soaking up the sunshine. I’m taking tomorrow off, but I’ll be back on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!

Top destinations for flower lovers.

Wild Irish salmon tacos!

The funniest shots of kids getting sunscreened.

Wonderful wedding sparkler moments.

Designing your own iPhone case.

Irish Masterchef is looking for contestants

A bajillion ice cream recipes.


July 2, 2013

mike tattoo 2 Yesterday, Michael spent the better part of the day getting inked by a tattoo artist named Watson. I dropped by in the evening, five hours into a tattoo that will take at least that much time again to finish next week. I planned to take a few photographs just to document what Michael has promised will be his last tattoo (I know, we’ll see). Little did I know that the light and the space would make for some awesome images.

mike tattoo 4

Watson’s studio is actually one of the coolest spaces I’ve seen in a long time. Tucked away off a busy street in Portland, Maine, it’s perfectly curated with photographs, old cameras, silver spray painted manual typewriters, animal skulls, and tons of Watson’s graphic artwork. He hand-letters in a font he designed himself that’s almost western meets goth, and blows it up at Kinko’s on an old copier. I wouldn’t really want any of it in my house, but man, the combination of everything he has collected is powerful.

mike tattoo 3 The tattoo, when finished, will be a Renaissance-style depiction of the Old Testament story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Tattoos aren’t very appealing to me – I would never want one of my own – and Michael and I had a lot of conversations about whether this one would happen. But the tattoo itself is stunning, unusual and meaningful to Michael, which is about all I could ask for. Well, that and some grainy, edgy images from Watson’s hideaway studio.




Summer Barn Gathering

July 1, 2013

barn night front

On Saturday night, Michael and I were invited to a summer barn gathering that our friend Chrissy was throwing at her aunt and uncle’s apple orchard. We had a lovely time chatting with friends and enjoying the first sunshine we had seen in a few days.  welcome to barn

The party was held at Sweetser Apple Orchard, which has been in Chrissy’s family since 1812! They have recently started holding weddings, and we all decided it would be an awesome spot for one!  barn mike And there’s my handsome man looking so summery!

apple orchard

The owners were explaining to me that the orchard has over fifty varieties of apples, because hundreds of years ago the goal was to have new varieties getting ripe throughout the season so you didn’t have to worry about storage.
barn wall

The barn is filled with old equipment and signage from the farm.  tables barn

The tables were all set with pretty gingham tablecloths and arrangements of peonies and astilbe from the gardens. gingham and flowers emily silhouette

The light throughout the evening was wonderful for taking photographs, but once the sun set, all the fairy lights in the barn started twinkling. I think I like these evening images the best.  barn night front barn night inside barn night Such a wonderful summer-in-Maine evening! Thanks for inviting us, Chrissy!


Goodbye Google Reader and Happy Weekend!

June 29, 2013


Happy weekend, friends! Did you have a nice week? We’ve been having very Irish weather this week in China Village – it started out hot but turned midweek to 65 and rainy! We’re hoping for dry weather by the Fourth of July, though.


First, a little housekeeping. On Monday, Google Reader is retiring for good, so if you follow From China Village on Google Reader, you’ll want to come up with another plan! As soon as I heard about Google Reader retiring, I moved to Feedly and I really like it. The functionality is fairly similar to Google Reader and the layout and design is easy on the eye. Or you might try Bloglovin, which a lot of people have started using as well. You can follow FCV with any reader by clicking on the subscriptions button at the right, or you can follow FCV on Bloglovin here or Feedly here.

This weekend, we’re visiting some friends and getting ready for Michael to get another tattoo in a few days. And by getting ready, I mean I’m mourning his lovely blank arm and he’s chattering about it nonstop. I don’t understand tattoos, really, or the desperate need my husband seems to have for this one, but I try not to hem him in. Hence, the tattoos and motor cycle that I never quite expected to be married to!

Any terrifying excitement on your horizon this weekend? Here are a few links that have been distracting me all week. See you Monday!

This seems like a great idea for keeping all those chargers organized.

A magnet wall DIY that might feature in our apartment makeover.

I wonder how DIY-able this wooden block coffee table might be.

Aren’t these painted chairs really lovely? They might have to feature in our apartment makeover as well!

Yummy toasted coconut pound cake.

This bright beach bag for when the sun finally comes back out!

Throwback Thursday / Sandpaper Crowns

June 27, 2013

emily 1985 For the last few months, every Thursday, I’ve met those throwback Thursday photos that friends post on Instagram and Facebook with equal parts awwww and grrrrrr. I’m a sucker for cute baby photos and awkward teenage photos.

But the reason I also grumble is that I haven’t been able to join in. In Dublin I have zero photos from my childhood (although some of the photos from when I moved to Dublin five years ago are starting to feel appropriate for a throwback at this point!), which I think it’s time to remedy.

So while I’m home, I’m picking out a few photos to take back with me, to have for Instagram and otherwise! And I thought you all might get a kick out of this photo. When I was very small, my parents bought an 1820’s farmhouse in China Village that needed (and sometimes still needs) a lot of loving. They carefully restored it, bit by bit and year by year, and even made me a few sandpaper crowns along the way!

Styled in Ireland / A Night Out in Dublin

June 26, 2013

night out title

Hey friends, it’s time for another installment of Styled in Ireland. This time, we’re exploring what to wear for a night out in Dublin city – whether that’s dinner and drinks with a few friends, or maybe even a little dancing!

night out 1

Tips for Travelers:

One of the first things I noticed about Dublin when I moved here nearly five years ago, was that “going out” meant dressing up. Given, I grew up in China Village, which can really only be described as rural. Picturesque, but rural. You probably have to drive an hour and a half to get to a half-decent place where you could go dancing. I’ve also lived in a few cities (Los Angeles, Washington DC, Boston), but going out in Dublin seems decidedly less casual than most places in America.

The first lesson I learned was to skip the jeans, or at the very least, dress them up considerably. A lot of girls will wear dresses, but I usually opt for pants because I usually get too cold in transit. In these photos, I’m wearing a pair of skinny tuxedo pants from H&M. They have a little sheen to them, and they look great with a high pair of heels and a bright colored top.

night out 2

Highlight // Irish Designer

To highlight the trim on the collar of this fun red top, I picked a few pieces from Bow Boutique in the Powerscourt Centre. These are by the talented jeweler MoMuse. The length of that necklace was just perfect, and I love the delicate drop earrings – just enough sparkle for just about any place the night might take me!

IMG_8645 Now, for a few recommendations of where to go for a fun night out. Michael and I are really partial to 37 Dawson Street, which happens to be where these photos were taken. 37 Dawson has a restaurant as well as a lounge/dance area and a whiskey bar. Michael had his 30th birthday party there last year, and while I’ve yet to eat dinner there, the nibbles we tasted that night were really yummy.

night out 3 We’re also fans of 37 Dawson because the clientele is more twenties and thirties. Keep in mind, the legal drinking age in Ireland is 18, so if you’re older than early twenties, you’ll want to find a spot that doesn’t make you feel ancient!

If 37 Dawson gets a little crowded, Samsara next door is a little calmer. Or for dinner with a loungey vibe, you can try the Exchecquer Restaurant, which has a great cocktail menu. Fade Street Social is great for a night out, or if you happen to have a balmy, dry evening, the Marker Hotel rooftop bar is pretty special!

Missed the previous Styled in Ireland posts? Check them out here! Summer / Match Day / Afternoon Tea / Picnic / Chilly Weather / Wedding Guest / Date Night / Festive Paddy’s Day / Rainy Weather / Dublin Exploring

Top: Zara / Pants: H&M / Jewelry: MoMuse / Heels: Zara / Hair and makeup: Kristin Labanauskas / Photography: Julie Matkin, Half a Dream Away / Styling: Emily Westbrooks


Adventures in Colorado!

June 26, 2013

Ready for a whole bunch of photos from our week in Colorado? Because that’s what you’re about to get! With a little info on where we were or what we were up to.

em petunias Michael’s brother and his fiancee just moved into a new apartment, so I decided they need a petunia. Super color, no?

bluffs colorado Michael’s other brother’s wife’s family (get all that?) lives near these bluffs, perfect for short hikes with great views.

colorado terrain I loved how different the terrain was from Dublin or Maine or the midwest – rusty red dirt and rocky paths.

mike em garden of gods I also loved these incredible red rocks at the Garden of the Gods. Michael color-coordinated appropriately.

garden of gods

And nature complimented itself perfectly as well.

mike garden of gods

Tall rocks, tall dude.

garden of gods mike and em We found a shady nook. Colorado sun is no joke!

mike and ryker And in between, Michael did a little rough-housing with two-year-olds.

incline Then we hiked this crazy incline, which made me want to die for all 4,350 steps. Until it was over, at which point I could kind of see how it gets addictive! Such a rush! Also so much sweatiness.

little man ice cream Then we got well-deserved ice cream at Little Man Ice Cream in Denver. It was so hot it melted almost as fast as I could lick.

colorado transportation And finally, we spotted these amazing characters, zipping around the city.

All in all, a wonderful trip! We are now recuperating (and getting back to work!) in Maine for a few weeks before we return to Dublin. We’re lucky ducks with all these adventures this summer and it’s so fun to re-live them through the photos!










Our Dublin Home in Ikea Live Magazine

June 25, 2013

ikea dublin feature A few months ago, the kind folks from Ikea Live magazine reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to share a few photos from our little Dublin home with their readers. I also got to share a little info about our home and how we’ve decorated it. Totally fun! You can find the article and photos online here.

Ikea asked me to share the size of our home, which was actually the first time I really thought about exactly how big (or small) our home is. Seventy-five metres squared is roughly 800 square feet. That’s not too big, especially when you take into account that we have one single closet. One! And it’s half filled with the water tank for the apartment, so it doesn’t even really count. I think it actually feels pretty spacious, considering!

Now here’s the funny thing. Those photos of our apartment? They’re all going to change in the next few months! We’re planning a few big changes to it and I can’t wait to share our plans as well as our progress along the way. We’ve lived in our apartment for three and a half years, much longer than we ever thought we would. But with jump to self-employment in the last year, we aren’t too appealing to mortgage lenders and are going to have to wait a while longer to buy a house. So in the meantime, we want to make some changes that are necessary for the upkeep of the place as well as reflect our taste a little more.

Some of the changes are big, some are small, and a ton of them are DIY related, which means lots more fun projects to share here! I’m excited to have a clean slate to decorate and a whole lot of ideas to share here on FCV with you!

In the meantime, check out the before photos and a little info about our little space over on Ikea Live!

If you follow me on Pinterest, you probably have a pretty good idea of the style we’re shooting for. Feel like guessing what we’re up to?