Home Office / Fishing

July 30, 2013

home office fishing Bet you don’t have a clue how I’m tying fishing into a post about working from home, huh? Well this post is all about my theory of successful freelancing, and it’s surprisingly just like fishing.

I would say that about fifty percent of my career at the moment involves pitching ideas to various online and print publications. I don’t have a journalism background, so I’ve been working hard to build relationships with editors both in Ireland and in the U.S. and the U.K. Some pieces I’m asked to write, but most of them came from me sending story ideas to editors and having them get picked up.

So here’s the fishing analogy part. I was never a big fan of fishing, even growing up on a lake, but I like the imagery because it’s exactly how I picture the freelancing side of my career. When you’re fishing, you toss a line in, sometimes many lines, and you wait for a fish to take the bait. You might have to throw in ten worms to get one bite, but you keep casting and waiting until you catch something.

Freelancing? Just the same thing. You send out lots of story ideas and wait for them to get picked up. Sometimes you wait quite a while to hear anything back, and some ideas get turned down, but some get scooped up and you’re off and writing! It can be a little tiring, but that’s where I think the fishing analogy is particularly helpful.

Sometimes the fishing analogy gets a bit old, kind of like I’m sure actual fishing gets a bit old when you’re only landing tiny sunfish instead of big bass. But that’s when you have to rely on another fishy friend – Nemo. Just keep swimming! 

Jewel Tones / Apartment Make Over Inspiration

July 29, 2013

makeover inspiration jewel tones

Happy Monday, friends! We spent the bulk of the weekend either painting or cleaning up after painting. It was riveting, and Michael and I nearly killed each other. Painting a house does not a happy marriage make! Especially when we are both fairly type A, eldest sibling, control freaks. He’s certainly a better painter, but he loses points on the cheerfulness scale. I figure being stuck in the same room is a great time for chats. Michael does not agree. He is one focused (read – boring) painter. Much more efficient, but way less fun.

But I digress, this was supposed to be another installment in a little series of inspiration for our apartment makeover. As you can see from the photos above, when we’ve finished off the paint everything white phase, we’ll have a wonderful blank slate for adding in bright, deep color. I’m shooting for jewel tones throughout the house, mixed with white painted and wood furniture.

We currently have a sort of orange toned fake wood laminate for floors, we’re hoping to replace it because it’s starting to disintegrate under our feet. We’re also still in search of a couch to replace the two apartment-issue behemoths (again, replacing because they’re falling apart). But when those two key pieces are complete, we’ll have the perfect blank slate for lots of beautiful jewel toned accessories.

And the search for them is hopefully going to keep me sane through the rest of the painting, floor-replacing, and couch shopping!

How was your weekend? I hope it was free of painting!

An Adventure to Swan’s Island, Maine

July 25, 2013


em swans island I’m still easing out of my Maine summer life, so I have a few more of those posts to share before I put our awesome trip to rest. Thanks for indulging me!

dad ferry A few days before we left to head back to Dublin, Michael and I tagged along with my dad on a work trip to Swan’s Island, a six mile ferry ride off the coast of Bar Harbor. My father is a mystery novelist, and he often travels around the country and around Maine for readings and signings. Not that I’m biased or anything, but I always enjoy hearing my dad speak about his book research and writing process. If he’s ever in your neighborhood, he’s worth a listen!

swans island

So, we drove to the coast and hopped on the ferry on one of the most beautiful days of our whole trip – sunny, warm even on the usually chilly coast, and calm ocean water.

row boats swans island 2 We were met by two lovely hosts who had organized my dad’s visit, and spent an hour or so in the island’s library listening to my dad speak about his books before getting a great, wandering tour of the island. It’s actually quite a large island, with around 300 year-round residents. I can’t quite imagine living their during the winter, but man this summer day was heavenly.

swans island ocean

Do you know the Maine coast at all? It’s so different than almost anywhere else – craggy and rocky and peppered with almost 5,000 islands, some of them so tiny they’re barely visible at high tide, and some so large people live there through cold and snowy winters.

crab shells {Sidenote, when these sparkly shoes of mine bite the dust, I will be heartbroken. They are my favorites and somehow make it into way too many instagram photos!}

em and mike quarry Swan’s Island has a quarry that the locals use as a swimming pool – it even has a roped off swimming section and a lifeguard! Can you imagine if your swimming pool had this view?! If I had brought my bathing suit, I would have been in there!

em swans island 2 There’s something about Maine island life that is just intoxicating. As we drove around the little island, all I could think about was how to convince Michael to rent a cottage there for a week next summer. We would walk and swim and sunbathe and paint. We’d wave to every single person passing by like all the locals do. And we’d soak up that salty ocean smell that I wish I could bottle and bring back to Dublin.

em dad mike swans island And this guy would bring his Whaler and stay for the week.

mike three tides After a long, sunny day, we found ourselves back on the mainland, not quite ready to let the day end.  So we stopped in Belfast at the guys’ favorite brewery/pub/patio, Three Tides (you can pick up growlers for cheap!) and watched the sun set over the sailboats.

Another perfect Maine summer day I’ll be reliving for the next eleven months! Thanks for letting us tag along, Dad!


Bright White / Apartment Make Over Inspiration

July 24, 2013

makeover inspiration white

I thought I’d break into my Maine travel recap posts with a little inspiration for our apartment makeover. For the last few months, I’ve been busily pinning inspiration images for our apartment makeover. One clear trend in my pins? White walls. So, first things first, we are painting the whole darn apartment bright white – walls, trim and ceilings. Everything is getting a fresh coat of blank canvas!

I’m a little surprised at how much progress we’ve made in the week we’ve been back. Despite some heavy jet lag (sheesh, it’s much tougher coming this direction), we’ve already conquered one whole room as well as the trim in our long hallway/kitchen. And by we, I mean mostly Michael. He’s the chief painter in our household. I am in charge of snacks.

I picked up a huge bucket of white paint that should last us throughout the house. I chose a color called Ivory Chalk. Michael contends it’s pretty much just white, but he’s not so familiar with the nuances of white paint. Ivory Chalk is just slightly different than all those other whites. It’s not warm or cool, just bright and chalky. I love it already.

We’re hoping to finish painting the rest of the apartment in the next week. Then we have a few big projects to tackle (flooring and couches) before I can really get to the fun part – decorating and DIYing! Here’s hoping our great momentum continues!

Left // Right

Sneak Peek / An Adventure to Swan’s Island

July 23, 2013


I just finished editing a few photos from our trip last week to Swan’s Island, Maine. I thought this gif would make a fun sneak peek before the post! I think it looks like we’re cut out dolls on the boat!


A Post in Blues / Down the River

July 22, 2013

boat blues Each year when I’m home in Maine, my family takes a trip in our Boston Whaler (artfully named the Blood Vessel by my brother when he was about four and my dad had just published a new murder mystery novel) down the Kennebec River to the ocean. For the last few years, we’ve timed the trip perfectly for a day that’s just too hot to do anything else. We decided that the Whaler on the Maine coast was the coolest spot in the state last Tuesday!

boothbay harbor It was also just so blue. Lately, I’ve had a thing for photos of sea plus sky. I love the combinations of different blues meeting each other.

boat race boothbay We happened upon a few kids’ sailing races that were really funny to watch. I’m sure there was some order, but they looked like chaos! This little guy in the foreground was bringing up the rear. I don’t blame him, though, there was hardly a breeze at all!

lobster boat 2

We also saw a whole lot of lobster boats pulling pots and getting dive-bombed by seagulls. There were some new color combos on the lobster buoys that I really enjoyed – very trendy with neon and gold accents! Of course, we were zipping along too quickly to take many lobster buoy photos!

boothbay harbor 2 I’m not sure we’ve ever had such a calm day for a trip down the river. It was so calm we took the Blood Vessel out to the open water, and even there it was still calm! I love that moment where the sea and the ocean meets, where the blues get a smidge darker but you can’t tell whether it’s the sea or the sky that has changed. It’s so different in Ireland and Maine; in Ireland it’s more often a mixture of green and blue and grey. But this is just how I remember the Maine version – blue upon blue upon blue.

boothbay harbor 3 Luckily, we’ve been making a pretty smooth transition back to life in Dublin – we arrived to blue skies that stayed for days without a single cloud. We even spent a few hours on Saturday on the beach – sunbathing! In a bathing suit! And we weren’t the least bit cold. I’ve quickly worn out the phrase I can’t believe it!


Friday Finds

July 19, 2013

beach finds


{Tiny treasures from the beach in Maine last week.}

Happy Friday, friends! We’re back in Dublin and it’s hot. It feels a little like the twilight zone – the grass is brown, everyone is tan and happy, and there are just no clouds. It’s so weird! We’d been hearing about this Irish heat wave while we were away and thought for sure it would have been used up by the time we returned. But it’s still here!

Michael is currently weed-whacking the jungle that is our back garden so that we can enjoy it all weekend. I’m heading out to the garden centre to pick up some plants since all of ours baked in the sun while we were gone. They’re saying it’s really a drought, and I’m still having a hard time believing we’re in Ireland!

This weekend will be hopefully spent outdoors enjoying the sunshine. It might even involve a trip to the beach! I still have lots of fun posts to share from our time in Maine, so I’ll try to round those up next week. And now that I’m back in action, I’m excited to get cracking on a few projects that have been on the list for months. I can’t wait to share more with you soon.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend, wherever you are! Now, a few links!

Cronuts have come to Dublin.

I’m so excited for UpStart’s new pop-up park next month. (You can help fund it here.)

The Newsroom is back! It makes my inner Aaron Sorkin fan quite happy.

Incredible driftwood sculptures.

Think it’s a good weekend for making iced coffee – here’s a great recipe!

Happy weekend, friends!

China Village Flowers

July 16, 2013

nancy flowers During our time in the States, we’ve been doing a lot of visiting. Happily for us, lots of our visiting has involved going for meals at friends’ houses. One particular set of friends never lets us bring anything, no matter how many times I ask or offer! So I decided the perfect gift for our hosts would be a bouquet of China Village flowers from the stand down the road. 

nancy flowers 2 I’ve written about neighbor Nancy’s flower arrangements before (like here and here), but I think they merit at least an annual set of photos. They are just summer-in-Maine wonderful.

nancy flowers 3

Have a happy Tuesday, friends!

One Dreamy Day

July 15, 2013

row boats swans island text On Friday, Michael and I tagged along with my dad, who was heading to an island off the coast of Maine for a book event. We had an absolutely dreamy day – taking the ferry, exploring the island, meeting some fascinating island folks. I have bajillions more photos, but since we’re packing to head back to Ireland on Wednesday, this one will have to do for today.

When I get back to Dublin, I will paint these boats. I haven’t broken out my paints in years, but these sweet little row boats and their dreamy reflections just need to turn into a painting.


A Maine Barn Tour

July 12, 2013

barn light After my visit to the Colby Art Museum earlier in the week, I deserted Michael for a few hours and hopped in the car with my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Smith. It’s been years since I’ve seen her, but when she saw my post about barns in the midwest, Mrs. Smith offered to take me on a little Maine barn tour. I instantly took her up on it!

barn tour We headed east from China through a whole bunch of little tiny villages and towns, toward Belfast and the coast. Mrs. Smith has a camera she wanted to play with a little, and I was thrilled to be able to stop at every barn or cute house that caught my eye!

branch mills 2 Honestly, the trip was such a gift. I loved looking at the Maine landscape and peering into lawns, catching all the falling-down houses and rusting cars, or beautiful gardens and perfectly manicured homes.

branch mills

I loved taking a drive through my home state with the sole purpose of finding fun things to photograph. Like this “Real Maine Country Store”, which sadly probably hasn’t been open in at least ten years. But peering in the window revealed old dishes, a spinning wheel, and a stack of old gasoline cans.  maine general store My favorite stop was Liberty, Maine, where the ten houses and shops on the main street were packed with antiques and awesome old junk.

maple syrup Including some Maine maple syrup in an antiques shop.

mobil station liberty Liberty also has an ancient Mobil station that serves as an annex to the tool shop across the street.

mobile station gas Doesn’t that gas pump belong in a movie from the 50’s? It’s ancient and perfectly distressed!

I feel so grateful that writing here on From China Village has re-introduced me to so many people from real live China Village, and from my past. It has expanded my life in the most wonderful ways. Huge thanks so much to Mrs. Smith for taking me on an incredibly enjoyable photo tour. I’m hoping it will be come a new annual tradition!