Carcassonne, France / Part 2

August 13, 2013

carcassonne square Despite the fact that we’re in Spain this week, I’ve still got photos from our trip to Carcassonne to share! Off we go!

carcassonne castle We loved exploring the little town of Carcassonne. Most of the guidebooks will tell you there’s very little in Carcassonne other than the castle. Which is probably mostly accurate, except there are some cute shops and great markets, and exceptionally good coffee. Honestly, it’s a sweet little sleepy European town that was perfect for a few days of wandering and relaxing.

em and mike coffee French coffee outside. We were clearly happy campers. If you visit Carcassonne, beware that there is pretty much no coffee to be found on Sundays. Which is fine, as long as you weren’t at a wedding the night before that didn’t finish until 7am (we left at 3, but still!). But more on that in the next Carcassonne post!

carcassonne town Carcassonne has a festival throughout the month of July and I think that’s why these little flags were strung throughout all the streets. They certainly didn’t provide any shade!

farmer's market carcassonne Carcassonne has a farmer’s market in the main square every Tuesday, Thursday and  Saturday! Piles of fresh herbs, tomatoes that smelled tomato-y, and big hunks of watermelon.

figs and tomatoes Market tomatoes and sidewalk figs.

em rue longue This was our little street in Carcassonne – it wasn’t a touristy area at all and we loved running into locals and saying bonjourI’ve gotten such great wear out of this little dress in the few weeks I’ve had it. Zara sale for €20, can’t be beat! I thought it looked a little French!

sunflowers close up And around Carcassonne, there were fields of sunflowers. The fab duo Poppies and Me (otherwise known as Kate and Sean) scouted one the night before the wedding and let me tag along while they snapped a few photos of our wonderful friends. Which meant Michael was off the hook (he’s not so much for photo field trips, remember the barns?), and I got sunflowers at sunset. So gorgeous!

sunflowers carcassonne I have one more installment of photos from Carcassonne to share. I want to get through them before I start raving about Spain!


We’re Off to Spain!

August 12, 2013

off to almunecar When we were doing our summer planning, Michael and I decided this would be our year of travel. We knew it would be a little hectic, but since we put house-buying plans on hold when I started working for myself (turns out no one will look at us for a mortgage until I’ve been at it for at least two years), we decided we’d use some of that flexibility to our advantage. Therefore, America, France and Spain during Michael’s school holidays. I think we will have actually been in Dublin about two weeks the whole summer.

We haven’t been back to Almunecar, Spain, where Michael played basketball after we graduated from college, since the year he played there. So we decided to take a trip back, kind of for our five year anniversary. Very quickly after that, most of Michael’s family jumped on board, at which point it became family vacation instead of anniversary getaway. Technically, our anniversary isn’t until we get back, so we’ll celebrate together (and alone!) when we return!

This photo is from the first time I visited Michael in Almunecar. It’s a lovely little town about an hour east of Malaga, right on the beach. The weather is always amazing, and we’re going to sit by the pool and try to cope with the 100 degree weather! I’ll be dragging my computer with me, so work will continue as normal, just with a different view!


Friday Finds and Real Life Happenings

August 9, 2013


Happy Friday, friends! We’ve spent the week getting a grip on the disaster that we left when we went to France – painting, emailing, and cleaning. Tomorrow, we’re painting the bathrooms! And then, we hope, the painting is pretty much done. Finally. I’m excited to meet some girlfriends for dinner at a new-to-me restaurant, and to work on a few new projects.

Now, a little housekeeping. I’ve been struggling a little with Friday posts. For some reason, my usual Friday roundup posts just aren’t inspiring me very much at the moment. I love sharing articles and news I find around the web every week, but I want to add a little more guts to Friday posts. So I’m going to try out a few things, and see what works best. This week, I’m going to tell you a few things that are really going on over here. We’ll see how it goes.

— I’ve been waging an epic and valiant battle against the slugs and snails in our back garden, and losing. Turns out, slimy creatures love pansies and dahlias, which is what my little patio garden consists of. They’re not falling for the beer trick, and the salt I sprinkle keeps washing away in the afternoon downpours.

— I filmed an interview for a new Dublin-based travel website called LikeWhere. It’s such a neat concept – it recommends places to visit based on places you’ve been and enjoyed. They asked me to chat about Dublin and of course, I gushed.

— Michael has been back on his motorcycle, zipping to and from the gym, and the most comforting sound is the rumble it makes when he drives into our neighborhood (I can hear it at least four blocks away). Motorcycles will never not make me nervous.

— One of my old bosses from my political campaign days (one of the most upstanding candidates I ever worked for) is being deployed to Afghanistan with the National Guard for a year. We’re praying for his safety, and for his wife and their five kiddos.

And because I really do still love sharing these great links, we’re going to keep it up for the time being.

The psychology of an Irish meltdown, by an Irish crime writer, in the New York Times.

Jay-Z shooting his latest video – as performance art.

Homemade graham crackers, because you can’t buy them in Ireland.

These new Irish linen beach towels are high on my list of the moment.

I’ve been eyeing homemade pickle recipes.

And easy strawberry ice cream.

I loved this poem, and think it might make it onto our new gallery wall. Found via Elephantine.

Happy weekend, friends. See you Monday!

Beach at Narbonne, France

August 9, 2013

narbonne title While we were in Carcassonne last week, we decided to make the 45 minute trip to beach at Narbonne on the Mediterranean for an afternoon. It was quite windy, and we later learned that most of the locals avoid the beach when it’s that windy. We had a great time, but I can see why. By the end, we left because the sand was whipping around and we were covered in salty spray.

narbonne umbrella When we arrived, it was overcast, with only patches of blue sky. Because of the wind, it was almost chilly. We probably wouldn’t have stayed so long, but just as we were ready to pack it in, we saw a strip of blue in the distance.

narbonne beach

boy narbonne It was so odd to see the wall of clouds roll by us overhead, and before long we just had blue, blue sky.

beach narbonne blue Like really blue! (Although this blue is a little misleading since I had switched to my iPhone to keep the salt off my big camera at this point!)

narbonne umbrellas We rented beach chairs and an umbrella for the time we were there, which made all the difference. Great tip for travelers – they were only €6 each for the day and they were entirely more comfortable than sitting on the sand since we didn’t have our own beach chairs and umbrella to bring with us.

We did spend a little time in the water, but the waves were really strong! The water was nice and warm, but we just kept getting pounded by breaking waves!

mike shower narbonne This photo cracks me up. These little showers at the beach entrance had a chain that you had to constantly pull in order to make the water come out. Michael looked hilarious trying to get the sand and salt out of all the nooks and crannies!

em shower narbonne When Michael realized I had taken a few photos of him looking ridiculous, he got a little payback. Awkward, but I’ll love these photos in years to come, remembering our salty, windy day at Narbonne!


A Fruit Tree Fantasy

August 8, 2013

orange tree

One of my favorite things about France was seeing so many fruit trees in gardens and hanging over sidewalks. I picked a fig from a tree that hung over the sidewalk, and we spied pears, these oranges in the photo above, and of course, lots of grapes. The markets, which happened Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, were filled to overflowing with fresh produce that looked like it really was picked that morning from a farm around the corner.

When I was in college, I lived briefly in Los Angeles. While I was there, upon seeing lemon and lime trees growing in the neighbor’s garden, I made a declaration that one day, I’d have a fruit tree in my own garden. I’m starting to think my choices will be limited to apple or plum trees, but I’m still holding onto hope that one day I’ll have my own stash of something fruity growing in the back garden. I think it sounds luxurious and convenient. And warm!

Stenciled Walls / Apartment Make Over Inspiration

August 7, 2013

makeover stenciled walls

When we returned from France on Monday, we spent the whole afternoon painting. Still. We are nearly done with the white painting – very, very close! The next step is to paint our two tiny bathrooms a darkish grey blue. I’m hoping they’ll be finished by next week.

At which point, one or both of those little bathrooms is getting the stencil treatment! I’m still trying to decide between a white or gold paint for the stencil, and the shape is up in the air as well, but there’s a stencil happening for sure! I’m leaning toward white and I have a week to choose a shape. Any ideas? Those bees are awfully cute!

One // Two

Carcassonne, France // Part 1

August 6, 2013

castle grounds and view I really didn’t think I had so many photos to share from France, until I sat down at my computer yesterday and started uploading them. As it turns out, there are way too many to share. I’ve broken it into a few parts, so hopefully it will be a little more easily digestible. The first, a little tour of our rental apartment and the castle in our back garden!

back garden france Michael did all the planning for this trip, like he does for all our trips (yep, I’m a lucky girl!), and he hit it out of the park with this apartment rental. It was literally at the base of the enormous castle in Carcassonne – that photo above, on the right, was the view from sitting at the table on terrace in the photo the left! It was so fun to eat breakfast out there each morning and look up at the castle above us. We also had so much fun listening to the sound checks for the evening concerts held throughout July in the castle’s ampitheatre!

well kitchen In the kitchen, there was a dungeon. Well, technically, it was a well, but it was way more fun to think of it as a dungeon. Especially since the grating and glass over it seemed more safe than scary. The caretaker told us they were still researching to determine its age – between 1000 and 2000 years old! She also told us that the stone was all exposed in the recent renovation – and that some of it was taken from the castle grounds before they outlawed that!

carcassonne living room That’s Michael’s best side-eye as I’m trying to document the cute decal on the wall. That’s the street and town of the apartment, scrabble-ized!

carcassonne entry The apartment had winding stairs to the upper floors, where there were a few more bedrooms with more exposed stone and original wooden shutters, all painted the most perfect French blue.

castle stairs At the end of our street, we had our very own pathway up to the castle. One morning, I decided to use all 50 steps as my very own DIY stair master. My calves were thanking me for days!

carcassonne castle At the top of all those steps, the castle. It’s enormous and in incredible shape, thanks in part to an architect the city hired in the 1850’s to restore it. We couldn’t believe the little city inside the castle – shops, restaurants, and even homes, all enclosed within those walls! One evening, we met Kate and Sean of Poppies and Me Photography, who were in town from Ireland to photograph the wedding we were attending, for dinner at one of the restaurants. We had an incredible view of the castle from the outdoor terrace, and great chats with new friends. Such a happy bonus of our trip!

We learned a few things about Carcassonne in the first few days – rent the smallest car you can because many of the streets are very narrow. We managed without any scrapes, but there were a few close calls. Also, never wear wedges or heels to the castle. The ground is not smooth. Even Dublin’s cobblestones do not compare!

I’ll sprinkle in the rest of my photos over the coming days. We made a trip to the Mediterranean and then there was, of course, an incredible chateau wedding!










Back from France!

August 5, 2013

sunflowers carcassonne Aren’t these posts awfully informative? We’re back from a wonderful long weekend in France. Really, truly wonderful. I can’t wait to share lots and lots more photos very soon, perhaps tomorrow.


Sweet Irish Baby Clothes from Old Rectory Print Studio

August 1, 2013

Old Rectory baby blanket I think it’s safe to say Michael and I are now in that phase of life where everyone we know seems to be having babies. We have five friends who are due in the month of December alone, including our two best friends here in Dublin. And this week we found out we are going to be having a niece this winter! Neither Michael nor I have any nieces or nephews yet, so we’re very excited!

We have been trying to get in on this baby party, but we’re not quite there yet. But that’s a story, perhaps, for another day. The story today is really more about the cutest Irish baby clothes you could possibly find for all those friends and family popping out babies.

top_swallow I’ve had my eye out for some well-designed Irish-made or inspired baby clothes and to be honest, they’re pretty hard to come by. I’m not the biggest fan of onesies emblazoned with Luck of the Irish or Kiss me I’m Irish. But beyond the tacky ones, I’ve had a tough time finding beautiful Irish baby clothes. Until this week! When I was clearing out papers and mail during our big painting project, I happened upon a flier for Old Rectory Print Studio that I must have picked up somewhere on my travels. It was such a happy find.

romper_garden Their clothes are designed and screen printed in Wicklow, by two talented sisters, Stephanie and Joanna. The clothes are organic, have the most beautiful prints, and look like they’ll stand up to a lot of wear – in fact, between them, Joanna and Stephanie have seven boys, so I’d say they have a good test audience!

pj_group But what really got me? These images from their website of their clothes on sweet Irish babes, in the sweet Irish countryside. They really make you want to scoop up the whole line – and luckily there are so many babies making their debuts soon, I might very well get to choose one of each!





Off to France!

July 31, 2013

carcassonne, france

We’re cutting out a little early this weekend, heading to France today for my friend Rachael’s wedding. We’re very excited to explore Carcassonne, which happens to be a UNESCO World Heritage site. It looks so charming! We’re also excited that the weather seems to be holding steady at sunny and 80’s. For a while there it looked like temperatures would be closing in on 100 and I was getting a little sweaty nervous.

I have posts ready for the rest of the week, so you can come back here even though I’ll be drinking wine and strolling around this wonderful castle!

Image from Conde Nast Traveler