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  • A Peek Inside Delightful Dublin

      Now that Delightful Dublin is live, I thought it would be fun to share a little peek inside! In case you’re on the fence about buying it, which you can do right here,…

    September 16, 2014
  • How to Survive Driving in Dublin

    I wrote this post in my head while I was sitting in traffic last week (and believe me, there were no rainbows in sight!). I almost always manage to avoid rush hour traffic in…

    September 15, 2014
  • Dublin City Bridges Tote from Clover Rua

    I had been wanting to take a few photos with my new Dublin Bridges tote from Clover Rua for months now. In fact, I carried it and my camera to church six times, since our…

    September 11, 2014
  • Welcome to Delightful Dublin

    Well, today is the day, friends! The Delightful Dublin guidebook is live and ready for the world! Julie and I have worked hard to make sure it is useful and beautiful, inspiring and informative.…

    September 10, 2014
  • A Delightful Dublin Preview a Happy Weekend!

      Happy Friday, everyone! Do you have nice plans for the weekend? I gave a walking tour this afternoon and got drenched (my first soggy Vayable tour!), so I’m working on warming up before…

    August 29, 2014
  • A Delightful Dublin Guidebook Update

    I woke up yesterday morning and Delightful Dublin had a website. It was a pretty exciting morning, let me tell you! My delightful partner, Julie, she is awesome. We wanted to give you a place to…

    August 20, 2014
  • Beachy Dublin

    It’s so unlikely, but Dublin has been warm since we returned and we have been swimming! Not once, but four times! That’s twice as many times just in the last two weeks than I’ve…

    July 29, 2014
  • Delightful Design / Drury Buildings Restaurant in Dublin

      Dublin’s new-ish restaurant on Drury Street called Drury Buildings is currently sitting comfortably in my top three for my favorite interior design in Dublin. Something about the combination of camel leather, turquoise velvet and colored…

    July 21, 2014
  • Sneak Peek / Delightful Dublin Guidebook

    For the better part of a year, I’ve been working with my friend Julie on a Dublin guidebook, which we have lovingly called Delightful Dublin. Today, we’ve decided it’s close enough to finished that we can…

    July 17, 2014
  • Delightful Dublin Guide

    Are you planning a visit to Dublin? Last year, I teamed up with my friend and photographer Julie Matkin to write a beautiful and useful e-guide to the city called Delightful Dublin. It takes…

    July 17, 2014