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  • Pancake Tuesday

    I had never heard of Pancake Tuesday until I moved to Dublin but if we ever when we eventually move back to America, I’m bringing Pancake Tuesday back with me.  Any excuse for pancakes,…

    March 7, 2011
  • A Little Trip

    I am glad it is Friday. So glad. I’m looking forward to a couple baking projects and a couple crafty projects this weekend. What are you all up to? Any big plans? Michael and…

    March 4, 2011
  • Biking on the Train

    Very late today, very late. It”s been a busy few days – filled with work and so much baking and cooking. Mexican lasagna and scones on Monday, two kinds of soup and banana muffins…

    March 2, 2011
  • Paddy’s Day Countdown

    Today is March 1st. Can you even believe it? 2011 is flying by so quickly. Since March 17th and St. Patrick’s Day will be on us in a flash, I thought I’d spend the…

    March 1, 2011
  • Febgiving Leftovers

    Last night I was on a roll. It’s getting springy here, and the sun seemed to stay up way longer than usual, so I thought I’d use up some leftover ingredients from the weekend’s…

    February 23, 2011
  • Febgiving and a Chocolate Tour

    Good morning everyone! I took a bit of a long weekend – we hosted Febgiving on Sunday afternoon and it was a giant success, but it totally wore me out. We managed to have…

    February 22, 2011
  • Sticks

    Happy Friday, everyone! It’s rainy and dreary here in Dublin today, but I think the February showers will hopefully bring March flowers. Or maybe even end-of-February flowers! Now, down to business. Sticks. I’ve got…

    February 11, 2011
  • The Milkman Cometh

    Want to know one of my favorite things about Dublin? Just when you think it’s like any other city – modern, fast, impersonal – it sneaks right up on you with its quaintness. Dublin…

    February 9, 2011
  • A Livable Room

    We’re having some space issues with our Mac. It’s four years old and is still running mostly great. The only problem is that we’ve got too much stuff on it. We have an external…

    February 8, 2011
  • Combat

    I’d like to preface this post by saying I love my new (real) job. Absolutely love it. Every day, I’m excited to get to work because I never know what it’s going to be…

    February 7, 2011