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  • Easter Baskets

    Easter’s coming up this weekend and I have great memories of the holiday growing up. We always had pretty flowery dresses, white gloves, white patent leather shoes, and bonnets. I hate to admit it,…

    April 18, 2011
  • Deep Breaths

    There’s something about the way the light is when we head toward summer in Ireland that reminds me of Maine. {image from here} And it makes me a bit homesick. Not really an active,…

    April 15, 2011
  • Inspiration

    I got a last minute request in work today from my boss: Could I bake a pink-frosted chocolate cake for his grandmother, who’s turning 99 tomorrow? My answer? Umm yes, but yikes. And really,…

    April 6, 2011
  • Fairy Lights

    My mother-in-law keeps a string of lights up, behind a gauzy curtain on the door to the back garden. I love them; they make the living room so cosy all year round, and they…

    April 5, 2011
  • Friday Faves

    Want to hear the biggest news of my day? I made it all the way to work (and back) on my bicycle for the first time. I was so nervous leaving the house this…

    April 1, 2011
  • Many of a Kind

    Happy Monday, everyone! Do weekends ever just wear you out? I’m plum tuckered. I usually try to work in enough relaxing, cleaning and generally getting-my-life-back-together time so I can start the week on the…

    March 28, 2011
  • Visitors and Illustrations

    Just checking in this morning before one last day of hosting my parents and my brother here in Dublin! It’s been fun and busy and the blog has been a little neglected. Tomorrow, life…

    March 22, 2011
  • Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit!

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! We just got back from the parade – my first since I’ve lived in Dublin. I thought it was just great! I’ve still got a face-painted shamrock on my…

    March 17, 2011
  • Bag Noir

    Happy Wednesday! I got such thoughtful comments and responses to my post yesterday. Thank you, friends! I started today feeling very reassured. But I promised you lighter today, so here it is. No secret…

    March 9, 2011
  • Too Honest?

    Good morning all, Our Sunday this past weekend was a little eventful. I thought I’d wait a day or two before sharing – needed a little time to process. Our day started off uneventfully:…

    March 8, 2011