Hallway Makeover and a Jenny Walsh Clock Giveaway

September 18, 2013

hallway makeover

Another reveal today! This time, our hallway, which stretches a good forty feet through our house, kind of like a boat.

This time, I have a before photo! Ta-da! So much cream!

hallway And now white and charcoal! It’s so much more fresh and clean. And for the record, it’s even nicer in person. The half charcoal wall is possibly my favorite thing in the house so far, maybe because I did it all by myself! I measured and taped, two things I don’t particularly enjoy doing. But it was worth it. I saw a post on The Marion House Book a few months ago about half painted walls and filed it away in my brain until one day I was thinking about the hallway and it popped out again! That’s how most of my design decisions happen – like epiphanies of ideas stored in there from hours of Pinterest longing and blog reading.

hallway makeover 2 A Coco cameo, of course, because even he likes hanging out in the hallway now that it’s spruced!

I’ve never attempted a gallery wall before but I thought it would be perfect for the space between the kitchen and the living room. Some of the pictures moved from other rooms, where I had gotten sick of them over the last few years, and they have new life now! I originally thought I would need frames, but as it turns out, I did not need frames. In fact, after putting fifty (!) frames on the wall, I still have about ten frames of various sizes left over! They’ll get used around the house, but for the love of Pete, no one should let me buy any more frames.

I didn’t want the wall to get too busy, since it’s a tight space, so I kept the wall to white, black or gold frames. I had a bunch of plain wooden frames from Ikea, so I sprayed those with gold spray paint. They dry in a flash and add a little sparkle! I also had artwork that didn’t quite fit some of my frames, but at Alex’s smart suggestion, I took them to a frame maker and had mats cut. It makes a big difference on larger pieces and cost about €8 per mat. It worked out perfectly and allowed me to use frames I wouldn’t have otherwise. Success!

hallway makeover 3 Since prep work isn’t my favorite part of any project, I decided we weren’t going to try to block it out with paper like most bloggers seem to do. I can see how that would be useful, but we don’t have a piece of floor that’s big enough for laying out all those frames! So I decided we would wing it. We started with the largest pieces and then worked slowly, adding more frames, making sure that the different color and size frames were balanced on each side of the wall.

It took us about three hours, and a bottle of wine, to get them all up on the wall. It was mostly a peaceful process, although I think Michael asked me Is it level? about seventeen times. I was thankful/cursing the person who gave him that handy little level for Christmas a few years ago!

hallway makeover 5

And now the fun part! See that wonderful Time Flies clock on the wall? Designed by the incredibly talented Irish designer, Jenny Walsh. She makes the sweetest clocks in funny shapes – a grandfather clock the shape of an old man or cuckoo clocks in the shape of birds. Jenny is one of the nicest people you’ll meet – and her whole intention with her products is to make people smile. She also has these new steel deer antler hooks I totally have my eye on – they’d be great for hanging jewellery! Sadly for me, they sold out so quickly I have to wait a bit to get my hands on one!

clock giveaway

Jenny has kindly offered one of her creations to one of my lucky readers! One reader will get to pick one of her cuckoo clocks in the color of their choice! And they’re great colors – teal, yellow, fuchsia, grey, blue or red! You can’t go wrong!

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post and tell me whether you’re the kind of person who’s always late, always early or always on time. (Full disclosure, I used to be on time or early, but moving to Ireland has made me always late. Because Irish people have a tendency to be late by about half an hour!) I’ll announce the winner on Monday.

Apartment Makeover Inspiration / Kitchen Art from Etsy

September 16, 2013

kitchen art from etsy


There was no real plan to do much to the kitchen in our little apartment makeover. It did get a paint job, but because the only other two elements in the whole kitchen are cabinets and tile, that doesn’t leave much room for sprucing in a rental. But then I had design epiphany: contact paper! For the tiles! White contact paper that will totally cover the creamy beigey tiles with random cornucopia vignettes. They are just not my style, which is how I found myself knee deep in sweet kitchen prints on Etsy today.

A few of these prints hung over the white contact paper might just add a little spice to the white. And of course, since it’s the kitchen, radishes, jam, lettuce and herbs would be so cute! And mostly healthy!

What do you think? Do you have artwork in your kitchen? Is it food-related?

1. Kitchen Herbs, Anek / 2. Whip It Good, UUPP / 3. Les Herbes Fines, Eva Juliet / 4. Let’s Jam, Rosemary Paper Co. / 5. Salad, Anek / 6. Radishes, Lucille’s Kitchen

As promised, here are the winners of the Printic Giveaway! And don’t worry, if you didn’t win, there will be another giveaway with each made over room of our apartment!

The winners: Esther / Elizabeth / Anne Mac / Stacy / Kathleen

I’ll email you all with details in the morning!

Happy Friday / From the Archives

September 13, 2013

photo (1) Hello friends! How was your week? I have absolutely loved reading all your comments on my bathroom make over post. You’ve been so kind about the new look! But more than that, I really just love hearing what you’d love to have printed for the giveaway. And it’s so wonderful to hear from people who have never commented before! Whenever I see a name that’s new to me, I get all smiley and say in my head nice to meet you! It sure is fun to hear from you!

Luckily, I’ve lined up a giveaway for each of the rooms that we’re making over (that’s four more!), so I’ll have you all chatting away lots more! Nothing like a good bribe to find out fun tidbits about your wonderful lives! I’ll announce the winners of the Printic giveaway on Monday as well as email the winners.

This week, Michael and I waged an epic battle with the chickens. As it turns out, our fence wasn’t high enough the first time around, and once they got comfortable, they turned into escape artists. Michael built the fence another three feet, and they still just flapped their way right over. So then we got all urban farmer on them and clipped their wings. Not to worry, it doesn’t hurt them and the feathers will grow back over time. It mostly worked, although they’re still able to hop up onto the concrete wall and then coast down over the fence. They are clever, these chickens!

We have finally named the two other chickens, so joining Frittata and Florentine are Lorraine (as in quiche) and Sou, which is short for souffle. And both Florentine and Sou have been laying eggs every day! Florentine lays hers around 10, and Sou around 1. They make a bit of a racket, and then, an egg. Frittata and Lorraine will hopefully start very soon!

This weekend, Michael heads to Limerick for a basketball tournament, and we’ll be meeting up with some friends who are visiting from China Village! And there will be, I’m sure, more projects around the house! We have started in on the bedroom and I’m excited to hopefully finish it next week when my mom arrives!

What are you up to this weekend? Any fun plans?

Today I thought I’d share are a few posts from the archives that you might have missed!

Lullabies in Dublin

What to Wear to the Pub

Sea Glass Sculptures

Spruced Up Flower Pots

Fast Homemade Crackers 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Bathroom Makeover Reveal and a Printic Giveaway!

September 11, 2013

wonder bathroom I’m so excited to share with you, finally, the first room in our whole apartment makeover (and a fun little giveaway at the end of this post)! As I was putting these photographs together, I realized I don’t actually have a before photo of either of our teeny bathrooms. But try to imagine that until recently, they were both off-white, in desperate need of a paint job, devoid of storage except for a few shelves over the toilet, and completely lacking any artwork or fun or personality. But not anymore!

These photos are from the bathroom that I refer to as my bathroom, which isn’t technically true, but I decided calling it that simplified things and gave me license to do with it whatever I pleased! We have two (almost) equally tiny bathrooms in our apartment. Michael’s bathroom is the en suite off our bedroom, and mine is the outside one that I and any of our guests would use. Both have a little cube of a shower (mine’s a little smaller than Michael’s, but that’s okay since I’m smaller than Michael), a toilet, a sink, and very, very little room for anything else. Explaining that we have separate bathrooms now sounds a bit strange, but it’s really nice not to share that space – it makes getting ready in the morning way easier if we aren’t bumping into each other trying to find things or brush our teeth, and it means I’ve gotten out of cleaning both bathrooms. I clean mine, Michael cleans his. One happens more often than the other, but hey, no one else has to see it, so I don’t put up a fuss.

bathroom storage x2 First things first, the color. When I decided to paint everything else in the apartment white, I thought it might be nice to inject a little bit of color by painting the bathrooms something more dramatic. I thought I wanted a blue-grey color, but when I went to the paint/DIY store, they had stopped doing the color I chose. So, I chose a different one on the spot – Atlantic Spray. It’s a version of my favorite color, and so far hasn’t surprised a single one of our friends or family that I chose it. Apparently, I am predictable even if I didn’t predict it myself!

I was a little worried that painting such small spaces a strong color would make them seem smaller, but it just doesn’t! Instead, they just feel amazing and complete. Since they have white ceilings, white fixtures and shower tile, and they each have a skylight, there’s still light coming through, which makes a big difference.

bathroom knob close up I also knew I wanted more storage in the bathroom. I had this old wooden shelf thing in the shed that I picked up (probably from a skip!) a few years ago and was using to hold thread and needles above my rarely used sewing machine. Again, no before picture (except this photo half way through!), but I’ll get better at this – a little out of practice on DIY projects!

So, shock of all shocks, I painted it white! Three coats of the same water based gloss I’ve been using on the trim. I had Michael hang it, and then I cut out pieces of flowery fabric to sort of decoupage the back of the shelves. I brushed a little Mod Podge (diluted glue would work too) on the back of each shelf and smoothed the fabric onto it. Then I painted the little drawer knob red and added a little white flower detail. I actually searched “Anthropologie knob” on Pinterest to get a little inspiration, then just winged it! It’s not perfect, but not many of those Anthropologie knobs are, so I think it works perfectly as an impostor!

flowers bathroom I think every good bathroom reveal needs a few nasturtiums, no? For added storage on the shelves, I painted the inside of a few jars and yogurt pots with white paint and let them dry over night. I also added a few of my favorite purple French yogurt pots to the mix for a little color.

bathroom emily photo On the other side of the bathroom, I pinned up my little fabric-wrapped wire word (DIY instructions here!) and a pottery star I made last year for Christmas. With a pink ribbon, it suits all seasons!

Then, I framed two photos I had printed using this great iPhone app called Printic. I saw a few bloggers were trying it out a few weeks ago, and although it’s not really my style to jump instantly on that type of recommendation for products, I tried it out and absolutely love it. You download the app, select photos from your phone, your Instagram stream, even your Facebook photos, and order them on your phone. You can even pay with Paypal, which saves me searching for a credit card and typing in all those numbers every time.

The prints arrive a few days later in a cheery little envelope, and they’re just the perfect size for my little Ikea frames. The quality is great, and the shipping is included in the print price – which, when you live in Ireland is a huge luxury! I hate getting all set to order something only to find out the shipping is eight times as expensive because we live on this little island!

printic photos close up So now for the give away portion of the post! The kind people at Printic are offering five of my readers three free Printic prints. All you have to do to enter is comment on this post and let me know an example of a photo you’d like printed. One entry per person, and of course, they’ll ship all over the world! I’ve already sent Printic photos to a few family members, and they’re such a hit! I’ll choose a winner on Monday and let the winners know by email!

And there you have it, more words than I ever thought I’d write about a bathroom the size of a postage stamp! Next up, a gallery wall that is proving very difficult to photograph!

Cozy Bright Whites and Autumn Light

September 10, 2013

I’ve had a few moments before and during our little house make over (who am I kidding, the list is too long to call it little even though our house is tiny!) where I’ve questioned whether all white walls would be too sterile. Just last week, I told Michael I was thinking of painting yet another piece of furniture and his deadpan response cracked me up. Let me guess, white. Yes, white, darling. All of it, please!

But I did have a few moments of weakness when I thought perhaps the white wouldn’t be homey or cozy. And when that happened, I’d have a snoop around the old Pinterest just for a little reassurance.

And what do you know, I found that reassurance every time. White in the right circumstances can absolutely be cozy and warm and inviting. During one particular journey down the Pinterest rabbit hole, I found these two homes designed by Givone Home* and they provided not only confirmation that white’s going to work for us, but some really lovely inspiration for textures and colors. The added bonus? These images make me a little less scared for winter – the thin autumn/winter light and those fireplaces and chunky blankets are actually making me a tiny bit excited for cooler temperatures. Now if I could only get Michael to install a fireplace in our house, then we’d be set!

givonehome 2

givonehome givonehome 5 That is the exact light I remember from autumn in Maine, muted and a little grey, but oh so cozy on the inside!

givone x2 givone floating 5 {I’m not the biggest fan of this bathroom, but the patina on that tub is just incredible!}

givone floating 4 givone floating 2

I’m a little inspired by the mismatched chairs here. That could be happening in our house! Wahoo! More things to paint!

givone floating 1 *I have both of these homes labeled as being designed by Givone Home, but I can’t find the original source of the first home, so if I’m improperly giving credit, let me know!

First Chicken Photos / Feature on A Little Bird

September 9, 2013


Last week, Rincy popped by to take a few photos of Michael and I with our chickens. She zipped in and out in a flash, but somehow managed to snap some hilarious and very sweet photos of us with our new girls – and our very first egg!

If you’ve spent any time around Michael and I, you’ll know this happens all the time. That man I married loves going in for a good nuzzle, and it almost always makes me giggle. I’m just glad he didn’t try it when I had my hands full of chicken!

You can pop on over to Rincy’s blog to see a few more photos from our little back yard farm!

The What I See Project / A Video Reflection

September 5, 2013

emily what i see project

I got an email about a month ago asking if I would consider taking part in the What I See Project. It’s a non-profit based in England that’s designed to give women a voice to answer a question they aren’t often asked – what do you see when you look in the mirror? The website is full of more than 500 videos submitted by women all over the world answering just that question, and it’s so interesting to watch a few of them.

I love anything that strives to empower women in a meaningful way, so despite how cringy self-recording a video is, while we were in Spain, I found a quiet nook and pressed record on my own version. I think I was feeling particularly sappy that day, but I actually got a little emotional chatting about what I see when I look in the mirror. You can click on the photo above to view the video (some day I will figure out why videos won’t embed on From China Village!), or you can click here to watch it.

For their launch, the What I See Project is highlighting videos from 100 bloggers, and mine is on their homepage today! The fun thing is that you can actually upload your own video to add to the mix, and (if you’re a woman) I’d encourage you to at least think about the question. Since recording my little video, I’ve found myself trying to be a little bit more mindful of the ways I can be a little more empowered and empowering. All around, not a bad reminder.

So hop on over and check out my video and a few others (try Georgina’s video – and her necklace is so fab!). Have a confident, proud and wonderful day, ladies (and gents ;)!

Creative Directing a Lifestyle Shoot at the Four Seasons Dublin

September 3, 2013

fs spa In a complete contrast to yesterday’s post about how we now have chickens in our back garden, I wanted to share with you photos from a shoot I worked on back in April at the Four Seasons Dublin. Michael and I spent a little staycation weekend there for our anniversary a few weeks ago, and it reminded me that while I gave you a peek behind the scenes, I never shared any of the real images!

fs pool You might remember that I worked with the Four Seasons Dublin for a Styled in Ireland post all about afternoon tea earlier this year. Well, they liked the photos so much, they asked Julie and me to come back to help highlight a few other parts of the hotel!

fs lobby We essentially got to play pretend guests at the hotel, having breakfast in the spa, a little dip in the pool, a cup of tea in the lobby, lunch with my handsome husband, and then a few drinks in their Ice bar.

fs lunch I asked Brenda of Touch of a Brush Makeup to help with my makeup and hair, which was a huge help on the day. That girl is a magician and also great company on a shoot! We also got to work with incredible jewelry from Paul Sheeran Jewellery in Dublin, who provided such incredible jewels to complement each look. I felt very fancy!

fs toast This was one of my bigger forays into creative directing for this type of lifestyle shoot and it was so much fun to see the story I had envisioned come to life in the photographs. It was such a fun process to work through what each of the looks would convey, and then figuring out how and where we were going to take each photo to make sure that came across. In each scene, we were shooting for a classic and elegant but a little modern look, and I really think we nailed it! Of course, it’s a huge help to get to work with Julie on these kinds of projects – I’m so lucky she understands what I’m looking for even when I can’t quite put it into words!

fs ice

{Is that a hairstyle or is that a hairstyle?! Loved that ‘do!}

And of course, thanks to Michael for playing the part of my loving and handsome husband! I’ll let you take me to the Four Seasons anytime!



September 2, 2013

chickens and coop

I couldn’t think of another title for this post, because chickens-exclamation-point is about how I feel about what’s going on in our back yard. We have four hens in a coop in the back yard and they are adorable.

michael coop On Saturday morning, Michael put together the coop and a fence to make the chickens their run. They’re not on concrete like in the photos above, they have a grassy patch all to themselves!

chicken view glendalough Then I headed up to Glendalough in County Wicklow with my mother-in-law (she grew up on a farm, so she was good to have as back up for an hour drive with chickens in the back of the Saab!) to pick up our four hens.  As it turns out, they had a very nice view growing up! Aaaaand now they’re in Bayside. I hope they’re not disappointed!


They don’t really appear to mind so far! They’re shut in their coop for another few days while they’re getting used to their new home. on Thursday, they get to come out into the bigger run and we are so excited to see them pecking around a bigger area. We won’t be getting eggs for another week or so since they’re a little young, but you can bet I checked the coop at least six times today just to make sure there wasn’t one in there!

On the naming front, we have managed to name two of the chickens. The one with the neon pink bracelet in the photo above will be called Frittata. It’s a sassy name for one sassy chicken! And the one with the purple bracelet will be called Florentine, she’s a little more chilled out. We’re still auditioning names for hens three and four, but we’re going to wait until they can roam a little more freely before making any big decisions.


Happy Friday!

August 30, 2013

photo Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I had a major case of the blahs this week, perhaps because it finally hit me that the summer is over, and a little let down that our epic travels are over. For the first time in years, I haven’t been feeling quite ready for fall! But I’ve been trying to shift my perspective and get excited for the leaves to change, more stews and pumpkin-y baked goods, and cozy evenings lit by candles.

I wanted to show you the tiniest sneak peek of our hallway with its new half and half paint job, and a gallery wall getting ready to hang. The photo doesn’t do justice to how fresh the space looks, or how amazing the paint job is. That line is straight, friends! And I managed it all by myself!

I’m hoping to share a made-over bathroom with you next week, along with a fully finished gallery wall in our hallway. We’re still plugging away on the other few rooms (thankfully we don’t have that many – this tiny apartment is taking a while to spruce!), and making steady progress. My mom just booked flights to come over in a few weeks, and she has graciously agreed to help with some of my sewing projects while she’s here. Those might just be the finishing touches!

In other news, Michael is currently in the back garden putting together a coop for four feathery friends that are coming to live at our house tomorrow. I am panicking, so if you have anything negative to say about raising chickens, zip it. I have no idea how Michael got me to agree to this plan, but I’m really hoping it works out. We’re taking ideas for names, and Nugget and Fajita are already on the short list. 😉

Have a happy weekend, I hope you have lovely plans!