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  • Industry Pop Up

    I love the idea of pop up shops and restaurants. And I’m so excited that Industry is involved in another one since I missed their last one in Dun Laoighaire! I’m pretty sure it’s…

    June 30, 2011
  • Driftliving Bird Feeders

    Michael and I are finishing last-minute packing after a few whirlwind days back in Dublin. We have a super early flight tomorrow and a long journey ahead of us, but by tomorrow evening we’ll…

    June 28, 2011
  • Guest Post: Angie from Cartwheeling Around the World

    We’re finishing off the week with a lovely, thoughtful post from my darling sister-in-law, Angie. She moved to Dublin at the end of last summer after she married my brother-in-law and we thought that…

    June 24, 2011
  • Guest Post: Rachael from Gastronomics

    I”m so excited to share today”s guest post with you this morning! Rachael is half of the duo behind the blog Gastronomics. I met her a few months ago at this blogger function and…

    June 23, 2011
  • Friday Finds

    {succulent succulents from here!} Happy Friday, everyone! How was your week? I survived my first week of full time, and I have to say it was pretty great! Tonight, we’re heading to a party…

    June 10, 2011
  • Relationship

    {seriously great crowd shot from here, along with an interesting article on the 2012 campaign} Yesterday, College Green was transformed into one of the first stops on the president’s campaign trail. A sea of…

    May 24, 2011
  • Tidbits

    {pretty photo from here} I missed you yesterday! In fact, I kind of missed me yesterday too! Such a busy day (and week!) I didn’t even have a moment to finish a post for…

    May 20, 2011
  • Weekending

    {love these teapot planters! not sure the source of the image, though. help?} I”m not altogether sure I was such a big fan of this week gone by. Usually I get to Friday and…

    May 13, 2011
  • Reading List

    Cycling home the other day, I spotted a lupine plant growing all alone in someone’s front garden. Not a very common flower to see in Dublin, but it made me so happy to have…

    May 11, 2011
  • Ham Surprises

    We’re doing Easter dinner backwards on From China Village – covered dessert yesterday, ham today! In America, when you’re planning Christmas dinner or Easter brunch, you go get a ham. And when you go…

    April 20, 2011