Autumn Bucket List and Three Free Desktop Wallpapers!

October 2, 2013

autumn bucket list I spent most of September fully in denial that summer was over. It was warm and sunny a lot of the days, and we only turned the heat on once or twice. It didn’t really feel much different than most of the summer here in Dublin usually does! But I can’t deny it any longer: autumn is here and I might as well make a whole list of ways to enjoy it!

Do you make lists for enjoying the seasons? I like making a list so the season doesn’t slip by without doing some of these special things. Some of these activities we wouldn’t necessarily be able to find here in Dublin (do you know where to find a pumpkin patch in this country?!), but we’ll be in Houston and Maine in a few weeks, so we kind of get to cheat!

  • go to a pumpkin patch
  • carve pumpkins
  • collect and press leaves (I did this already and it wasn’t that successful. I think you have to press them for longer than a day?)
  • make a leaf garland
  • pick branches with berries for the table
  • make homemade chai
  • have a pumpkin spice latte (we can even get this in Dublin!)
  • collect driftwood
  • get hot cider at the farmer’s market
  • bake something apple-y
  • bake something pumpkin-y
  • make a wreath from branches
  • pick up a mum for the garden
  • eat lots of candy corn
  • learn a new way to tie a scarf
  • have a picnic on the beach, preferably breakfast with a thermos of coffee
  • go for a walk in the country/woods
  • crunch through piles of leaves (did this for 10 miles this weekend on my run!)
  • make caramel apples or pears

Anything else I should add to the list?

And here are three free and wonderful autumn wallpaper downloads for your desktop! Enjoy!

Autumn flowers from Lisa Rupp // October Fox from Oana Befort // And another floral October calendar from Rebekka Seale

Happy Friday and Bedroom Makeover // Sneak Peek!

October 1, 2013

bedroom makeover sneak peek

Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Mine was soggy. I think today we’ll see the sun, but it’s been raining since Monday. Yuck! I’ve been attending TBEX, a conference for travel bloggers that is in Dublin, and they even played the Dublin video I’m in to open the conference! It was a very surreal moment, but I was so glad to get to talk about my favorite parts of Dublin to 600 travel bloggers! It has been such a treat to meet a lot of people I’ve only known online – in person. This weekend, I’ll be joining a post-conference tour heading to Galway for some sailing, sea kayaking, hiking and exploring. I am hoping for dry weather! I’ll be bringing my camera, of course, and will have lots to share next week.

In other news, our bedroom is so close to being finished, so this is a little sneak peek. It still needs a piece of art work that I need to dive into, then it will be ready for a big reveal, hopefully next week. I’m very, very excited to share it!

Do you have any nice plans for the weekend? Any apple picking or pumpkin patch visiting? I’d love to find a pick-your-own apple farm in Ireland. Any leads? Have a wonderful weekend!


Alex’s Dublin Charity Shop Tour

October 1, 2013

Hydrangea Girl - Charity Shop Map Dublin I have such a treat to share with you today. Alex (from yesterday’s awesome post about our visit to the Merchant’s Market in East Wall, Dublin) has put together a charity shop tour of Dublin just for us! I have to admit, I haven’t actually been into most of these places. I never really understood that charity shops in Dublin are like thrift stores in America – great for finding gems needing a makeover!

Alex has such great luck in these spots – just check out her Mozart bust necklace holder! Isn’t it hilarious?

Do you have any favorite charity shops in Dublin? There are lots over near Thomas Street on the South side, and some of them specialize in furniture. I think I’m going to have to brave them one day soon! I’m still on the look out for a few bits and pieces for our living/dining room, and I might just find a candidate for a makeover!

Thanks so much, Alex, for sharing your favorite spots with us!

Let’s Meet Bloggers Face to Face // Alex of Hydrangea Girl

September 30, 2013

alex face to face title Friends, we are going to kick off this (very grey in Dublin) Monday with a new series! We’re going to meet some of my favorite Dublin-based bloggers face to face. Well, technically, you’re still meeting them on the internet, but I got to meet them face to face and now I get to show them and their favorite Dublin spots to you!

We’re kicking off this fun new series with a little adventure in thrifting with Alex Carberry who writes the DIY and lifestyle blog called Hydrangea Girl. As you might have guessed, Alex loves hydrangeas, as well as stripes and anything plum colored, and she has a knack for repurposing, spray painting, and generally sprucing old items into wonderful new ones! Her scrabble tile monogram DIY and her stag’s head shower curtain are some of the best DIY ideas I’ve seen in a long time. She’s incredibly talented and clever, and also just a total hoot! I haven’t giggled like I did wandering around with Alex in a very long time.

welcome sign For this series, I’m asking bloggers to pick a place for us to meet that they feel represents them or their blog. We meet there, have lots of chats and do some exploring, and the ever-amazing Julie snaps some photos. Alex chose the Merchant’s Market in East Wall, which was absolutely perfect for showing off her thrifting skills. The Merchant’s Market is a warehouse full of vintage, second hand, and antique bits and pieces. It’s open seven days, but not all the stalls are open every single day. The weekends are your best bet for getting the most out of your visit. It’s also incredibly fun for soaking in the atmosphere of East Wall – I always have to try really hard to understand the thick Dublin city accents, but the people are friendly and hilarious when you figure out what they’re saying!

alex and emily mirror I arrived a few minutes before Julie and Alex, and did a lap of the whole warehouse on my own. I found nothing that really interested me at all. Then Alex arrived and it was like we were wandering through a totally different warehouse. She just has an eye for gems. And cat pottery.

emily and alex x2 But my absolute favorite thing about exploring the market with Alex was that she knew so much about the history of pieces that are really traditionally Irish. She could pick out pottery that I thought looked like junk, but that turned out to have such a story to her or her family, or just to Ireland in general. And instantly, it didn’t look like junk!

emily chairs market spoons x frames If you haven’t visited the Merchant’s Market, I would really recommend it, even if you can’t convince Alex to be your tour guide. I went back this weekend and came home with the sweetest bar cart! The market a great resource for plates and tea cups, frames and even furniture. They have some incredible mid century modern side boards at the moment that I had a hard time leaving behind! You just have to be ready to spend some time really looking thoroughly at each stall. Often the best stuff is hidden behind the junk!

stripes written in stone I loved this sign – don’t be afraid to haggle a little. And check out the creepy row of cats staring back out from that shelf!

alex boxes The Merchant’s Market is also a great spot for tchotchkes and knickknacks. I need knickknacks like I need a hole in the head at the moment, so I refrained. But it was difficult. There were lots of pieces that would make fun storage or add a little color to a bookshelf or wall.

alex cats Aha! She found the cat pottery! I think this kitty teapot might have actually found a place at Alex’s house!

alex reach The young guy manning this stall informed us that those bright green candle sticks in the photo above are actually dyed with radioactive material! Needless to say, we did not bring them home. But radioactivity aside, they would look so cool on a mantle in a bright white room!

alex outtakes These photos might give you any indication of how giggly the afternoon was. Julie remarked how fun it was to take non-wedding photos for a day, so of course Alex and I had to ruin that for her! Sorry, Julie!

I’m so glad to introduce you to Alex, I hope you can give her a good old FCV welcome! And do zip over to her blog and get lost in her DIYs and projects. She’s a creative wonder and I’m so happy she agreed to spend the afternoon down in East Wall with me! Thanks, Alex! Stay tuned tomorrow, Alex is going to share a bonus guide to her favorite Dublin charity shops!

All photographs by Julie Matkin, the friendliest photographer I know!



Happy Friday and Autumn in Dublin

September 27, 2013

autumn dublin 2013 Happy Friday, friends! I’ve had a whirlwind week. My mom was here until Wednesday morning, and once she left the house was quiet and lonely and there was lots of work to catch up on! It was kind of a double whammy of bummers. It’s hard to be reminded of what you’re missing when you live so far away. And I just miss my mom in my house, hanging out with me while we drink coffee and dream of ways to make my house make more sense! I’m not sure Michael feels the same way, because when my mom’s around, I have an excuse to do all the projects at once and make a huge mess.

The good news is that I’ll be back in Maine for a few weeks in November, so I don’t have to miss home too much. The other good news is that there are little bits of autumn peeking through all over our neighborhood! The tree across the street has a little patch of orange and red, and it’s already dropping pretty leaves on the street for me to collect. And yes, the neighbors look at me like I’m bonkers.

This weekend, Michael will be in Belfast for basketball, so I’m going to make more messes, paint more things white, and also get a haircut. My mom and I tried to take a selfie while she was here and my hair took over everything. It’s time for a chop, or at least a trim. I’m also taking Alt for Everyone classes all evening tonight, and I’m learning tons. It’s so nice to talk blogs for hours on end!

Any wonderful weekend plans? Here are a few fun links I’ve seen in the last couple weeks. I thought you might get a kick out of them!

In case you missed it, a really fun video about Dublin!

DIY Cross-stitched place cards

Really funky tights.

I keep pinning shoulder length haircuts. Hmmm.

Sweet upcycled fabric vases from soup cans!

Homemade caramel chai would make the house smell delicious, and it doesn’t look too difficult.

Pumpkin pie and cinnamon granola certainly would too!


Me, Elsewhere: Moving to Dublin on InterNations

September 26, 2013

Emily Westbrooks on InterNations I was asked to answer a few questions about my move to Ireland on a site called InterNations. The site was new to me, but as it turns out, it’s a fantastic resource for ex-pats making moves all over the world. They like to interview people who have moved to a different country to learn about what their transition was like, and to give advice to those going through similar experiences.

After almost five years in Ireland, it was actually nice to revisit my first year in Dublin. That first year was tough, and I’m so glad I have come a long way! In fact, I was just saying to my mom while she was visiting that some of the things that were heart-breakingly hard that first year are almost comical to look back on now. Almost.

The most interesting question the folks at InterNations asked was about what could have prepared me better for my move to Ireland. Here’s my answer:

I absolutely wasn’t emotionally or mentally prepared for what awaited me in Dublin. However, I don’t think anything could have prepared me better. The one thing I wish I could change is not being so hard on myself. I wish I had given myself a break – new country, new husband, new career all in one fell swoop is a lot to get used to.

I almost felt like I was being asked if I regretted anything in that first year. Regret isn’t really my speed, in fact, very rarely do I regret anything. I like to think of challenges past as learning experiences; what’s done is done and next time I’ll do better. In that first year, although it was hard, I’m really not sure what could have made it easier. No matter what, there was going to be a certain amount of culture shock, homesickness, loneliness, and transition into married life. And I’m not sure making that first year easier would have led to quite as many lessons or learning experiences as it did.

Perhaps if Michael and I were more financially stable moving over to Ireland, so that it didn’t matter that I couldn’t find work for so long, perhaps that would have been easier. But I think even that is an experience we needed to have together. How many of our parents and grandparents tell stories of how poor they were when they were first married? We’ll at least have our own story just like that to tell our grandkids.

Or perhaps we could have been a little more prepared for marriage in general (which is part of the reason why I love writing my Snapshots of a Marriage series on Snippet & Ink – it’s still going, by the way!). We never had any pre-marriage counseling and sometimes I think we could have really benefited from a few tips! Come to think of it, there are still some days we could probably use some tips!

Certainly nothing could have lessened how homesick I was at the start, that’s just something you have to get used to over time, as you build a tougher shell against the pain of being so far away from the place and the people you know. It’s not something I’d wish on my worst enemy, but it pushed me to make a place for myself in my adopted home. I’m thankful that now I have a place (both online and offline!) that I’m proud to have built, and thankful that I have the tools to make a new place if I decide to do something different or Michael and I decide to go somewhere else for a while, although that won’t be happening for quite a while! After all, we couldn’t leave the chickens!

If that wasn’t enough for a late Thursday post, you can hop over to InterNations to check out the rest of my interview. If you’re an expat or have ever moved somewhere, what was your experience like? Would you prepare differently if you could do it over again? I’d love to hear about your experiences.


A Dublin Bay Cruise / From Howth to Dun Laoghaire

September 25, 2013

boats howth This morning I got up early to drop my mom to the airport. She’s been visiting since Friday, which was much too short a visit, although I think I might have worn her out with all the projects we did while she was here! Sewing and organizing and sawing and gardening – we were busy from morning until night. But on Tuesday afternoon, we took a break to enjoy the Indian summer sunshine. We hopped on the train to Howth, where we boarded the Dublin Bay Cruise line to Dun Laoghaire.

boat x2 howth onlookers This might be one of my favorite photos of all time – the lighthouse at the end of the pier at Howth, taken from the boat as we headed out. And that’s Ireland’s Eye in the background, with a huge bank of fog hanging over it.

howth fog x2 The fog was also hanging over the back side of Howth. It felt like a different day than when we were in the harbor! We’ve done the cliff walk around Howth more times than I can even count, but this was the first time I’ve seen Howth from the water. It was so neat to get a different vantage point – and see people fishing from some very precarious positions!

howth lighthouse howth fog fog lifting As we crossed Dublin Bay, we escaped the fog and came back out into the beautiful sunshine.

tanker harbor mom on dublin cruise And there’s my gorgeous windblown mom, whom I miss very much already!

light over dalkey As we came into Dalkey, there was a strip of water illuminated through the clouds. It was just stunning. And a little like we were about to be beamed up.

dalkey harbor dublin bay cruise boat There’s the sweet little Dublin Bay Cruise ship docked at Dun Laoghaire pier. It cruises twice a day, every day, both from Howth to Dun Laoghaire or Dun Laoghaire to Howth.

dun laoghaire pier We happened to have one of the best weather days for our cruise, so we only needed jackets and pants. But if you’re making the trip on a cooler or cloudier day, I’d suggest hats and gloves and layers. Our boat was full, and most people had pre-booked tickets. We booked ours the day before, which I think would be a good recommendation.

Thanks, Mom, for being such great help and such great company! Come back soon!

Dublin Now Video with LikeWhere

September 24, 2013

Screen shot 2013-09-23 at 23.14.51

I’ve been working with the travel start-up site LikeWhere for the last few months. They’re based in Dublin, have a killer concept, and a site that is such a pleasure to look at. You plug in a neighborhood you like in a city you’ve been, and it spits out neighborhoods you might like in a city you’re planning to visit. Isn’t that a great idea? So if you know you like Covent Garden in London, LikeWhere can tell you where to go in Barcelona for the same vibe or happenings.

So when the founders of LikeWhere (who are so nice and totally get how people want to explore cities) asked me help them with a video about what Dublin’s really like right now, I jumped at the chance. I find it really awkward to watch myself on video (as in, do I really sound like that? Does anyone else feel that way?!), but I certainly do love to shout about how great I think Dublin is! I’m so excited I got the chance to talk so much about the Creative Quarter and Dublin’s north side and Howth! The Howth part might be my favorite – look for the boat zipping around the harbor. It’s too cute!

So have a peek at the video (if you’re coming to TBEX next week, it’s a great Dublin teaser!) and more importantly, have a peek at LikeWhere for your next trip!

Poetry at Dublin’s Garden of Remembrance

September 23, 2013

garden of remembrance
I was giving one of my Vayable walking tours last week, and we headed up to the top of Parnell Square. Right after checking out the fruit and veg on Moore Street, and right before wandering through the Hugh Lane Gallery, we wandered up to the (currently empty?) reflecting pool at the Garden of Remembrance. It reminded me how much I enjoy the poem inscribed on the back wall.

In the darkness of despair we saw a vision,
We lit the light of hope and it was not extinguished.
In the desert of discouragement we saw a vision.
We planted the tree of valour and it blossomed.
In the winter of bondage we saw a vision.
We melted the snow of lethargy and the river of resurrection 
flowed from it.
We sent our vision aswim like a swan on the river. The vision 
bec ame a reality.
Winter became summer. Bondage became freedom and this we left to 
you as your inheritance.
O generations of freedom remember us, the generations of the 
~ Liam Mac Uistin

garden of remembrance Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded how hard people fought for Irish freedom not that many years ago. But of course, that’s exactly the point of the Garden of Remembrance, isn’t it?

{And the winner of the Jenny Walsh Clock Giveaway! Congratulations, Aoife Kinsella! I’ll email you tomorrow with the details!}

Calling All Lifestyle Bloggers! Meetup Next Month!

September 19, 2013

blogger meetup invite september  2013


Today I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosting another Lifestyle Bloggers Meetup next month! If you recall, the first one was held at Avoca Malahide in April, and it was a huge hit – both on the night and in the months since. It was wonderful to meet people in person we only knew from the internet, and so many of us have gotten to work together or collaborate on projects since then. It was low key, full of open, smiling faces, and I can’t wait to do it all again!

This time, we’ll be meeting at Peperina Garden Bistro in Ranelagh. It’s a really sweet cafe that we’ll have decorated with a lot of autumn flair for the occasion! We’ll enjoy some treats and drinks, a little craft demo from the wonder women at Daintree Paper, and we’ll have tons of chats.

If you are a lifestyle blogger based in or around Dublin (or you feel like making the trip from wherever you are!), send me an email and we’ll put you on the list. And don’t be shy, there are some new bloggers and long time bloggers, people who blog for a hobby, and people who blog full time. Even if you’ve been thinking of starting a lifestyle blog, now’s the time. Start one, write a post, and then send me an email to let me know you’d like to join us! We’d love to meet you.

Thanks to Julie for the pumpkin photo!

Peperina is hosting an evening of music and food with Irish group Kammerpop next week, September 25th as part of the Ranelagh Arts Festival. You can find more information here, but it sounds like an absolutely wonderful evening!