Highlights of 2013 / Travels

January 2, 2014

At the beginning of 2013, Michael and I declared that this would be the year of travel for us. We loved it so much I think we’ll be trying travel just as much in 2014! My sister gifted us a copy of the New York Times 36 Hours in Europe book and we are having a very tough time narrowing it down to any reasonable list of hopeful destinations. There are just so many places that look amazing, and only a short flight away from Dublin.

But back to 2013. It was an epic year of travel for which we are so grateful. Here’s a little recap!


Rome in a weekend (part one and two) – there was sunshine, and we loved it.


I joined my friend Ursula invited me on a day trip to Kilkenny that was so surprisingly adorable!


We took an epic summer adventure around America to visit family and friends. We spent a week in Colorado and loved the red rocks!


We also managed a 20 minute midwestern road trip to look at barns, as well as a few days each in Chicago, Peoria and Cincinnati!

em florida beach

We joined my family for a week in St. Augustine, Florida. Such a great, relaxing time.

em-swans-island We spent lots of time in Maine this summer – so many adventures on lots of different boats!


We wrangled an invite to a friend’s Maine barn gathering at an orchard that was beyond beautiful.


Then we spent a week at the most serious villa on the coast of Spain. Ugh, these photos of the sunsets from the infinity pool are making me want to go back. So much fun!


We travelled to Carcassonne for a gorgeous wedding and completely fell in love with the city. We’re already plotting a reunion trip! Parts one, two and three.


My mom visited and we took a ferry ride from Howth to Dun Laoghaire – this was my first time seeing Dublin from the ocean!


I got to explore the west of Ireland and enjoyed strolling through the gardens at Cashel House.


And on that same trip got to see Ireland again from the water – this time from a traditional Galway hooker! This was the man with no lifejacket.


It’s hard to believe now, but we took another trip to the United States in late October into November. And my dad and I happened upon this apple tree on the beach in Maine!


Michael and I explored Houston’s museum district using the Design*Sponge guide – those guides never let us down!


And we rounded out the year with a little one night stay in County Monaghan, just an hour and a half from Dublin. We especially enjoyed the boot room!

I am so glad that we traveled so much this year, both around the world and within Ireland. Some of my fondest memories of the year are from these adventures. With each trip, I am reminded what a blessing it is that we have these opportunities to explore places together and with our families. And of course, thank you all for your recommendations for places to go and things to do in our travels. It’s so fun to feel like I have a community of travel resources at my keyboard!

12 Highlights of 2013

January 1, 2014

This is one of my favorite posts of the year – the highlights. I’m always surprised by how much I managed to fit into each month here on the blog. And I’m also surprised at how glad I am to have this blog as a record of my projects and travels and adventures. Without it, I’d forget half of what goes on over here!

Because I love the highlights so much, I’m going to do a few highlight round ups – a general one today, and then a roundup of my travels and my projects tomorrow. Here goes!



In January, I made at least a few batches of this yummy gluten free Santiago Almond Tart.



I found this excellent Dublin street wisdom – and I’ve been using it as my iPhone wallpaper ever since!



I started a Home Office series to talk about the tips and tricks I’ve learned (and am still learning) working from home.



During a rainy April, I shared what to wear in Ireland in the rain for another Styled in Ireland post.



In May, the rhododendrons in Howth bloomed!



A few super sporty activities everyone can enjoy in Dublin.



At the start of the summer, I started thinking about the apartment makeover we’d undertake a few months later.



Just in time for the warmest summer Ireland has seen in decades, I shared these sweetest baby clothes printed in Wicklow.



In September, I shared my favorite spots in Dublin now – on video!



We couldn’t forget the chickens! They arrived in August and I wrote an update on them in October.



In November, I celebrated my 30th birthday by counting down (almost) 30 lessons I’ve learned in my 20’s. It was such a fun exercise!



December was all about getting festive and crafty for the holidays. These porcelain ornaments were so simple and made me very happy!

Thanks for coming along with me through this year. It has been a pleasure, as always, to get to write here and hang out with you all. Thank you for your encouragement and excitement and advice over the last year. Here’s to more fun in 2014!

New Year’s Eve White Wine and Cranberry Punch

December 30, 2013

peperina punch 3 Good morning, friends! Are you getting a little break between holidays at the moment? I sure hope so. This time between Christmas and the new year is one of my favorites in Ireland – a lot of shops are closed, and Michael and I both have time off to rest and relax. We’re not much for celebrating New Year’s Eve, but we do try to make it a little festive as we wait for midnight to roll around. I thought this festive white wine and cranberry punch would do just the trick!

When we had our second blogger meetup a few months ago at Peperina Garden Bistro, I asked the guys there if we could come up with a festive punch recipe. Lo and behold they whipped up a delicious white wine cranberry punch that’s perfect for the New Year’s Eve! It’s fresh and a little tart with a festive edge from vanilla, cloves and cardamom pods.

peperina cranberry punch

Holiday White Wine and Cranberry Punch

2 teaspoons whole cloves
1/2 of a vanilla bean, split lengthwise
6 cardamom pods
1/2 liter cranberry juice
1/2 liter apple juice
4 medium purple and/or green plums, pitted and sliced
1 bottle a fruity white wine like sauvignon blanc
fresh cranberries to garnish

Split the vanilla pod down the middle length wise. Put the 
vanilla bean, the cardamom pods, and the whole cloves into 
a piece of cheese cloth and tie with a string. Pour all the 
liquids into a punch bowl or carafe, and add the spices in 
the cheese cloth as well as the plums to the liquid. Let sit 
in the fridge for a few hours, then pour into glasses and 
garnish with fresh cranberries skewered on a cocktail stick.

peperina cranberry punch This punch is going to be perfectly refreshing come New Year’s Eve, when there are still a few cranberries lurking in your fridge’s crisper and you’re ready for something a little lighter! Cheers!

Happy Holidays, Belatedly!

December 27, 2013

holiday greetings It is, of course, too late to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy St. Stephen’s Day, but I had the best of intentions to extend these wishes to you much earlier! Instead, I’m taking a temporary hiatus from the extreme holiday lounging to wish you the happiest of holidays this season. I hope these few weeks are restorative and relaxing, full of family, food and lots of festive treats!


Teeny Tiny Festive Sugar Cookies

December 23, 2013

tiny sugar cookies


I bet there are lots of people out there rolling and cutting and baking big batches of sugar cookies tonight. Sugar cookies are such a sleeper favorite – you don’t think they’re that important but the crunch when you bite into one with a cup of coffee after dinner is just perfect. This year, when I was rolling mine out I decided to try my teeny tiny star shaped cookie cutter, which has previously only been used for mini cinnamon garlands.

tiny sugar cookies While these teeny guys aren’t that suitable for the cookie plates I’m putting together for our neighbors, they are perfect to have on hand in case anyone stops by for a cup of coffee over the holidays. They provide the perfect bit of sweetness and crunch, but they’re so tiny you don’t even have to count them as a full cookie!

tiny sugar cookies 3 My only tip with these is to bake them on their own – they’re so tiny they bake much faster than regular size sugar cookies and they’re liable to burn if you bake them with the rest of your batch. And since I’ve eaten about 17 of them while I was writing this post (which still doesn’t count as a whole cookie, or so I tell myself), I might have to make another batch tonight!

Happy Christmas Eve eve!

{I use Alton Brown’s classic sugar cookie recipe and I found my tiny cookie cutter at Stock in Dublin.}


Gentlemen of Letters / Dublin in Type

December 19, 2013

Gentlemen of Letters

{For some reason, Vimeo videos don’t like to play directly in my site! Just click on the image to open the video in a new tab!}

My friend Kristin shared this video yesterday and I loved every moment of it, so naturally I wanted to share it with all of you. Gentlemen of Letters a wonderful short film that compares and juxtaposes sign painters with street artists in Dublin, and it’s so lovely. It’s about 16 minutes long, but it’s worth every single one.

There’s a spot in the film where one of the street artists is talking about how he takes detours to see certain pieces of art – I can completely identify with that. Some of the street art around the city makes me so happy, or gives me such a boost that I’ll take a certain route over and over just to see it and smile again.

I also think street art is one of the few ways Dublin fights back and makes a statement in the face of the corruption or greed of the last few decades. I think there’s such power in those statements that are in your face every day. I’ve posted a few of the pieces mentioned in the video on my Instagramhere, here and here.

Meanwhile, I love that the video also includes the history and present state of sign painters in Dublin – and that the two groups have decided they definitely have something in common: dealing with the weather.

It’s just a super video, thanks Kristin for sharing it!

One Night in County Monaghan

December 18, 2013

castle leslie
Last weekend, Michael decided we should take a little break away from Dublin for one night. He found us a room at the Castle Leslie Estate in County Monaghan, a county on the border of Northern Ireland that I don’t think I had set foot in before!

castle leslie room This was our room…for about twenty minutes. We dropped our bags, looked around and then headed to get something to eat in the Lodge across the green. And during that dinner (which was delicious) Michael and I both admitted that the room made us both a little nervous – it was like a museum! By the time dinner was over, we had managed to downgrade (well, upgrade for us) ourselves into a room at the Lodge overlooking the stables.

castle leslie lodge

The Lodge was equally old but had been upgraded to be a little more like a modern hotel room and a little less like we might break something. And frankly, the bed was bigger. When you’re married to a dude who’s 6’4 and only have room for a full size bed in your apartment, a king size bed is awfully appealing!

boot room castle leslie Plus, I loved that just down the hall was the boot room!

driveway castle leslie We very much wished we had brought our wellies (which we still don’t own, such city slickers we are) when we took a walk around the grounds. It was a perfect chilly morning for a walk, but we were scrubbing mud off our shoes the next day. And we probably looked a tad silly – Michael in Converse and me in two inch booties. Oops!

horse castle leslie We paused to say hello to this guy. He and his friends were all wearing their winter coats. The wind was howling!

horses and ivy michael castle leslie And then we hopped in the car and took the scenic route back to Dublin! All in all, a super little one night escape from Dublin.


Festive Recipe / Strawberry Swirled Marshmallows from HomeCooked by Donal Skehan

December 17, 2013

marshmallows Today I’m very excited to be kicking off the blog tour for Irish food blogger Donal Skehan‘s latest cookbook, HomeCooked. It’s a little intimidating to be responsible for the first post in a blog tour, but I was very excited to be asked to try out one of Donal’s recipes since we’re practically neighbors! Donal lives in Howth, and I love following his Instagram feed for sweet pics of his dog Max exploring lots of our favorite walks. Donal also has a super cooking show that always ends with a cosy dinner party and you know that’s right up my alley!

fruit swirl marshmallows from Donal Skehan's cookbook HomeCooked I had a browse through HomeCooked and decided to tackle the Strawberry Swirled Marshmallows – I figure they’ll be great gifts for friends and neighbors next week, wrapped up with a package of hot chocolate! I’ve been pinning marshmallow recipes for months now but was always a little nervous about the amount of mixing involved since we only have a little hand mixer (there’s really no room in our kitchen for a stand mixer!). Turns out, I needn’t have been so worried. They were pretty simple!

pouring water hot cocoa Strawberry Swirled Marshmallows from Donal Skehan’s HomeCooked 

Sunflower oil, for greasing 
30g or 1/4 cup icing sugar
30g or 1/4 cup cornflour
9 sheets of gelatin 
2 large egg whites 
450g or 2 cups caster sugar
1 tbsp liquid glucose
100g or 1/4 cup strawberry jam, strained through a sieve

sugar thermometer
baking tray

Place a fine sieve on a small plate and add the icing sugar and cornflour. Use some of the sugar/cornflour mix to dust the greased tin and set the rest aside.

Place the gelatin and 140ml of cold water in a jug and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, put the egg whites in a standing food mixer and beat until stiff peaks form. (I obviously used our hand mixer and it didn’t take too long!)

Place the sugar, liquid glucose and 200ml of cold water in a saucepan. Stir the mixture over a gentle heat until the sugar crystals have dissolved, then increase the heat to high and bring it to a steady boil and continue to cook until the sugar solution reaches 127°C/260°F on a sugar thermometer. Remove the pan from the heat and pour in the gelatin mix from the jug. Be careful, as the mix will bubble dramatically.

Turn the whisk back on and gently trickle in the warm mixture into the beaten egg whites and continue to whisk for 10 minutes until the mixture turns shiny and thick enough to hold its shape on the whisk. Pour the marshmallow mix into the prepared tin and then drizzle the strawberry jam over the top and swirl through. Dust with a little of the icing sugar and cornflour and set aside to cool over night.

Dust a clean surface with more of the icing sugar and cornflour and turn out the marshmallow slab. Using a sharp, dusted knife, cut the slab into marshmallow squares. Coat the exposed edges with the remaining dusting powder and then serve as a special treat with hot chocolate or pop into an airtight container for later.

marshmallows 3 You could use any kind of jam or spread (how yummy would Nutella marshmallows be?) in place of the strawberry jam. They melt perfectly into a mug of hot cocoa and would probably be amazing in s’mores!

Tomorrow, the extremely talented food blogger and photographer, Imen from Modern Farmette, is going to be sharing another of Donal’s recipes. I can’t wait to see which one!

You can pick up a copy of HomeCooked in shops in Ireland or on Amazon as well, and you should get it just in time for Christmas!

Six Small Space Christmas Trees for Teeny Homes

December 16, 2013

six small space christmas trees One of the big trends I’ve noticed on Pinterest this year is the idea non-traditional Christmas trees drawn or stuck onto walls. They’re designed for those of us with very small apartments – too small for a three dimensional Christmas tree. But they also probably work really well for people who don’t like the mess of pine needles, or whose cats take down the hanging ornaments, or whose kids are too little to leave a precariously standing tree alone.

The funny thing is that in our tiny apartment we have just about enough room for a small real Christmas tree, but we have barely any wall space to make any of these awesome ideas. So I’m bequeathing all of these super ideas to you. Plus some of these ideas will use up a little of that washi tape you told yourself you would definitely use but is still sitting there since last year!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Life Lately

December 15, 2013

life lately The last few weeks since returning from my trip home to Maine have flown by. Here’s a glimpse, from left to right in the photos above.

1. I’ve been working on a really fun project with my friends Jette and Yolene. I’ll be sharing lots more about Irish potatoes in January!

2. The Georgian doors around Merrion Square are always my favorite – they’re even more fun when they’re all decked out for Christmas!

3. The sunsets lately have been awesome. So much color.

4. A new scarf knit by a dear friend made for such a happy mail day!

5. The Grand Canal Dock at night is one of the coolest places in Dublin. Bright and funky, but beware – it’s always windy.

6. So many places in Dublin do great Christmas decorations – the Fumbally Cafe (it’s delicious, go there if you haven’t already) decked out their piano with lots of greens.

7. The Samuel Beckett Bridge at night.

8. The chickens are still managing to escape every once an a while and it’s just hilarious. They hop their way up to the wall and can sometimes manage to coast over to freedom. At which point I go out and pick them up and plop them back in their pen.

What have you been up to? Any news? Is your house decked and ready to go for Christmas?

You can always follow along with my Instagram account!