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  • On My Plants and More Plants

    Happy Monday, friends! Did you have a nice weekend? We finally saw the sun, and we also took a quick trip to Galway for Mike’s last away basketball game of the season and I’m…

    February 27, 2012
  • Friday Links

    {Just two images I pinned to my Pinterest boards – Gap jeans and cute purple shoes and a fab tutorial from Jenny at Little Green Notebook!} I have a bad habit. At any given time, I probably…

    February 24, 2012
  • Me, Elsewhere: My Life as a Blog on Blogstar

    Yesterday Sarah from Blogstar posted what I wrote about my life as a blogger here in Dublin, and how writing my blog allowed me to feel at home here. I’ve talked a little bit…

    February 22, 2012
  • Romance on Grafton Street

    Strolling up Grafton Street in the chilly wind last weekend, it occurred to me that you could make a pretty romantic date out of this common Dublin tourist destination. First, check out the buskers.…

    February 21, 2012
  • Bits of My Weekend and a Winner!

    Happy Monday! Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was productive but rejuvenating. These few days off have been busy, but full of visits with friends, great chats and a ton of walking. On…

    February 20, 2012
  • Friday Photo Walk

    I left Michael snoozing in bed this morning and took myself on a photo walk. Early spring is so short and I wanted to capture a few of the first blossoms. And yes, it’s…

    February 17, 2012
  • Travel Plans: Berlin Style

    Over the next few months, things start to get a little nutty around here. I’ll spare you the dates, but it starts at the end of March and goes something like this: parents visit,…

    February 16, 2012
  • Four Date Ideas for Valentine’s or Not!

    {a fort and a fire. what more could you ask for?!} My Valentine’s Day plans are less than exciting and involve barely seeing my husband except for a few minutes to scarf down leftovers…

    February 14, 2012
  • Truly Irish // Little Hill Designs and a Giveaway!

    Happy Friday, everyone! I’m so relieved it’s Friday. And I’m so excited to share with you today’s Truly Irish post. Little Hill Designs is a Waterford based company that uses sustainable and reclaimed wood…

    February 10, 2012