Happy Friday!

March 14, 2014

paddys day Happy Friday, friends! Did you have a good week? Are you ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day soon? Dublin has been taken over with people very ready to celebrate the holiday. There are a whole lot more shamrock-festooned people than usual walking the streets at the moment! Because I get so excited that people are thinking and talking about Ireland on this weekend, I try not to let myself get annoyed at the crowds of people clogging up the sidewalks peering at their maps. However, I think it’s for the best that we are skipping town this weekend and letting all the visitors have their run of the city!

This week was yet another whirlwind week, filled with three photo shoots (including one at Lola Donoghue’s house, one on the streets of Dublin’s Creative Quarter, and one at a sushi bar in Galway!) and meetings and lots and lots of time at the computer. I managed to go for my first run since catching the flu a few weeks ago. It wasn’t pretty or fast or pleasant, but it can only get better from here!

Tomorrow, Michael and I head over to County Clare for a wedding, and then we’re stopping in Limerick to visit friends on the way back. It’s my absolute favorite time of year to hop in the car for a road trip, and I’ll share why when we return!

Have a wonderful, shamrock-festooned weekend, friends!


Dublin with LikeWhere for St. Patrick’s Day

March 11, 2014

likewhere for st patrick's day Ever wonder what it feels like in Dublin the week before St. Patrick’s Day? It feels like everyone is gearing up for our special day! Businesses are washing their windows and making sure their shelves are stocked, tourists are starting to fill the streets, and companies are rolling out their holiday promotions. With the spotlight turned right on Dublin, it’s the perfect time to shout from the rooftops about the city’s best parts.

My favorite travel app LikeWhere is no different. They’ve teamed up with the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival and are taking the opportunity to share some locals’ popular spots and memories. They asked me a few questions and they’ve shared them on their website, along with stories and memories from a bunch of other Dubliners – including the head chef at the Marker Hotel, the bass player for KeyWest (my sister-in-law loves that band!), and the owner of Roasted Brown coffee shop. It’s a great collection of locals and their favorite spots around the city – just in time for our biggest holiday of the year!

Want a little taste of Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day? Check out the video about Dublin I did with LikeWhere last fall! And if you’re planning a trip, do check out LikeWhere – it’s the app that helps you plan your trip based on places you visited and liked! So clever!


Another Lifestyle Blogger Meetup and Resource Party

March 10, 2014

coppa blogger meetup 2

The week before last, I hosted our third Dublin Lifestyle Blogger Meetup at Coppa Cafe in the city centre. I was really excited that Federico and his team at Coppa agreed to host us because I’ve fallen in love with their little cafe and the way they run it like it’s an extension of their home. What better place to bring twenty lifestyle bloggers and creative types for a gathering!  coppa flowers

Federico had a chance to tell everyone about his little slice of Dublin – and how his mom back in Italy sews every single one of their red checkered napkins! Federico spoke to us about his mom’s legacy in Coppa and how she not only taught him so many of the recipes they now use, but that she taught him the value of service and hospitality. She should be very proud, because the one thing I always, always feel when I walk into Coppa is welcomed and taken care of. Coppa is a haven of friendliness and delicious food and I hope someday you find yourself there! You can tell them I sent you! (Although if you do, they might roll their eyes and say oh Emily, we can’t get rid of that girl!) coppa team

emily coppa

We were really lucky to have some great companies send us treats for our goodie bags, including Etsy (!), Tiger Stores (have you been? They’re popping up all over Dublin), and Clover Rua. Trish and Priscilla were our lovely little models for the goodie bags. Thanks, girls!  etsy bags

After we had sampled lots of delicious Coppa treats and had time to catch up, we hosted a little resource party (a la Erin Loechner of Design for Mankind). We each wrote down something we’re hoping to find – a resource to help us in our blogging hobby or careers – and then we went around the room to read them out loud. If another person thought they might be able to help with that need, they raised their hands and the two would connect afterward. I’ve been wanting to host a resource party for years now after reading about the idea on Erin’s website so I’m thrilled it went over so well.  resource party coppa

Everyone was warm and encouraging and quick to offer their help. That is what I love about this growing group of people. They are genuinely generous with their time and with their smiles. It makes a world of difference to look up to a sea of smiling people when you’re trying to convince them to do something new. Thanks, everyone!

blogger meetup coppa

We also gave away a few spot prizes after the resource party – some lovely tea towels and prints from Clover Rua, a few copies of Claire Burge’s new book on creativity, and a gorgeous cashmere scarf from Eilis Boyle, all of which I really wanted to keep for myself. clover rua tea towel

A giant thank you to everyone who helped make this yet another successful Dublin Lifestyle Blogger Meetup! If you’d like to be involved in the next one, let me know!

Super photos by Rincy Koshy!


Happy Weekend!

March 8, 2014

emily deer park 2014

Happy Saturday, friends! Did you have a nice week? I spent the week trying to recover from the flu and I’m still feeling like it’s beating me. I’m hoping a few extra hours of sleep this weekend will kick it for good because I’m ready to have energy for more than sleeping and working!

Today, I’m taking a strong dose of cough medicine and then meeting friends for afternoon tea at Ariel House and then hopefully I’ll have enough energy to meet another group of friends for Mexican food tonight with Lily of My Mexican Shop. Michael is playing some of his last basketball matches of the season this weekend (thank goodness!) and his team might even win their league!

I hope you have a wonderful, healthy weekend, wherever you are!

Samaritan / My Dad and I Wrote a Crime Novel

March 5, 2014


I have exciting news to share today that I’ve been waiting so long to tell you. My dad and I wrote a crime novel together! After a year of researching, writing, tweaking and editing, it’s finally finished and ready to be sent out into the world. We’re just beginning the process of sending it around to publishers, so while it’s a long time in the making, it’s still a long way from publication. Even so, it is finished and my dad and I both feel it’s ready for a little sneak peek.

I’ve mentioned before that my dad, Gerry Boyle, is a crime novelist. He has published eleven books in two different series (you can find them all on Amazon), and he just signed a new deal for another book in each series last week! This is the first book in what we hope will become a series about an American travel blogger getting mixed up with some dangerous people abroad. It’s also the first time we’ve ever written together, and I’m so proud of the result. The crime novel is called Samaritan and I’m thrilled to share a little piece of it with you today.

Samaritan Preview: Sean Deery is American, fresh out of college. He rejects his dad’s push for a business job, takes a $25,000 inheritance and sets out to write for a travel blog. Sean is looking for the unexpected but gets more than he bargained for. In this very early scene he makes the acquaintance of Manny, an African newspaper seller one night in a very rough section of Dublin. They’re accosted by masked guys in a back alley. It unfolds like this:

The four were close now, the lead man halfway across the courtyard, the others trailing so they formed a wedge and he was the point. They turned as they approached and the wedge became a circle. Choreographed, like a marching band.

The first guy approached. Smiled maybe. A movement around his mouth under the mask.

“You lads got a cig, do ya?” he said, like it was normal, chatting with a guy in a mask.

Sean said, “Don’t smoke.” Manny flipped the phone shut, put it away. Stared.

The guy was five feet away, hands in his sweatshirt pockets. Bigger than Sean, slimmer than Manny. Shuffling in his Nike trainers, like a boxer waiting for the bell. The other three moved up, the noose tightening. Two were short and thick, one round-faced, one thin, black eyes close set. The third was slimmer, mouth that hung open in the mask hole like he was surprised.

“You’re a smart one, not smoking,” the leader said. “Filthy fucking habit.”

They were inching closer, the leader still talking, the voice muffled.

“Started when I was eleven, me da leaving ’em all around the flat. I’d go out on the street, thinking I was a tough guy, butt in me mouth.”

He looked to Manny, eyes like shiny wet spots in the fabric. The mask twitched. A grin. Like this was normal, talking to a guy in a mask.

“Got any reefer? You Africans, you like the ganja, right? Makes you feel like you’re back in the jungle playing the bongos, huh? Or maybe not the jungle. Maybe the slums of Nairobi. Must be in bleedin’ heaven, in Ballyer. Got da running water, mahn. Got da electric lights. Don’t have to shit in da gutter wid da pigs.”

The other three smiled, lips spreading in the mask holes. The leader looked to Sean, shook his head.

“Country going down the shitter. Immigrants, you know. Bad for the tourism. Americans come all the way to the old sod, they don’t want to be seeing bloody Africans.’”

Sean said, “I’m American,” as in, what would the IRA want with me?

“Oh, brilliant. The dude’s a Yank, lads. Makes him special.”

A snort from the others. A nod to Sean’s back.

“You got a laptop in there? I need to check my e-mail.”

Snorts all around now, wet mouths in the wooly holes.

“Can’t help you,” Sean said.

“Then I’ll help myself, like the Lord says. There now. Be a good Yank and hand it this way, and we’ll all have a nice night.”

“Let him be,” Manny said.

“Wait your turn, Nelson Mandela,” the guy said. “We’ll be getting to you.”

Sean took a step back along the wall, two of the guys moving past him, turning, cutting him off. He tensed. Felt it coming—


And away we go. Manny intervenes and gets the worst of it. Sean is thrust into a world blogs don’t explore: murders, beatings, beggars, and an Ireland that doesn’t make Lonely Planet’s lists – or From China Village on any given day!

I’ll keep you updated on its progress and will hopefully let you know when you can find it in book shops near you!

Art for Anniversaries / Painter Lola Donoghue

March 4, 2014

green abstract painting lola donoghue

For wedding anniversaries, Michael and I have never really given each other presents. Neither of us usually feel like we really need anything, so we usually go for a hike or go out to dinner. But this year I realized I would actually like to have a few special things that one day I could tell my kids or grandkids about and share the story of that anniversary with them. And one day we would get to leave those special things to my kids or grandkids.

So shortly after our anniversary, I had a brilliant idea. Each anniversary, let’s invest in a piece of art! Doesn’t that sound kind of amazing – building an art collection one year at a time. And it gives us a whole year to look around or earmark articles about local artists we like, and to make a decision together on which piece it will be.   etsyfeaturedshop-art-loladonoghue-etsyinternational-etsyireland-01a

The only problem? We’ve already found an artist we want to invest in and we still have to wait another six months! Lola Donoghue is an artist based in Galway and we’re pretty smitten with her breezy abstract paintings already.  etsyfeaturedshop-art-loladonoghue-etsyinternational-etsyireland-003

Lola was featured on the Etsy blog, so we got to know a little bit about her artistic process and were hooked straight away!

“My paintings are captured moments of past experiences. However, when I begin, I never know what the finished piece will look like. The initial trigger is merely a springboard for my imagination; a vehicle for my creative urges. It is an emerging process. As the work unfolds, I may discover something by accident, which in turn dictates the direction of the piece. A representational piece usually ends up in total abstraction.”  etsyfeaturedshop-art-loladonoghue-etsyinternational-etsyireland-004

Michael especially likes the darker pieces, and I was leaning toward the lighter ones, so I think we’ll spend the next six months trying to choose one!

So, the countdown to our anniversary begins! You can find Lola’s artwork in her shop on Etsy!

Something Super: Irish Country Magazine

March 3, 2014

irish country magazine mention

I got to make a little cameo in the latest issue of Irish Country Magazine, and I definitely blushed when I read their kind words about my blog! On that single page, I’m in such good company – Rosie’s Rags make the cutest embroidery kits and Roseanne is the talented lady behind the food blog turned cookbook Like Mam Used to Bake. 

But the rest of the magazine? It’s really, really good. It has a new column from Imen McDonnell, who writes the lovely food blog Farmette, a lovely article from the editor Maria Moynihan about having her husband working in China for a month, an inspiring feature about how three Irish women who have overcome disabilities, and a tour of a 400-year-old home. And on, and on, and on. It’s packed with thought-provoking articles (and some fun, frivolous ones!) and is now on my must-pick-up list, especially for any traveling that’s coming up. It would occupy at least a few hours on the plane back to Maine!

In Season / February Blooms

February 28, 2014

purple and white crocuses

Spring just about fully sprung in Dublin this week. And not a moment too soon. While it’s still chilly outside, we had a few days of sunshine in a row and all of a sudden flowers are popping. After a hectic week (successful blogger meetup! meetings! work! blog! phew!), I spent a few hours this afternoon taking myself on a sunshine-drenched but chilly photo walk around our neighborhood. I snapped photos of crocuses until my fingers froze and it was so refreshing.

I thought I might share what’s blooming around these parts every month or so. It’s one of my favorite things about taking walks in our north Dublin neighborhood to see what’s in season and what’s blooming in all the front gardens. I’m always amazed at the different things that bloom at different times of the year because it’s so different from the Maine growing climate. By the end of February the snow drops are wilting and we’re cruising into crocuses. This could also be a great record of what I should be planting in our garden so I can have something in bloom at all times throughout the year!

Without further ado, this is a peek at what’s in bloom in my neighborhood this month. Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope spring pops up wherever you are very, very soon.

daffodils and crocuses

purple crocuses above

sky february dublin

pink branch purple crocuses

cherry blossoms

Simple DIY / Copper Gilded Salt Cellars

February 27, 2014

salt cellar

Happy Thursday, friends! Time for another DIY project and this one, yet again, is the simplest. I got it in my head that for my 30th birthday dinner party, I wanted to have touches of copper along with my mint green dishes. I’ve already shared how I polka dotted the water glasses, so now I thought I’d show you my little copper gilded salt cellars.

I love the look of salt (and pepper) cellars with tiny little spoons. I rarely use them in restaurants, but they just look so fresh that I’ve started to use one in our house. I’m always tempted to run my fingers through the salt – I never do, but let me tell you that is the reason I don’t use them in restaurants! If I’m tempted, who knows who else is tempted!

Anyway, I digress. The copper gilded salt cellars involve three supplies: liquid copper leaf, masking tape, and these little tiny glass bowls I found at Ikea in a pack of four. Tape off a little section of the bowl with the masking tape, and paint the remaining bit. Let it dry and peel off the tape carefully. Et voila! Copper gilded salt cellars perfect for making any dinner a little more festive.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on salt cellars? Do you ever use them in restaurants or do you have the same reservations as me?

 Photo by Rincy Koshy.