A Super Speedy London Visit

May 16, 2014

emily tate modern

So, our trip to London. It was only last weekend but it does already feel so long ago. And it definitely feels like it wasn’t long enough at all. We arrived on Friday morning and left on Sunday evening, but I was tied up in meetings most of Friday and was attending Blogtacular (a blogging conference) all day Saturday. So that didn’t really leave very much time at all!  four seasons london

But while it was a short visit, it was a luxurious visit. Michael and I stayed at the Four Seasons Park Lane, just across the street from Buckingham Palace! It was very swanky and we pretty much loved zipping around London in the back of their Rolls Royce(!).  emily four seasons london

emily london underground

Lest you think we are altogether too fancy, there were WAY more escalators and underground visits than there were rides in the Rolls. We mostly kept it real, but we also mostly wished we got to be that fancy all the time! The London subway system was entirely too deep in the ground for me.

reflection and tate modern view

In our small amount of free time, Michael and I went over to the Tate Modern for a flying visit – Picasso, Monet’s Waterlilies, and a few odd Alex Katz paintings before we had to zip off again.   michael tate modern

There was a little three year old rolling down this giant ramp at the Tate like it was a grassy hill. It was hilarious.  michael millennium bridge

My handsome man on the scariest bridge on the planet – the Millennium Bridge was swaying back and forth in the strong winds so we decided not to cross it twice!  london from tate london bikes

On Sunday, we took the London bikes all over the city. They’re almost as good as the Dublin bikes bills with joy and damien

And we met friends in Soho for brunch! Bill’s was yum and the chats were great. I love this photo of these three sweeties cute house london

And I decided that I need a giant trellis and climbing pink roses at my house.  mike on bicycle london

Michael’s pink socks and orange Converse made me smile on my bike even though it was freezing!   photo 1 (5)

The Natural History Museum did not make me smile at all. Fair warning, on Sundays it is filled with small children running amok.  photo 2 (5)

And after three whirlwind days, Michael and I hopped on the plane back to Dublin – but only after a long delay at the airport. Thank goodness for Sunday papers and mirrored ceilings!

So you can see we didn’t really see the whole city – we’ll have to plan a return trip very soon!

In Season: May Blooms

May 15, 2014

peony may 2014

This month, all of my favorite flowers are in bloom here in Dublin. Peonies, lilacs, gorse, irises. Peonies because they are the fluffiest, gorse because it smells like coconut, and lilacs and irises because they remind me of piano recitals when I was younger. My mom used to bring Peggy, our piano teacher, bouquets of irises and lilacs at our end of the year recital.  peony 2 may 2014 lilac may 2014 gorse may 2014

This one is the gorse, the rest are more universally recognizable. It blooms twice a year and smells just like coconut.  iris may 2014 yellow tree may 2014

This is not gorse, but it’s equally yellow and do you see that big bee in the corner? He was so happy. clematis may 2014

Clematis in Dublin isn’t as deep purple as I remember it in Maine, and sometimes it seems a little more like an invasive weed than a garden plant, but the giant walls of it are really impressive.  clematis 2 may 2014


What’s in bloom in your neck of the woods?

Teeny Tiny Toes

May 14, 2014


I’ve spent the evening editing lots and lots of these tiny baby toes. On the day of our shoot with baby Nicholas, his feet didn’t stop moving for a minute. We joked that if he could walk he would have made it halfway to France by the end of the shoot. He’s going to be speeding around very soon!

Also, those bloomers!

In My Neck of the Woods

May 13, 2014

bouquet from gingko florist dublin

Want to know what’s going on in this neck of the woods?

I was on a shoot for Confetti today, we’re working on posts that explain to brides how to choose the right jewellery for their wedding day in partnership with an Irish jewellery company called Coldlilies. That photo above is the bouquet we got to play with – it’s the most beautiful smelling bouquet I’ve encountered in a long time.

Tonight, I’ve been finishing up a post for Wedding Party. This week I’m writing about what to DIY and what not to DIY for your wedding.

I’m waiting for Michael to come home with groceries since I haven’t had a chance to get to the store since we returned from London. It’s after 9pm and I still have no idea what we’re going to have for dinner tonight.

I’ve been watching the clouds outside turn darker and more pink as the sun goes down and I wish I could climb up on the roof to take a picture of the colors.

I’m cranking away at my Delightful Dublin guidebook, which I hope will be out early this summer. My friend Julie is doing all the photography and design for it, so we’re trading millions of emails back and forth. It is just going to be so good and I can’t wait to share it with you.

I’m currently trying to source a coffee table for a house I’m styling on Thursday and it’s proving rather difficult. Beautiful coffee tables for mid-century modern cow barns turned holiday homes are not so easy to come by. Who knew?

So that’s what’s going on in this corner of the world. What are you up to this fine evening?

London, Baby!

May 12, 2014

london bikes

We arrived back to Dublin well after midnight last night (darn flight delay!) from a whirlwind weekend in London. Boy, is that city big?! I always think Dublin is such a nice size for a city, and after being in London for a few days, I feel it even more. That city is just giant! I only saw a sliver of it, so I’m already thinking I should rest up and give it another shot soon. We did do a little exploring, so I’ll work on a post about that (including a few tips we learned along the way) for later this week.

In the meantime, I hope you’re having a restful and productive Monday!

Off to London for Blogtacular!

May 9, 2014

london etsy

Michael and I are headed to London this morning for a really quick visit. I’m attending Blogtacular tonight and tomorrow, and we’re going to see lots of friends both there and outside the conference. I’m finding it hard to believe that I haven’t been to London since I was 14! We are so close – only a short plane ride – but it hasn’t made our travel priority list until now. I think we’ll be looking to plan another long weekend there soon since Michael has found some great spots for us to visit and I’m sure we won’t pack them all in.

There are a bunch of bloggers from Ireland heading over for Blogtacular and I’m excited to have our little Irish crew there, as well as some close friends I met at The Hive conference in Berlin two years ago. It will be a wonderful weekend of online/in person friendships which always makes me happy.

We’re staying in Hyde Park, so if you have any suggestions for that area, I think that’s about as far as we’ll get!

See you Monday!

Cute London print for Etsy!

Recently Pinning: Fireplaces (Because It’s Still Cold Out.)

May 8, 2014

recently pinning fireplaces

It is May in Dublin. And it is just not warm. Yesterday, in a moment of insanity, I left the house in a skirt with bare legs (!?) and regretted it the whole day. Today I went back to boots, pants and a sweater.

So I went pinning the most summery fireplaces I could find. Bright and cheery and perfect for our Irish summer and fires in our make believe fireplace.

For more, Irish summer inspiration? My Pinterest boards.

Image, clockwise from top left: Image / Unknown / Unknown / Image

Michael’s Travel Planning Tips

May 7, 2014

michael planning vienna

After a few years of traveling together, Michael and I have come up with a really great system, wherein I do very little and he does it all. It sounds a little unfair, but it seems to be working for us so I’m going to enjoy it as long as I can! I’m usually in charge of bringing snacks for the journey and otherwise I try to bring general cheerfulness as I follow along behind him. Michael will generally ask me for my input while he’s planning, and whether there are any stores or museums I want to add into the itinerary, but even then he figures out where the places are and how they will fit into our trip.

I asked Michael to offer a few tips to people who aren’t quite so lucky to be married to a dedicated travel planner.

Hey everyone, this is Emily’s wonderful husband who, after five years of reading my beautiful, most talented wife’s blog, has decided to make his opinion known.

So, here are a few tips on planning a trip away.  For me the first step starts with deciding where you will stay and the rest of your trip can build and develop from this. Usually Emily and I will stay in an apartment when we travel. We have found that this gives us more flexibility with what we want to do. It allows us to prepare some of our own meals, and also I find that by renting apartments we have a little be more control over staying in fun, new areas of a city.

The majority of the time I find myself using Airbnb. I try to find a place that is located near the city  center, but not necessarily  in it. A lot of cities have great artsy, crafty sides to them and by staying in these areas you can get a feel for the people of the city and a real local vibe, while still being in touching distance of many of the popular tourist attractions of that city. Read the reviews on Airbnb, they do help.

I always research the public transportation in our destination city. I make sure I know how we will be getting from airport to destination and back again. Once I know where we will be staying, I research how to get to the areas and attractions that we want to visit. Many  cities have public transport apps that are very helpful in helping plan journeys around the city. I always try and download any free city apps that are helpful for our trip. For example, recently in Vienna the local transport system the OBB has their own app which allowed us to put in our current location and desired destination. It mapped out possible route via public transport, which was very useful.

Once Emily and I have decided on some of the areas and attractions we would like to visit, my next step is to figure out where can we eat, grab a beer or glass of wine or a coffee in these particular areas. I try to have a couple options for each area. By doing this we are not left wandering aimlessly around a city trying to find a place to eat or wondering if this place or that place will be what we are looking for, which keeps us from getting too hungry and grumpy searching for a place. For these places I usually check out city websites or local blogs that are similar to (but usually not as good as) From China Village. For example for our upcoming trip to London I have been checking out the TimeOut London site. Not only do these websites help with finding good places to eat, drink and socialise, they are also great for letting you know what might be going on in the city while you are there.

Although I like planning our itineraries and can spend lots of time preparing before our trip, we never have an itinerary that is rigidly set. I don’t have our day broken down to the last minute. It is actually the opposite, instead we have things we want to do for each day and usually have two or three that are divided into morning/brunch time, afternoon & evening.  This still allows us the flexibility to still wander and discover the city and do things like stop and shop.

Obviously I could go into a lot more detail about each but for now I think that should do. Plus I don’t want Emily to think I am trying to take over her blog. So until next time, slán!

And with that, I’ll let Michael get back to his travel planning. We’re off to London this weekend and I can’t wait to see what he has planned! 

House Styling 101

May 6, 2014

styling 101

When I mentioned my recent styling work last week, I said I’d write a little post about styling since most of my friends can’t believe it’s even a job. So this post will serve as an explanation for what I mean when I say I was out styling a house. A little House Styling 101, if you will.

A lot of my friends and family were surprised to learn that almost all interiors photographs you see in magazines aren’t the way those houses look every day. When I’m styling a home, I work with a photographer, and we’re concerned with how the home looks in photos and how it will look on a screen or printed in a magazine. Most homes look lovely when you’re in them, walking around or sitting on the couch. But for a photograph, they’re only two dimensional, so they need to look balanced when it comes to the size of furniture, the placement of colors, and the  angles of everything. Styling a home to be photographed for a magazine is totally different than styling it to live in.

A lot of homes only require accessories, and some homes require furniture. Last week, we brought four dining chairs to style the kitchen/dining room for House Beautiful, along with bagfuls of white bowls, plates and jugs. Here’s another little secret: most of the accessories I bring are borrowed from stores and then returned. Then I usually grab a bunch of things from my own home in a panic as I’m running out the door. My biggest fear is not having enough options when I get to the location. Then I’m really stuck.

So here’s the run-down of the top five things I do when I get to a home that needs to be styled for a photographer:

1. De-clutter!

I strip bookcases and start over again (and often wish someone would do this to my shelves!). I move charging cords and anything that might be useful but not visually pleasing.

2. Bring in fresh linens

Tea towels, bath towels, place mats and napkins, table runners and table cloths. They’re all carefully chosen to either add pops of color or to tie in colors that need a little unification across a space.

3. Fluff and arrange pillows

Pillows look great when they’re fat and puffy, rather than squashed and sat on. They also look great when there are bunches of them, which really annoys me in real life.

4. Straighten rugs, couches, furniture

You’d never notice it in real life, but the lines of rugs and couches make a huge different in photographs. Sometimes we have to exaggerate the lines for photographs as well.

5. Add fresh flowers and fruit!

The funny thing is that even flowers have to have a little thought put into them. For most photographs, I use flowers that don’t show their season. I love tulips in real life, but they scream spring. Not great if the photos are going to be published in November! Big bowls of apples or limes or oranges add lots of color and are really useful when I forget my lunch. Well, the apples, at least. The limes, not so much.

So that’s my Styling 101 lesson for today. It’s surprisingly physically and mentally exhausting, but it’s really fun when you see the photographs and they look like the house belongs in a magazine!

Chicken Update: Like Christmas Every Morning

May 5, 2014

eggs may 2014

In the last few weeks, I’ve been cursing our urban chickens a little more than I’ve been appreciating them. I had no idea how smart chickens are. Those girls are so persistent in their efforts to escape captivity. I also had no idea how great their eyesight is. They find the tiniest of bugs and the smallest of holes to squeeze through. And when they get out of the coop, they start with my rhubarb and then move over to my peonies and my lupine. My garden is an exercise in perseverance!

eggs may 2014 2

But every morning, four eggs that just seem a tiny bit miraculous. They’re always so perfectly formed and the loveliest shades of brown. So while they try my patience (and the state of my rhubarb), I’m really grateful that they’re out there pecking away.