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  • Friday Finds

    Hello, friends! Happy Friday! I’m writing from the lovely bus on the way up to Belfast, where I’ll be speaking at this fab event on blogging tonight.  If you’re in Belfast, I’d love to…

    April 19, 2013
  • One Day in Kilkenny

    On Monday, I tagged along with my friend Ursula on a trip to Kilkenny. With all the traveling around the country we’ve done for Michael’s various basketball matches, I had never been to Kilkenny.…

    April 18, 2013
  • Irish Countryside

    On Friday, I went out to Borris, in County Carlow, to take some photos for a project I’m working on with Irish wedding styling company Pearl & Godiva. I’ve been so busy working in…

    April 15, 2013
  • Styled in Ireland / What to Wear in the Rain

    I’m back this morning with a new Styled in Ireland post and we’re going to take a stab at how to prepare for Ireland’s rainy weather. First, a little disclaimer. I’m only going to…

    April 9, 2013
  • Two Fab Irish Videos

    Last week, in the span of about ten minutes, I happened upon both of these great videos about Dublin. The first is about how the Pratt family came to buy the Avoca Mill and…

    March 26, 2013
  • Friday Finds

    {A little Dublin street wisdom from the only day I can remember seeing some blue sky!} Happy Friday, friends! Did you have a nice week? I spent half the week trying to remember what…

    March 22, 2013
  • Friday Finds

    Happy Friday, friends! Did you have a nice week? Dublin was still really chilly this week, but we did have a few days of bright sunshine that made all the difference. Although as I’m…

    March 15, 2013
  • Craft Punks

    I’m really enjoying Le Cool Dublin’s guest series Craft Punks on the Offset website. They’re sharing the work and words of Irish designers and artists – from tattoo artists to clothing designers to collage…

    March 14, 2013
  • Creative Lives Podcast / Tom Rowley of StoryMap

    This week’s Creative Lives podcast features Tom Rowley, one of the founders of Storymap, the lovely map of Dublin that’s filled with stories told by Dubliners. Tom and I chat about how he and…

    March 12, 2013