Five Great Things About Temple Bar

August 27, 2014

emily temple bar

A few months ago, poor old Temple Bar made a totally depressing list of top ten most disappointing places in the world. What a shame, huh? It’s never good to have such an infamous award in your city. (For the record, those guys on a stag behind me in the photo above are a big part of why Temple Bar made that list! Come on, lads!)

When I went to write about Temple Bar in Delightful Dublin (don’t forget, you can sign up for our mailing list so you hear first when it comes out!), I thought it might be difficult to find very many delightful things about the neighborhood. Turns out? It’s full of delightful spots, but you really need to know what you’re looking for to make sure you avoid the places that landed it on that very embarrassing list!

Today I thought I’d share just a couple delightful spots, and of course when Delightful Dublin is released in just a few weeks, you can find the whole list inside. I’ll leave you waiting with bated breath!

Folkster – One of my new favorite shops, I’ll give you a bigger peek inside Folkster later this week. It’s filled with vintage clothing and accessories sourced from around the world, as well as a new Folkster Edit collection of party and wedding dresses, and a new Folkster Home section. The belt I wore to Michael’s brother’s wedding came from Folkster!

Cow’s Lane Designer Studio – Cow’s Lane is a collective shop where you can find Irish designed crafts and accessories. Check out the great hats from Shevlin Millinery and the pottery from KaroArt.

Bar Pinxto – When the tapas restaurant, the Port House, is too busy, we walk three blocks to its sister restaurant Bar Pinxto. In fact, I’m not sure why we don’t just go there to begin with! Bar Pinxto has the same menu, the same ambiance, and it’s always less busy.

Farmer’s Market at Meeting House Square – On a Saturday, the market square fills with stalls – rain or shine. They have permanent umbrellas they can put up that cover the whole square if it rains.

Indigo & Cloth – Indigo & Cloth is a hipster clothing store / coffee counter, but it’s where you can pick up a copy of Kinfolk or Cereal magazine as well as original Irish county screen prints.

Photo by Julie of Half a Dream Away

Where Do You Get Your News?

August 26, 2014

emily on ipad

Lately, it seems the news has been full of very, very sad information. Ebola, Gaza, Iraq, James Foley, Ferguson and Michael Smith, and Robin Williams a few weeks ago, sad stories are just about everywhere you turn. But what makes me even more sad during times like these is that the news can become so partisan and limited and sensationalized and shout-y on the internet. Trying to find out simply what’s going on and why can get exhausting very quickly.

I can’t claim to understand everything that’s going on around the world, but I’ve been making a greater effort to be informed about the why and the who behind current affairs. I feel strongly that when events this important or tragic are happening around the world, it isn’t enough to just mindlessly click on the Buzzfeed or Upworthy article someone shared on Facebook. I want to know more than a snapshot or a slideshow, and actually be informed about what’s happening in Liberia, Iraq, Ukraine, and Missouri.

As my heart has ached for the sadness and brokenness families and parents and children around the world are feeling in all of this upheaval, I’ve wanted more thoughtfulness. I’ve wanted to read about what ISIS is and why it’s called that and why exactly it’s so scary, and I’ve found myself reading detailed accounts from veteran professors from colleges around America about race relations in America. While none of these stories has made me feel better, really, or uplifted, I feel more peaceful than panicked. The short-form stories and quick snappy headlines instil fear that builds, story after story. Deeper articles, even when they pose big and unanswerable questions, at the very least make me feel that thoughtfulness, on everyone’s part, has to be the key to some of these problems.

So now to ask, where do you get your news every day? Or do you? I know a few people who opt out because the news seems just too sad, but I’m not sure that’s

Every morning, I get an email called The Skimm with the headlines and a little background information about the stories of the day. I like it because it gives me the guts at a glance and then links to larger articles. It’s also a little funny, when appropriate. I follow Slate and the New York Times on Twitter, and read several of their articles every day.

This article about ISIS from Vox was enlightening. As was this feature in Vanity Fair on Austin Tice and James Foley missing in Syria. This article in GQ about the East Pond hermit, who lived for decades in the woods near where I grew up, and was a fascinating read.

Finally, and this is going to sound a little silly, but I always check in with Design Mom on Fridays and Joy the Baker on Sundays. They both do link roundups that are thoughtful and considered, and  peppered with house tours and nail polish news, which are a welcome distraction.

Image of me working away in Coppa by Julie of Half a Dream Away

Styled / White and Green Wedding Table

August 25, 2014


Happy Monday, friends! Here’s something cheerful to perk up your day.

A few months ago, I styled a few wedding tables for Confetti at the Shelbourne Hotel. This was by far my favorite look – we started with this inspiration image and pared it down even further. We ended up with white and green florals, pops of yellow and copper, and really simple lines in the dishes.

White, fluffy hydrangeas as some of my favorite flowers – they were even my wedding flowers, straight from my mom’s garden. Paired with pale green hydrangeas, white roses and even some fluffy green moss, this arrangement proves a monochromatic color scheme can be so elegant.


The copper candlesticks and the yellow votives are from Article, and I wish they had come home with me after the shoot!

You can see more on  Photos by the talented Christine Burns.


Six Years of Marriage

August 22, 2014

em and mike wedding

Tomorrow, Michael and I will be celebrating our sixth wedding anniversary. We’ll be dancing to this song that we danced our first dance to, and listening to this one that I danced with my dad and cried the whole way through (just caught the first few lines and got teary all over again). We’re going to watch the little video of our wedding ceremony that a friend took on my old Flip video camera and flip through the wedding album my mom made for us. We’re going to have a picnic breakfast on the beach and then go out to dinner at one of my favorite cosy restaurants.

I love this blurry, hilarious photo of Michael and I walking down the aisle at the end of our ceremony. We’re clearly just a little thrilled with ourselves and what we just did! Luckily, not a week goes by that we aren’t still just about that thrilled.

Happy anniversary, MW. xx

P.S. I wrote about anniversary presents over on Wedding Party recently, and I’ve written about two DIY projects (here and here) that have come from celebrating our wedding before.

A Delightful Dublin Guidebook Update

August 20, 2014

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I woke up yesterday morning and Delightful Dublin had a website. It was a pretty exciting morning, let me tell you! My delightful partner, Julie, she is awesome.

We wanted to give you a place to sign up for our mailing list, so you can be the first to know when Delightful is released. We are working our little buns off trying to make sure it’s amazing and useful and beautiful, and we can’t wait to show it to you. Once the guidebook is released, we’ll be letting you know about any updates to it, or special offers (we’ve dreamed up some delightful printed calendars and postcards too!). We won’t be emailing you too often, but you’ll hear from us a little.

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We’d love for you to sign up for our mailing list so we can let you know when Delightful Dublin is ready!



Silver Linings in Cloudy Irish Skies

August 19, 2014


I realized today when I was sorting through the 14,000 photos on my computer (I know, I know, it’s top of the list of things to clean out as soon as Delightful Dublin is finished!) this evening that I have taken approximately a thousand cloud photos here in Ireland.

If there is a single silver lining of our chilly, soggy climate, it is the absolute drama of the clouds we get to see almost every day.

No filters on any of these 30 beautiful sky photos, just pure natural drama, mostly captured with my iPhone.

I sure am lucky to live here.

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An Instagram Magnet Legacy and Giveaway from PicPack!

August 18, 2014

magnet giveaway

I have a few pieces of news (ish?) to share today. We have lost not one but two of our beloved chickens from our brood in the last few months. Lorraine was the first to go beofre we left for the States and when we went away to my brother-in-law’s wedding we had three healthy chickens (or so we thought) and we returned to two healthy chickens and one very dead chicken. Lorraine and Sou were unfortunately lacking in calcium, which apparently can happen to chickens in their second year of laying. And despite adding oyster grit to their feed, their eggs got caught up inside them and fast-forward-fast-forward-ick-ick-ick they died.

We are currently contemplating whether we are ready to replace them (Michael’s ready but I’m still traumatized), and in the meantime I thought I would memorialize our gone-but-not-forgotten chickens in magnet form. This is where the blog post picks up, I promise!

PicPack reached out to ask if I’d like to try their Instagram magnets, and they’re just great – especially for memorializing chickens, but also for reminding us of our loved ones far away! We’ve already received quite a few compliments from family and friends.

Since we don’t have a magnetized fridge door, we installed magnet boards on one of our kitchen walls so we could hang up wedding invitations and reminders that come in the mail. It’s surprisingly not as cluttered as I had thought it could be and we’ve gotten lots of use out of them already. However, we were lacking in the magnet department. These are the perfect fit for our boards, and the images are nice and clear despite using Instagram photos.

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Now the fun part! PicPack has generously offered to give away a pack of magnets to one reader. You can enter below through Rafflecopter – don’t worry, you don’t have to sign up for anything, it just helps me keep track of the entries and pick a random winner.

But even if you don’t win, I’d recommend buying a pack anyway – they’re sturdy and strong, and they ship worldwide the next day, shipping included.  magnet giveaway 2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

p.s. If you like the look of my rock magnets, see the tutorial here!

The Language of Ireland

August 15, 2014


I’ve talked and talked about the tulle skirts I modelled for Sister Mag a few times now, but I didn’t mention that I wrote another article for the same issue, all about the language of Ireland.


My friend Ashley took a bunch of wonderful photos of the city as I gave she and Thea and Toni (above!) a tour of Dublin, and I wrote all about the ways the Irish language (also known as Gaelic) is still used throughout the city. It’s something I always make sure to explain when I’m giving my walking tours, so it was fun to put it all down in writing. I think you’ll get a kick out of it!

You can read the full article on the Irish language right here. And a few more photos because they’re so lovely!

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New Life / Baby Julius

August 14, 2014

baby_julius_08_web Michael and I spent last weekend after his brother’s wedding babysitting our little nephew, Julius, while his parents went on a mini honeymoon to Paris. We are both such big fans of babies and we usually fight over who gets to hold them, so it was a treat to have him to ourselves for a few hours each day when we weren’t visiting with family and friends.

I wish I had had time with his parents and older brother to take some family photos, but time was tight! They returned from Paris Sunday night and zipped back to the States Monday morning. It’s so hard to believe next time we’ll see this little man, he’ll probably be walking!  baby_julius_06_web


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If you can believe it, baby Julius isn’t even three months old yet! But he’s already incredibly expressive and so, so chatty. He’s also very, very squishy. Pretty much the only time he fussed or cried was when we took his bottle away to burp him – and then he gave us the pterodactyl screech. Hilarious!   baby_julius_12_web baby_julius_13_web

baby_julius_drool      baby_julius_17 Welcome to the world, baby Julius! Thanks for behaving so well for us!

For more information about my baby photography sessions, please visit my portfolio site. I also offer vouchers which make lovely gifts! 

Picnic Ready / Roasted Vegetable Tabouleh Salad

August 13, 2014



My goal for the last few weeks of the summer is to make the absolute most of the season. I want to make it seem like it’s still nice weather when in reality, it’s getting chillier and windier and rainier by the minute. But I’ve got a theory – if we’re prepared to get outside when the sun pops out from behind the dramatic clouds, we might be able to trick ourselves into feeling like the summer isn’t quite over.

This week, we’ve been getting lots of salads stocked in the fridge – and I have a sneaky hope that they’ll make picnic lunch or dinner possible between rain showers one of these days! This roasted vegetable tabouleh salad is one of my go-to’s when I’m lacking inspiration and/or ingredients. It’s amazing for cleaning out the fridge, uses just a few basic ingredients, and it lasts well in the fridge.






Roasted Vegetable Tabouleh Salad
3/4 cup bulgur wheat
1 stock cube
1 and 1/2 cups boiling water
Chopped mixed vegetables  - I used one sweet potato, one red 
onion, one yellow onion, one yellow pepper, one carrot and 6 
halved cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
chopped fresh herbs - I used fresh cilantro, but I've also used 
parsley and mint before
salt and pepper

Mix the bulgur wheat with the crushed stock cube. Cover with boiling water, cover, and let stand while you roast the vegetables. Put the chopped vegetables on a roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper. Pop them in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 350F/180C. When the vegetables are roasted, toss with the bulgur wheat and chopped fresh herbs. Et voila! Picnic-ready roasted vegetable tabouleh. Kind of a mouthful to say, but a delicious mouthful to eat!


Need a few day trip ideas to take your picnic-ready salad? Kildare Village is sharing five of their favorite Day Trips to Chic around Dublin for the summer season. Lots of inspiration – with outdoor and indoor options depending on the weather!