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  • An Adventure to Swan’s Island, Maine

      I’m still easing out of my Maine summer life, so I have a few more of those posts to share before I put our awesome trip to rest. Thanks for indulging me! A…

    July 25, 2013
  • A Post in Blues / Down the River

    Each year when I’m home in Maine, my family takes a trip in our Boston Whaler (artfully named the Blood Vessel by my brother when he was about four and my dad had just…

    July 22, 2013
  • Friday Finds

      {Tiny treasures from the beach in Maine last week.} Happy Friday, friends! We’re back in Dublin and it’s hot. It feels a little like the twilight zone – the grass is brown, everyone…

    July 19, 2013
  • One Dreamy Day

    On Friday, Michael and I tagged along with my dad, who was heading to an island off the coast of Maine for a book event. We had an absolutely dreamy day – taking the…

    July 15, 2013
  • China Village Porch Party

    We’ve been having a heat wave in China Village. (So has Dublin, but we’re trying not to dwell on the fact that we’re missing the hottest weather Dublin will see for the next 20…

    July 8, 2013
  • Throwback Thursday / Sandpaper Crowns

    For the last few months, every Thursday, I’ve met those throwback Thursday photos that friends post on Instagram and Facebook with equal parts awwww and grrrrrr. I’m a sucker for cute baby photos and…

    June 27, 2013
  • Adventures in Colorado!

    Ready for a whole bunch of photos from our week in Colorado? Because that’s what you’re about to get! With a little info on where we were or what we were up to. Michael’s…

    June 26, 2013
  • Friday Finds

      Hey friends, happy Friday to you all! We are finishing off the last of our week in Colorado and heading back to Maine on the red eye tomorrow night. We’re milking the last…

    June 21, 2013
  • July Weekend Blogging Course and a Discount!

    Next month I am teaching another weekend blogging course in Dublin. It runs from 10-4pm Saturday and Sunday, July 20th and 21st. The last course was so much fun – brand new bloggers were up and…

    June 18, 2013