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  • Lifestyle Blogger Meetup at Peperina Garden Bistro

    A few weeks ago (two, maybe? I’m losing track of the weeks zipping by), I hosted a lifestyle blogger meetup at Peperina Garden Bistro in Ranelagh on the south side of Dublin. It was…

    November 1, 2013
  • Me, Elsewhere: Upcycling in the Irish Independent

    On Monday, I got a note from Alex to say we were both in the Irish Independent! We’re both talking about our love of DIY and upcycling projects, and the reporter calls it a…

    October 31, 2013
  • Happy Friday from over the Ocean!

    Happy Friday, friends! I’ve been looking forward to today for weeks now. As you’re reading this, Michael and I are probably somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean heading from Dublin to Houston (with a layover…

    October 25, 2013
  • Talking Travel in the Irish Independent

    Last weekend, I got to be in the Irish Independent! Travel journalist Pol O’Conghaile (which I am fairly sure is pronounced Paul O’Connell, I think at least) did a round up of advice from…

    October 24, 2013
  • Happy Friday!

    Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Mine was wonderfully full and busy, and also a little exhausting. Today, when I woke up to pouring rain and driving wind, the adrenaline I’ve been running…

    October 18, 2013
  • Teen Room Design with Localise for Sophia Housing

    Today I’m so excited to get to share a new project I’m working on. A week ago (very short time table we’re working with, obviously), I got a note from my friend Lily to…

    October 16, 2013
  • Three Websites for Fun Irish Info

    Friends, I keep coming across the most amazing and creative websites packed with info about Dublin and Ireland, so I wanted to share three with you today. First, Bridges of Dublin. Anything and everything…

    October 15, 2013