12 Hours in Glasgow, Scotland

November 14, 2014


A few months ago, when Michael got his basketball schedule, we both panicked a little. Every year when the season starts, we realize we have just a handful of weekends between September and April to escape. This year, we decided we’d book a few trips with the weekends we knew we had free. We’re going to Barcelona in December, possibly Croatia in the spring, and then we had this weekend with one day free for which Michael found €20 flights to Glasgow. So we went to Glasgow for the day!

It wasn’t our most amazing trip, but we had a nice day together and enjoyed a break from the daily distractions we’d normally have if we were at home. We left our car at the parking lot at the airport for €7 for the day, and took the 40 minute flight over. My friend Julie went to university there, so she gave us some recommendations for exploring the city. And another friend pointed us to a Glasgow-based blogger who had just done a post on coffee shops. Between those two, Michael made a plan and I went along for the ride!


When we arrived at the airport, we took a twenty minute bus into the city. We were trying to wrangle our way onto a tour of the city train station, but it was booked…until January. No luck there! So we headed straight for our first of several coffee stops of the day!  mccune_smith_cafe_glasgow

I think McCune Smith might have been my favorite stop of our visit. It’s a cafe named for James McCune Smith, a famous abolitionist and the first African American to earn a medical degree – from the University of Glasgow! I loved learning about his life and I loved the front of the cafe. I didn’t love my sausage roll (literally just sausage on a bread roll – where are all the other ingredients?!), but I loved my coffee enough to make up for it. Michael ordered porridge with blueberries and I had breakfast envy. mccune_smith_cafe_glasgow_coffee_shop

After caffeine, we walked over to the GOMA – the Gallery of Modern Art and explored the four floors of exhibitions after stopping, of course, for a quick selfie in the jaggedy mirror in the lobby.  glasgow_selfie

I was fairly obsessed with this stunning open balcony that ran throughout the gallery and was wallpapered with a custom design based on the idea of bravery. It was beautifully graphic and I wish somehow my future home can have iron railings and wallpaper like that.


Our second favorite in the GOMA was this exhibition by Nathan Coley called the Lamp of Sacrifice, 286 Places of Worship in Edinburgh. He recreated all of the places of worship from the yellow pages using cardboard. I could have stayed for hours (and taken a lot more photos) but there was a very strange security guard walking very quickly and loudly around in circles and messing up the vibe.  glasgow

Next, we went over to the Lighthouse, a huge gallery and exhibition space that was, unfortunately, mostly closed because of a wedding. So Michael and I did what most normal visitors would do and totally broke the rules and snuck up to the top of the building to see the view! I paid for our crime in serious overexposure of the Glasgow skyline.  glasgow_skyline

For lunch, we stopped at Riverhill Cafe where Michael had the coolest salad that I’m dying to recreate – brussels sprouts, kale, roast pumpkin, cranberries, bacon and chestnuts!

Then we headed over to the west side of the city on the Clockwork Orange circular subway tube. It was just as teeny and loud as we had heard! We had a few museums and more coffee stops planned on the west side of the city. We started with the Kelvingrove Gallery and Art Museum and it was categorically the weirdest museum I’ve ever experienced. I think the curator was likely on psychedelic drugs when he or she designed the sequence of exhibitions. It was a free for all! One minute you’re in the jungle, and the next minute you’re in 19th century Scotland. Michael wanted to see a propellor plane in one section, which turned out to be suspended over a bizarre selection of safari animals. And all the while, there was a man giving a live organ concert that resounded throughout the building. It felt like the twilight zone. But! It was free, as are all the museums in Glasgow, which was great.  emily_glasgow

And here is where the photographic evidence of our trip abruptly ends because it started pouring rain. We braved it to walk over to Glasgow University and actually caught part of their graduation! We enjoyed the museum at the university and learned a lot about gems and magpie nests (did you know they use coat hangers and things?), but once we left, it was just too soggy to explore much more. We hunkered down in Artisan Roast (another awesome hippy coffee spot) for a while, and then hunkered down at Thai Siam (not inexpensive, but seriously good Thai food), and then hunkered down for the long haul in a pub to watch the Scotland rugby team (and also the people watching the rugby team – some in kilts).  glasgow_university

And that, my friends, is 12 hours in Glasgow. Four museums, three coffee shops, a graduation, some green curry and a rugby match. Needless to say we were exhausted when we got to the airport!

Irish Makers at Work / Claire Ryan of the Informal Florist

November 12, 2014

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It’s time for another instalment of my collaboration with talented photographer Christine Burns today. This time, we get to have a reunion with the Informal Florist! Doing this interview was so fun, because the last time I featured Claire on my website was when I interviewed her for Poppytalk over two years ago!

I’ve been the recipient of some of Claire’s work in the meantime, when she did the beautiful floral arrangements for my 30th birthday dinner party last year. But I haven’t had the chance to chat with her about the Informal Florist business in quite a while, so this is an exciting update because Claire’s business has grown so much in the last few years.


The first big change in the world of the Informal Florist was the studio, where Claire is able to work without her two little blonde munchkins getting into the arrangements. With whitewashed walls and lots of space for her vessels up on the walls, the new studio is a welcome addition to the operation. Claire admits the studio is regularly freezing, which is “fantastic for flowers” but means she can’t sit still for long before the chill sets in!

Of course, with the unusually warm summer we had, Claire had the opposite problem and was bringing in bags of ice to keep the flowers cool. We both agreed we probably won’t have an Irish summer like that again for a very long time!

Claire now creates arrangements on specially made wooden tables, hand crafted from hundred year old wood and old hospital steel legs by a carpenter in her neighborhood. They’re just the right height and, Claire admits, “They’re my babies.”





The second big change is that Claire has welcomed a partner in the Informal Florist, Patsy Rafter. The two met at a wedding event in Dublin and became fast friends. With the addition of a partner for the Informal Florist, Claire is managing to balance the hours she spends creating beautiful arrangements with the hours she spends with her family.

informal_florist_at_work_0039 The addition of a partner has also meant the re-opening of the Informal Florist shop! If Michael and I weren’t going to be gone over Christmas, there would be an Informal Florist Christmas wreath on our door. Honestly, there might be anyway – at least our neighbors would enjoy it!  informal_florist_at_work_0071 informal_florist_at_work_0144 2

I asked Claire if she thought her style had changed over the last few years of owning her flower business, and she said the biggest change isn’t in her style but in her knowledge of flowers themselves. And she has learned she can’t discount any flowers – even calla lilies, flowers she admittedly couldn’t stand a few years ago. A wedding color palette required a deep, dark flower and she landed on almost-black calla lilies and fell in love with them. Now, she says, “I’ll never completely discount anything!”

This reflects Claire’s overall goal with the Informal Florist – to keep her arrangements beautiful but approachable. “If you do something and you like it, it’s beautiful to you.”


informal_florist_at_work_0283 I can’t wait to see where the Informal Florist is in another few years! And I’m seriously eyeing those tables and those giant dahlias!

Thanks, Claire, for chatting with me, and thanks to Christine for sharing these gorgeous photos!

Missed the earlier Makers at Work? Visit KaroArt, Mianra Soaps, and Fawn Prints



Catching Up

November 11, 2014

I seem to be having one of those weeks where I just can’t catch up. Michael and I spent the day in Glasgow on Saturday and between church and basketball and friends and family on Sunday, it just didn’t feel quite like a weekend! Yesterday, I was straight back into the week shooting Christmas DIY videos with Evoke.ie again. I have to admit, it was really fun to get festive, even if we haven’t made it to Thanksgiving yet!

I have photos from over a month ago that I’ve been wanting to share, but there just doesn’t seem to be the time in the day to put the words down next to the photographs. I’m hopeful we’ll be talking more about hot chocolate and trips around Ireland and a few more DIY projects in the next few days. Fingers crossed my brain finds itself some space to breathe!

On top of all that, I can’t even add a photo to this post because my hosting is full or something. So a few technical and brain related glitches before we get back to business tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me!

Hot Chocolate Season / A DIY Gift

November 6, 2014


It’s finally gotten chilly here in Dublin. It took forever for winter to get here, thankfully, and now that it’s here I’m trying to remind myself that winter in Dublin means two things. Candle season (cosiness!) and hot chocolate season.

I’m plotting a round-up of my favorite spots for hot chocolate in Dublin in the coming weeks (must do a little more research – yum yum!) but in the meantime, I’m sharing this sweet little customized cocoa mug DIY over on Wedding Party today. I love the copper and navy – it’s wintry without screaming Christmas. Not that screaming Christmas is a bad thing, per se, but there’s a time and a place and that time has not quite come yet, despite the displays already set up in most shops here!

You can see the full DIY (very simple, very inexpensive) over on Wedding Party today.

Loving Lately

November 5, 2014

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First things first, this sunset over the River Liffey yesterday evening. And I do mean early evening. Daylight savings time ughhhhh.

And also…

Watching: City Ballet, the documentary on the New York City ballet.

Eyeing: this jacket, while simultaneously hoping it doesn’t get cold enough to need it.

Smiling: at the kind words Magda wrote about me on her blog.

Daydreaming: this little reading nook and the amazing use of color Lesley always manages.

Enjoying: Ruth’s posts lately – including this one on Dublin’s loveliest loos!

Drooling: over this recipe – cilantro dressing, yum!

Reading: this account of captivity in Syria.

What are you up to lately?

Happy Halloween and One More Spooky DIY

October 31, 2014


Happy Halloween, friends! And happy Friday! Our (very small) group of trick-or-treaters has come and gone, and we’re relaxing after a long day of babysitting our little niece.

I shared one more Halloween DIY video today, to make this not-so-scary monster wreath and it’s currently hanging on our front door. The neighbor kids didn’t seem too phased by it, to be honest!

This weekend, we’re doing a little relaxing, a little working, and a little more babysitting. I’m hoping the rain clears after tonight and I can get a good long outdoor run in tomorrow. I’ve been treadmill running since the weather in the winter is so unreliable (I can’t stand running against howling wind! Argh!), but nothing beats a run along the sea.

I hope you have a relaxing weekend full of lots of Halloween candy! Someone eat some candy corn for me, I miss it!

How to Make the Best Irish Coffee

October 30, 2014


Last year, my uncle and aunt visited us in Dublin and we had such a wonderful night at one of the best restaurants in Dublin, Chapter One. One of the highlights of the meal was the Irish coffee. In Chapter One, the waiters make Irish coffee for you with a little cart that they roll up to your table. At first, you just think that seems rather fancy, but then they light it on fire! And that’s just plain fun.

Michael and I had been talking about that Irish coffee for months. Every time someone asked for an Irish coffee recommendation, we would say Chapter One. I’m fairly sure you can’t just rock up there for only an Irish coffee, but if you could Michael and I would be there most nights! Last week, I got to stop into Chapter One to learn their secret recipe for Irish coffee – and I shared it over on Conde Nast Traveler yesterday!


Sometimes Irish coffee is a little harsh for my taste, but Chapter One caramelises the sugar before adding the coffee and whiskey and cream.  It’s so smooth! Now that we know the secret, you can bet we’re going to be making these at home all winter!  irish_coffee_flame_chapter_one_recipe

Darren, the head waiter, made an extra big flame for the camera. I wish we had a gas stove at home so we could do that, although I’m sure I’d singe my eyebrows in the process.  irish_coffee_cream_chapter_one_recipe

Darren’s trick is to pour the cream onto a spoon that’s facing up, so the cream doesn’t sink to the bottom.

dublin_irish_coffee_finished Thanks, Darren and Chapter One, for spilling the secret! Want the full recipe – and to know why they use only Jameson whiskey? Head over to Conde Nast Traveler for the rest of the scoop!

Make It Videos with Evoke.ie / Mummy Treat Cans

October 29, 2014


Guess what’s going on today? More Halloween crafting! I made a video of these super cute mummy treat cans for Evoke.ie …And I actually made myself watch the video this time – anyone else hate watching themselves on video?! But it’s pretty good and really short. In less than a minute, you can see exactly how to make your own, just in time for Halloween on Friday!  westbrooks_mummy_treat_cans_diy

And you can see how to make those hilarious bats right here!

Delightful Design / Woollen Mills Restaurant

October 28, 2014


There’s a new cafe/restaurant in Dublin’s iconic Woollen Mills building and I had been meaning to bring my camera in to take a few photos to share with you. On my whirlwind day last week, I slipped in and snapped away before grabbing coffee and a treat.

The Woollen Mills building is at least a hundred years old, and at one point functioned as a woollen mills. When I first moved here, you could still buy fabric and thread and things there, but it closed a few years ago. Elaine Murphy, the owner of one of our favorite restaurants, The Winding Stair, took over the Woollen Mills and turned it into a Dublin eating house that spans four floors. It’s a bakery, a coffee shop, a cafe and a restaurant that overlooks the River Liffey and the Hapenny Bridge. restaurant_dublin_woolen_mills woolen_mills_dublin_restaurant

The design is industrial, which does make sense, considering the building and its history. They’ve paired charcoal grey and tangerine orange in a really calming-yet-cheerful way.  woolen_mills_coffee_shop_dublin woolen_mills_restaurant_dublin

I think I have 52 photos of the fuchsia muffin cups alone.  cheesecake_dublin_cafe_woolen_mills woolen_mills_restaurant_treats_dublin Those muffin cups sure have a great people-watching view!

The Woollen Mills, 42 Ormond Quay, Dublin 1


Make It Videos with Evoke.ie / Spooky Bats for Kids!

October 27, 2014

kids diy toilet roll bats for halloween

A few weeks ago, I stopped into the Evoke.ie studios to film a few Halloween DIYs and they’re all going live this week! The first one is up today – how to make these super cute bats from empty toilet paper rolls. They’re really simple and very customizable with different colored paper and pipe cleaners. And also, googly eyes make everything hilarious.

You can watch the quick video over on Evoke.ie! If you like it, I’d be so grateful if you would share it on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a comment for the team at Evoke. If they’re popular, we’ll get to do a set of grown-up Christmas DIYs in the next month! Thanks and happy spooky crafting!