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  • An Irish Beach in Winter

    We have had wild weather this winter, which is not unlike the rest of the world, I suppose. Luckily, our weather has really just involved howling wind and lots of rain. I’m grateful that…

    January 13, 2014
  • Resolutions, Projects and Plans for 2014

    During the lovely time of year after the holidays are over and before work starts back up again (Ireland, you have got the right idea on this one!), I’ve found myself mulling over what…

    January 6, 2014
  • Highlights of 2013 / Travels

    At the beginning of 2013, Michael and I declared that this would be the year of travel for us. We loved it so much I think we’ll be trying travel just as much in…

    January 2, 2014
  • 12 Highlights of 2013

    This is one of my favorite posts of the year – the highlights. I’m always surprised by how much I managed to fit into each month here on the blog. And I’m also surprised…

    January 1, 2014
  • New Year’s Eve White Wine and Cranberry Punch

    Good morning, friends! Are you getting a little break between holidays at the moment? I sure hope so. This time between Christmas and the new year is one of my favorites in Ireland –…

    December 30, 2013
  • Teeny Tiny Festive Sugar Cookies

      I bet there are lots of people out there rolling and cutting and baking big batches of sugar cookies tonight. Sugar cookies are such a sleeper favorite – you don’t think they’re that…

    December 23, 2013
  • One Night in County Monaghan

    Last weekend, Michael decided we should take a little break away from Dublin for one night. He found us a room at the Castle Leslie Estate in County Monaghan, a county on the border…

    December 18, 2013
  • Life Lately

    The last few weeks since returning from my trip home to Maine have flown by. Here’s a glimpse, from left to right in the photos above. 1. I’ve been working on a really fun…

    December 15, 2013
  • Eight Holiday Decorating DIYs from Christmas Past

    Is anyone else in utter disbelief that we’re almost halfway through December? Are you ready? Is your house decorated? I’ve been vaguely thinking about Christmas for months, making mental notes of Christmas presents for…

    December 11, 2013