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  • Samaritan / My Dad and I Wrote a Crime Novel

    I have exciting news to share today that I’ve been waiting so long to tell you. My dad and I wrote a crime novel together! After a year of researching, writing, tweaking and editing,…

    March 5, 2014
  • In Season / February Blooms

    Spring just about fully sprung in Dublin this week. And not a moment too soon. While it’s still chilly outside, we had a few days of sunshine in a row and all of a…

    February 28, 2014
  • Happy Weekend!

      Last week, I happened upon this man in a top hat and jeans walking down the street in Dublin. Are top hats making a come back? Happy weekend, friends! Did you have a…

    February 22, 2014
  • Irish Makers at Work / Interview with Hajni of Mianra Soaps

    I’m so very, totally, completely excited about this new series. Months ago, I spotted Christine Burns‘ incredible series called At Work on her photography website and just could not get over how much joy it gave me…

    February 19, 2014
  • Pinning Patterns

    I love seeing patterns in the things I’m pinning on Pinterest, don’t you? This bunch of my recent pins screams that I’m so ready for spring! They’re all white and bright with hints of…

    February 17, 2014
  • Four Fabulous Online Magazines

    Do you know where there is a wealth of amazing articles and DIY projects and recipes and thought-provoking essays? Online magazines. And so many of them are free. Now that I’m commuting again a…

    January 29, 2014
  • New Work // House and Home Magazine

    So, here’s some news I’ve been meaning to share! I’m now working part time for House and Home and Confetti magazines here in Dublin. I’m working as their marketing coordinator a few days each week,…

    January 28, 2014
  • Sweet Irish Notebooks from Clover Rua

      Last week I stopped by a local trade show and was happily flagged over by the lovely owners of Clover Rua. I’ve admired their prints in Article before, but I hadn’t seen some…

    January 27, 2014
  • One Day in Cork

    At the end of last week, Michael and I hopped in the car for a whirlwind trip to Cork. Michael had a big basketball game (more on that below) on Friday evening, so we…

    January 14, 2014