Oh, the Places We’ll Go…in 2015

January 16, 2015


Berlin, 2012

Happy Friday, everybody! We’re barely a few weeks into 2015 and the calendar seems to be filling up quite quickly. It’s like you blink and the calendar goes from blank to multi-colored with dates and events and excitement! In the first half of this year, we have some trips planned and a few more are already starting to come together. I feel like we live each year in six month segments between visits back to the States. It makes each year absolutely fly by, because there’s so much to look forward to and to fit in between those trips.

So even though I’m not quite finished telling you about Barcelona (one more post on all things food and drinks next week!), I thought I’d start talking about 2015’s trips. It makes me equally tired and excited to write them all down!


There are a few spots around Ireland I still haven’t visited, and Dingle is at the top of the list. Dingle is one of Michael’s favorite places in the country and he spent several weeks there a few years ago studying Irish for his job as a guidance counsellor in an Irish speaking school. He still raves about it, so we’re joining a few friends for a weekend there in March, we hope!


I’m about to pull the trigger on flights to Amsterdam in March as well, to spend a few days with my friends Ashley and Anne, who live in Berlin and Paris respectively. I haven’t been to Amsterdam in a few years, so I’m excited for a little exploring and lots of coffee shops and wine.


I’m heading to Berlin for the Hive Conference for the first time in a few years. This year, I’ve had the opportunity to work with the Hive’s organiser and founder, Yvonne, to research speakers and write their monthly newsletter. I’m very excited about this year’s event – with speakers like Chelsea Fuss of Frolic and Corina of Cocorrina –  which returns to Berlin after a year in Copenhagen. I’ll get to see my friend Ashley again for a few days and hopefully visit the best and biggest craft store I’ve been dreaming about since my last visit.


Michael came home a few months ago from a basketball fundraiser with two short-haul tickets on Aer Lingus for us to use within the year. This guy has the best luck when it comes to travel prizes. Our first year here, he won a whole trip to Amsterdam! We think we’re going to use the free flights to go to Croatia for a week around Easter time. Michael has two weeks off and we want to go somewhere warm-ish that we’ve never been before. We’re thinking of taking a whole week to do both city and beach in Croatia. If you have experience there, we’d love your thoughts!


Gah. Thailand. It makes my stomach get a little nervous just thinking about getting on a plane for that long, but Michael has been wanting to go to Asia for a long time now. He’s been doing lots of research on places to stay and resorts to lounge, so I’m going to hold my tongue (and my breath!) and going along for the ride!

Somewhere New in America!

We’ll be in America again this summer, like always, this year probably in July or so. I’d love to do a little exploring to somewhere we haven’t been before within the States. Austin? New Orleans? Nashville? All those places are probably sweltering in the summer, but we’ll see!

Are you filling your calendar with adventures already? Any tips for visiting any of these places? You guys always have the best suggestions. Have a really wonderful weekend!

What We Loved in Barcelona

January 13, 2015


Time to get down to brass tacks and share the rest of our visit to Barcelona. Today I wanted to share where we stayed and explored. Now that we’ve gotten the Sagrada Familia out of the way, I think we can manage!

We so enjoyed ourselves in that sunny city, and we’ve already said we’d like to go back. We spent four days and three nights eating all the tapas, drinking lots of wine, and checking out all of their hipster-est coffee shops. All those spots later this week. But today, I thought it would be fun to tell you what we loved exploring and where we stayed while we were there. Here we go!


First, we stayed in an Airbnb apartment that was super. Michael found it by chance in the millions available for Barcelona and we’d definitely stay there again. The owner, Raimundo, made so many great recommendations and incredibly friendly. It was a one bedroom with floor to ceiling navy velvet curtains and a bed that has convinced us to upgrade our mattress at home. It was right around the corner from the Metro, which brings me to the second thing we loved about Barcelona: the Metro was fast and clean and came really often! We can never get over how fun it is to miss a train in continental cities – you only have to wait a few minutes for the next one! In Dublin, that is not the case.


Since we had heard a lot of stories about friends getting pickpocketed in Barcelona, we were really conscious of our belongings at all times. At one point, I was holding my camera by the strap in one hand and an older woman stopped me to tell me to put the strap around my neck since sometimes bad dudes will just run by and grab your camera. So it stayed right around my neck the rest of the visit! We thankfully made it through the weekend without any incidents.


Now, let’s get down to the fun stuff. First, Antoni Gaudí’s architecture (like the Sagrada Familia) is everywhere and mind-blowing and all under construction. Well, maybe not all of it, but all of the buildings we saw were at least partly covered in scaffolding. Some of them, like the Sagrada Familia, are simply not finished yet, and some of them are now being repaired.


We took the metro, then climbed the hill, then rode the escalator up to the Parc Guell. Another Barcelona feature designed by Gaudi, Parc Guell is a park commandeered by the city in the early 1900’s as a place for residents to escape to. We did see a few locals running the paths through the hill nearby, but otherwise the Parc Guell was pretty packed with tourists. The Parc Guell wasn’t our favorite spot in the city for that reason, it’s just hard to enjoy a place when all you see are selfie sticks and GoPro cameras! Of course, the view was hazy which didn’t help. parc_guell_ceiling

But it was impressive nonetheless. Can you even believe all those little bits of mosaic?

michael_parc_guell_barcelona_2 parc_guell_barcelona parc_guell_barcelona_overhang michael_parc_guell_barcelona

Then we rolled our way back down the hill to the city center and with all the passing tourists going the other direction, we were really glad we had already left! We were much happier wandering the streets and gazing up at all the plants and flags hanging off the balconies. barcelona_balconies barcelona_balconies_2 balconies_barcelona


Also, oranges! In December! I’m quite proud of my restraint in only posting one photo of the oranges, considering my phone and camera were both full of them. It’s my dream to one day live in a place where I can grow citrus on a tree in the garden, even if it’s just for a little while. And if I come to visit you and you have citrus trees, I will probably pick them all.

barcelona barcelona_satans_coffee


We visited the Picasso Museum, where the only photo I took was of these spiky palm fronds in the courtyard. The Picasso Museum is almost worth the entrance fee just to see the building. It’s a labyrinth of stone rooms, and Picasso was a genius. From the time he was a child he was painting portraits and he went away to art school to study full time when he was just a teen.

We made a quick visit to the Mercat de la Boqueria market, which we found to be a little too crowded for our liking. We sat in the back for a little while and had a delicious platter of patatas bravas and stopped for a few  pieces of overpriced chocolate on the way out, but then we skedaddled!  mercado_barcelona_chocolates market_stall_barcelona

We preferred the local market near our apartment where we stocked up on clementines and fresh eggs and already ripe avocados for breakfast. It was much calmer and felt more authentic. Can you even believe the selection of fruits and vegetables available in December?

Of course, it was also just before Christmas when we were in Barcelona, so there were little Christmas markets full of pointsettias and mistletoe. They are also big into nativity scenes, so we saw lots of tiny figurines. And also moss? We couldn’t figure out why there was so much moss and bark, but I think they use it to give their nativity scenes a little more ambiance and texture. Correct me if I’m wrong with that guess from left field!  christmas_markets_barcelona mistletoe_berries


The lights were so fun and so different from Dublin’s Christmas lights. We really liked the upside down gumdrop lights below.  IMG_5488


This light show wasn’t part of the Christmas decorations, it happens all year round. It’s called the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc and we weren’t its biggest fans. I really think swarms of tourists are my instant off button.

traffic_christmas_lights_barcelona Later in the week, I’ll share where we ate and shared tapas and had a few drinks. Until then, have a really wonderful Tuesday!


2015 Calendars from DURIDO

January 12, 2015


I finally took down our 2014 calendar this weekend, and belatedly dove into the 2015 calendar rabbit hole of Etsy. Our calendar lives right inside our front door, so I’d like something that blends in with the look of the entry room. The color scheme (to be revealed soon) is a mix of red and turquoise and blue.

Any one of these calendars from Slovenian Etsy shop DURIDO would be so cheery to see every day. I’m leaning toward the bottom two, the red one is probably the front-runner of the moment.

What’s your favorite?

Barcelona / Light at the Sagrada Familia

January 9, 2015

sagrada_familia_stained_glass I started to write a post about our time in Barcelona before Christmas, actually I started it days ago on the bus from Maine to Boston to catch my flight to Dublin. When my computer wouldn’t upload 53 photos on the bus wifi (go figure), I thought it might make sense to break Barcelona up into a few posts.

I’m going to share where we stayed and ate and caffeinated (very important when Michael is dragging you to tequila restaurants in the evenings!) next week, but for now we’ll start with this incredible cathedral. The Sagrada Familia, designed by Antoni Gaudi, is still in the process of being completed. In fact, it won’t be completed until the middle of this century! It was absolutely the highlight of our visit and I think you’ll be able to see why.  sagrada_familia_light

We visited the Sagrada Familia in the afternoon, at about 2:30pm, which is just about the time when the sunlight streams through the stained glass windows and turns the whole place into a giant kaleidoscope. It was incredible.  emily_sagrada_familia_2 sagrada_familia_light_2 We’ve seen many cathedrals in our travels, as most people have, and I’m always impressed by the workmanship and detail that went into them. But the design of the Sagrada Familia was just so different from anything I’d ever seen or imagined. I just think Barcelona was so ahead of its time when it agreed to let Gaudi design so many of their buildings! He was a crazy genius, to say the least.  sagrada_familia_ceiling

There is another artist, Joan Vila-Grau, to thank for the stained glass that flooded the Sagrada Familia with that incredible light. The work on the stained glass only started in 1999, and I think it adds so much atmosphere and magic to the building.  michael_sagrada_familia sagrada_familia_barcelona_ceiling

The architecture was much more geometric and more naturally-inspired than traditional cathedrals. The columns reminded me of stalactites and stalagmites in a cave.


Meanwhile, the outside of the Sagrada Familia has always reminded me of those sandcastles you can make by dripping wet sand into little towers. Up close, it’s more intricate than that and it’s hard to believe real humans carved those shapes from stone.  emily_sagrada_familia

Michael booked us tickets to climb one of the towers, the Nativity Tower, which is supposed to be more the picturesque of the two towers because it’s on the more finished side of the cathedral. And the theme was fitting because it was just before Christmas. Honestly, we couldn’t see that much of the structure itself, but we could see this amazing view of the city all the way down to the water!


You need to book tickets in advance, but you don’t have to print them. You can just use the barcode on your phone, which saves a lot of trouble. If you’re going to Barcelona, absolutely, definitely plan to visit the Sagrada Familia, just try to organise some sunshine for your arrival!

Mixing Lives

January 8, 2015



On Christmas Eve, my family sat around the table together for the dinner we always have on Christmas Eve, or at least for as long as I can remember. In fact, now we have it whether we’re apart or together, since I’ve started making the same thing in Dublin as well, but it’s even more special in its original place.

My mom made her French onion soup and fresh French bread and salad. This year, we added specially imported (in my suitcase!) artisan Irish butter that was so much more yellow and delicious than its American counterparts. And we sat at a table decked out with an Irish linen tablecloth I sent my mom last year for Christmas. We share a few bottles of red, a montepulciano and a tempranillo. Since my father-in-law introduced those to our family, they’re the go-to’s now.



christmas_eve_dinner_2 christmas_eve_dinner

I like when my two lives mix so happily.


Ireland for Foodie Visitors

January 5, 2015


Want to know what we packed alongside Christmas presents when we came to Maine last month? Irish butter. We meant to pack some Irish cream as well, but we thought that might make a much bigger mess if it spilled in the suitcase. We just couldn’t imagine spending the holiday without a little Irish dairy, we are that addicted.

I wrote a piece for Conde Nast Traveler before Christmas about ten foods you have to try when you’re visiting Ireland. It was so hard to narrow the list down to only ten, and there is a very strong dairy theme that will probably become clear pretty quickly! I’d love to hear what you’d add to the list. If I had another ten to add, I’d include Keogh’s crisps and Butler’s hot chocolate. Nothing like starting Monday morning hungry!

2015: Resolutions and Goals

January 3, 2015

2015 resolutions

As promised, today is about resolutions and goals. Some people aren’t big on the lists, but I am not those people. Partly because I’ve never felt too much pressure to perfectly complete my New Year’s resolutions. It took me two years of resolving to stop cursing for it to really work. The first year was an improvement, but the second year I really kicked it. Now I only swear in very dire circumstances, which I think is a pretty okay way to live life. A few years ago, I resolved to stop using cans and jars of pre-made sauces in our cooking and we’ve nearly cut out all of that as well. I could do better on salsa and pasta sauce, but they’re the only hold outs of the bunch, really.

So in the spirit of making resolutions again and making them stick, here are this year’s! Full disclosure, 1,2,3 and 5 are repeats from last year with a little tweaking.

1 / Take a painting class. This is exactly the same as last year. I got so close this year and even put it on my calendar several times, but then I wimped out. Sometimes it’s just so scary to start something you’ve put down for so long.

2 / Ask my mother-in-law for piano lessons. Mother-in-law, this is me asking you for piano lessons. Please? (The back story, so far as I understand it, is that my dear mother-in-law was planning to teach all her children to play piano until her darling son Aaron made it miserable for her and she went on strike. Twenty years ago. She still plays and they still have a piano, so I just want a few refreshers!)

3 / More books, less phone in bed. Michael and I both use our phones as alarm clocks, and we both check our social media and email before bed and when we wake up. So far as I can tell, it’s not really affecting our sleep, but everything everywhere says it’s terrible for you, so the phones are getting left in the kitchen to charge overnight and I’m on the hunt for two cute alarm clocks for our bedside tables.

4 / Spend more time with friends. Michael and I are both feeling so passionately about this one, too. Last year, so many times we would say to each other, we should really make plans with so and so. And then we would forget. So this year, we have a list and we are getting started this month!

5 / Back up my photos and print photo books. I have no excuse other than the thought of this is so miserable and time-consuming that I can’t bring myself to do it. This might end up on next year’s list, too.

6 / Create a better schedule less dictated by travel. I realized in the last few months that my plan of cramming in as much work between trips was making those in-between times unpleasant and the trips themselves more stressful. We already have several trips planned for the first half of 2015, so I’m not sure how this will play out, but I do not want to be a lunatic whenever I’m in Ireland this year!

Last year, I also made some goals for my professional life and I was a little more successful in completing them. For example, I finished Delightful Dublin, started hosting advertisements on the sidebar, filmed more video content, and hosted another lifestyle blogger meetup. Four out of five ain’t bad! So here are a few goals I have for From China Village for this year.

1 / More quality, less quantity. I’m realizing that the blog posts I love the most on blogs I love are longer, more thorough and more thoughtful. I’m toying with the idea of posting less frequently on From China Village but with deeper posts. As I work on the editorial calendar for the next few weeks I’m going to see what might work.

2 / More video. I’m still excited about adding more video to the mix, but I’m thinking possibly travel-related instead of DIY, at least for From China Village. 

3 / More routine, less reactive. I have to admit that the latter half of 2014 felt like I was always reacting or posting content I was writing in other places. I still want to share with you my writing in other places when it’s something I think you’ll enjoy, but I also want to spend more time creating content just for From China Village. 

4 / A makeover, maybe? The last time From China Village got a makeover was three years ago. I still love the design, but it might be time for a little facelift.

5 / Get Delightful Dublin printed. On paper, for you to buy in a bookstore. I love Delightful and I know it would be beautiful to flip through whether you’re actively planning a trip to Dublin or not. I haven’t figured out how to make this happen, but I will! And I’m open to suggestions…

6 / Grow. This year, I would love for From China Village’s audience to grow, and I want to spend more time making that happen.

Last year I also made goals for improving our little corner of the world and we actually did pretty well with those too! I don’t have big plans for our apartment in the coming months, but I am planning on sharing our finished living room and entryway with you very soon. They’ve been 95% finished for months now and this is just the push I need to make it happen! For those who are especially curious how last year’s house resolutions ended up, we did install a motion sensor light at the front, we still don’t have a functioning doorbell, we haven’t landscaped the back garden and the floors are only one step closer to being fixed! See, very far from perfectionism, but a good dose of improvement.

I’d love to hear what resolutions or goals you’re making for the new year, or how it’s going so far?! It’s almost hard to believe 2015 is already underway!

A Frozen Maine New Year’s Day

January 1, 2015


I went out this morning, bundled against the 17 degree weather and armed with a borrowed camera to take a few photos of New Year’s Day in Maine for a post on Conde Nast Traveler that should be up later today. I’ll admit I wasn’t terribly excited about my morning project. The sun was out, but the wind chill made the temperature drop to a real feel of 5 degrees Fahrenheit, which isn’t really conducive to a photo walk where you need at least a few functioning fingers. We also don’t have any snow, so the beautiful winter wonderland Maine I was hoping to show the world was looking a little brown and dull.

But I bundled up in my mom’s puffer coat (because nothing I brought can really cope with 5 degrees) and headed off in the younger of the old Volvos to find something picturesque that would do Maine justice in a round-up of New Year’s Day around the world. I found some cows having breakfast, and a flock of turkeys munching in a nearby field. I drove past some crazy ice fishermen who had managed to survive their questionable decision to drill holes in ice that totally isn’t thick enough way too close to open water.

I was headed home, figuring I had enough to work with, when I noticed a stream running under the road from one side to the other. I pulled over and parked the car. I walked back along the road, camera in hand. From the road, I could see the stream was bigger than I had initially thought, flanked on either side with frozen chunks of ice. Perfect, I thought, this will be much more picturesque than the turkeys.


So I crunch, crunch, crunched my way along the stream, holding branches back as I picked my way along the frozen oak leaves. As I got further along the stream, I realized that barely twenty yards away was a full fledged waterfall. Waterfalls are beautiful any time of the year. Surprise waterfalls are more fun. But I’ll bet surprise waterfalls in below zero weather win the waterfall prize. Big mounds of ice were freezing along both sides, creating the illusion of snow. The drips were forming into stalactite-looking icicles and snowflake-looking crystals in every pool and puddle.  waterfall_china_maine_2015

A few weeks ago I was so excited about the prospect of a new year starting. Before Christmas, I was already starting to think about what I would do with the clean slate and the extra time the holidays were taking up. I wanted to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it felt a little like everything was on hold until they passed – there was exactly enough time for what needed to be done, but no extra room for the dreaming and planning of things to come. In addition to the excitement of the holidays, I was physically buzzing at the excitement of a new year beginning, of the sheer hope those fresh chances bring.

But at some point over the last few weeks, that spirit of excitement for the beginning of 2015 disappeared. We had a wonderful holiday, full of laughter and chats and warmth with my family. But here and there, I found an underlying heaviness to it. Sickness and injury and a few sadnesses among our ever-growing extended family made it feel as if the holiday cheer was under fire, like we were all holding it up with all our strength. For the last few days, I’ve felt worn, and when I woke up this morning on the first day of 2015 I just felt worried. Worried that all those projects and goals and clean slate resolutions I was so looking forward to starting today just wouldn’t work. I was worried that my own brute strength couldn’t pull off my ideas and improvements, and what if I was just setting myself up for disappointment?  frozen_waterfall_maine_2015

So I suppose that was the underlying problem my mind was chewing on when I headed out this morning, camera in hand. And when I happened upon my surprise freezing waterfall, it cracked the shell of worry that had been building over the last few weeks of worrying about my family that was threatening to sink its tentacles into 2015. With the sparkling sunlight and spraying, splashing mist, the worries shattered.

My surprise freezing waterfall was a message, it was God’s way of saying to me, Look what I did! I made this amazing, intricate, awe-inspiring thing! Don’t you worry, we’re going to do those amazing things on your list. You still get to be filled with that big, buzzing excitement of hope. splashing_waterfall_maine_winter

I believe strongly (and rationally) that worry does very little to help anything, I’m a problem-solver and I’m armed with lists! But it’s scary how pervasive a feeling worry can be, and how heavily it can weigh on your spirit, sinking its tentacles into whatever it can find and creating pockets of doubt. Worry will probably always be there, and as our family grows, the problems will sometimes seem to multiply. But today I was reminded (for me it was by the God I believe in, but for you it might come from nature or the universe, or even from me right now!) that we can’t allow the worry to overshadow the rest of our lives, and that the big, buzzing hope of starting a fresh new year is still very much there and ready for the lists. ice_waterfall_maine_2015 waterfall_maine_new_years_day winter_icy_waterfall_maine I returned to the house lighter and ready for the lists, with freezing fingers that tingled as they thawed. Tomorrow, there will be resolutions and lists and clean slates. Tonight, I am thankful to be finishing the first day of 2015 with that buzzing excitement of hopefulness again. 2015 is going to be big and bright, and I hope you and yours are filled with that incredible spirit of hope that a new year (and a surprise freezing waterfall) brings. xx

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2014


Happy New Year’s Eve, friends! I accidentally and unintentionally fell off the radar in the last week or so while spending time with friends and family back in Maine. I can’t say I feel particularly rested heading into 2015, but I am armed with my list of resolutions (love ’em!) and ready to take on the new year. I’ll have those to share with you tomorrow, but in the meantime, thank you for sharing 2014 with me. I hope you have a healthy and happy last day of 2014 and I’ll see you on the other side!

Delightful Dublin Guidebook Holiday Discount!

December 18, 2014

holiday sale

Just like that, Christmas is right around the corner. It’s not even possible that it’s surprising – we’ve been talking about it for months – but yet how is it so close?! I went to order a gift online today and was out of luck because it won’t get there in time for Christmas. Ack!

So I figured a few of you might be in the same predicament and are spending your last few days looking for great online gifts. Terrifying side note/trivia fact, did you know Amazon’s busiest time for ordering gift cards is Christmas morning?! I’m not sure where I heard that, but it’s a little depressing, so we’ll get back on track.

In case you’re in the market for a last minute gift that doesn’t rely on postage, you can order a copy of my guidebook, Delightful Dublin, and receive it instantly! If you’re like me and like to have something physical to accompany an online gift, order a copy, then send me a note and I’ll email you a file you can print and include in a card! It’s a pretty affordable little gift for anyone who loves Dublin or is planning a visit!

Use the code HOLIDAY25 to get 25% off the price of Delightful Dublin, so that’s only $9 for 250 beautiful pages of inspiration and information on this delightful city. Ho ho ho!

Order right here!

*Discount applies to postcard packs (see those right here) as well, but you’ll have to wait until after Christmas to get those!