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  • Around These Parts

    Why hello! That was officially the longest unexpected blog hiatus I’ve accidentally ever taken. Returning to Dublin from the States after a month away, giving too many walking tours in too few days, trips…

    August 11, 2014
  • Back in Action!

    We flew back into Dublin this morning, very, very early. I’m trying out a new jet-lag conquering technique that involves giving a three hour walking tour to 8 Canadians and then having Michael boss me…

    July 15, 2014
  • Life Lately

    Oh, life lately has been a exciting and full. Want the short, photo-filled version? I shared a lovely meal with friends at Forest Avenue in Dublin, to send another friend off to Amsterdam. I…

    June 28, 2014
  • Modeling Tulle Skirts for SisterMag

    A few weeks ago, the lovely girls from Sister Mag came to Dublin! I’ve been pestering them to come visit for two years now, so I was so glad to show them around Dublin!…

    June 23, 2014
  • Model Photography

    Yesterday I had the chance to photograph a new bridal collection available in Dublin for Confetti at a brand new Dublin shop called Folkster. Folkster is a new shop opened by the team who have…

    June 17, 2014
  • Happy Friday!

    Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Are you extra, extra glad it’s Friday? Today marks less than a week until I get to hop on a plane back to Maine and see my…

    June 13, 2014
  • New Life: Baby Nicholas

    I had the privilege of photographing Rebecca and Mike’s new little arrival, Nicholas, a few weeks ago. Nicholas was a charmer. He didn’t fuss once in the hour he was being photographed! His parents are…

    June 2, 2014