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  • Nearly Nearly

    Friends, on this Tuesday evening, my brain is mush. For the last five days straight, Julie and I have breathed, slept and thought Delightful Dublin constantly. We are fixing the very last typos as…

    September 9, 2014
  • Truly Irish / Bog Standard Candles

    I was on the lookout for a friend’s birthday present (happy birthday, Rachael!) and I was so pleased when I happened upon these sweet candles while I was giving a tour the other day. Their…

    September 4, 2014
  • In Season / August Blooms

    I’m a little late to the game to be sharing August blooms with you, but here we are with just a little peek at what’s in bloom around our Dublin neighborhood. Autumn is surely…

    September 2, 2014
  • Folkster Homewares in Temple Bar

    I promised yesterday that I’d share with you a bigger look at Folkster, one of the selection of lovely shops in Temple Bar. I visited to take some photos of their new bridal line (so affordable!) and…

    August 28, 2014
  • Five Great Things About Temple Bar

    A few months ago, poor old Temple Bar made a totally depressing list of top ten most disappointing places in the world. What a shame, huh? It’s never good to have such an infamous…

    August 27, 2014
  • Styled / White and Green Wedding Table

    Happy Monday, friends! Here’s something cheerful to perk up your day. A few months ago, I styled a few wedding tables for Confetti at the Shelbourne Hotel. This was by far my favorite look…

    August 25, 2014
  • Silver Linings in Cloudy Irish Skies

    I realized today when I was sorting through the 14,000 photos on my computer (I know, I know, it’s top of the list of things to clean out as soon as Delightful Dublin is finished!)…

    August 19, 2014
  • The Language of Ireland

    I’ve talked and talked about the tulle skirts I modelled for Sister Mag a few times now, but I didn’t mention that I wrote another article for the same issue, all about the language…

    August 15, 2014
  • A Tulle Skirt in the Sun and on the Dance Floor

    Remember when I modelled those tulle skirts for Sister Mag a few months ago? Well, while I was home in Maine this summer, I got it in my head that a tulle skirt would…

    August 12, 2014