How to Make Irish Hot Whiskey to Cure the Sniffles

February 18, 2015

how_to_make_hot_whiskey_title We’ve got a few sniffles in our house at the moment. Nothing severe, but Michael woke up with a bit of a cold. I hate to even call it a cold, since that could encourage them (the cold and the husband), but needless to say it was time to break out my signature hot Irish whiskey recipe.  irish_hot_whiskey

Michael and I met our senior year in college. Well, I like to call it our second senior years. We had both taken time off during our junior years (for very different reasons – I was working for a presidential campaign and Michael was encouraged to take a bit of a break), and we found ourselves meeting for the first time (or third, depending who you ask) when we returned.

Long story short, we spent our second senior years together, me wooing him with ham sandwiches and him wooing me with his Irish phrases that I later realized meant teacher, can I go to the bathroom? During that first winter together in Maine, Michael came down with a few colds and I tried my best to impress him with my Irish hot whiskey skills. I’ve honed this recipe over the years, and every time Michael comes down with a cold he asks for a hot whiskey. Magically, it always seems to perk him up a little!  how_to_make_irish_hot_whiskey

Irish whiskey is such a simple drink to make and takes about two minutes to whip up. Here’s what you need: honey, lemons, cloves (they’re optional), whiskey and water. It’s this simple. Put a slice of lemon, a teaspoon of honey, and a few cloves in a mug. Add a shot of whiskey. Mush that all together with a spoon and make sure the honey has dissolved. Finally, add 1/4 cup of just-boiled water and stir to combine.  kilbeggan_irish_whiskey

You can add a little more water or a little more honey if it’s too strong or too tart.  hot_whiskey_ireland

Do you have colds creeping into your house yet? I’ve managed to escape so far, but we’ve got another few months of cold season to go!

Bright Dublin Coffee Shop / Two Fifty Square

February 17, 2015


I met a new friend for coffee in Two Fifty Square last week, and since I had my camera with me I thought I’d snap a few photos to share the airy cafe with you. Between the tall ceilings, skylights and white subway tile, it’s a bright spot even on a grey day.  dublin_coffee_roaster_250_square

This was my first visit to Two Fifty Square since Rathmines is just about the opposite end of the world from where we live. But I was in the neighborhood and I’m so glad I stopped in. The owner (I think?) suggested a long black with cold soy milk and it was the most delicious non-milky coffee I’ve ever had. They roast their own coffee in the back, just through that door in the back. I still have no idea what a long black is, but it was delish. When did coffee get so complicated?  250_square_coffee_dublin Oh! Lest I forget, I also had a big bowl of light-but-flavorful butternut squash and chipotle soup. Also delicious.

250 Square / Williams Park, Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6

What I Learned from Eating Clean and Lean

February 16, 2015


Pea fritters from The Healthy Chef

I mentioned a few times in passing that Michael and I were endeavouring to eat “clean and lean” for several weeks in an effort to reset our sugar clocks, so to speak. I thought I’d share a few thoughts on what I learned from eating clean and lean for nearly a month (ish), and how we made out in case you’re considering doing something similar or are totally skeptical or even think you could never survive. (Fair warning, this got wordy, so feel free to come back tomorrow if you get bored talking about green vegetables!)

We started this little project because we both got into bad habits of having treats too frequently over the holidays (happens to most of us every year), and we had both developed a total addiction to the take-away cappuccinos from a little coffee place in Howth (happens when you live in Dublin and the coffee and milk are SO good). But that addiction was getting awfully expensive and adding a lot of unnecessary calories. So when the owner of my gym suggested Googling “14 Day Clean and Lean Plan“, I did and then we spent three and a half weeks sticking to it (with a few moderations).

I should preface what I learned with a few things. We already believe really strongly in whole foods as a general diet. As in, I don’t really believe in a lot of low-fat or substitute ingredients that use additives to replace calories. We try to start with whole things – meat, eggs, veggies, fruit, whole grains, full fat dairy – and we cut out about 95% processed sauces a few years ago, neither of us drink soda, and we rarely have juice anymore. Second, we both have HUGE sweet teeth. Like whole mouths full of sweet teeth. And my diet was starting to consist of bananas, smoothies, roasted vegetables with bulghur wheat, cappuccinos and chocolate after every meal. Mostly whole foods-ish, but not terribly balanced, obviously!

So we decided to stick to this general plan for a few weeks: lots of lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken breasts, steak, ground beef), unlimited green vegetables, as well as peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, ginger and other spices. We also ate some nuts, as sparingly as possible. We didn’t eat dairy, grains, starchy vegetables (like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, carrots or squash), fruit or sugar. Breakfast was usually some kind of eggs with vegetables, dinner was grilled meat with some kind of vegetables, and lunch was usually leftovers from the night before. It sounds really boring when you write it out like that, but I’ll explain how it wasn’t below! Michael drinks coffee black and I added unsweetened almond milk, and I discovered a vanilla tea I can drink which helps with the cosiness factor in the afternoons!

We stuck to this really strictly during the week, and relaxed a little on the weekends (coffee with real milk, please!), and here’s what we learned!

1. I Wasn’t Hungry

I was fairly concerned before we started that I was going to be starving. I wasn’t. I was annoyed that I couldn’t have a snack that actually appealed to me, but I wasn’t hungry. For the first few days, I was practically hallucinating sweet treats, but that has eased now, and I can indulge on the weekends. I prepare meals in advance, and having a few leftovers to munch on in the middle of the day also helps.

2. My Blood Sugar Stopped Crashing

It’s only now that I realize how crashy my blood sugar actually was. I suspect this is because of my reliance on bananas as my primary food source. A few times each day, I’d get shaky and feel the need to consume something immediately so as not to physically fall over right this minute. Very dramatic and most often taken out on Michael. Not any of my finest moments! I’ve had tests done and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me, so based on the last few weeks, when this hasn’t happened one single time, I believe that crashy feeling was down to my roller-coastering blood sugar.

3. We Ate More Creatively

I’m not the biggest fan of vegetables raw. I’ll eat leafy green salad if anyone else makes it but I generally think lettuce is a vehicle for other more fun things. I can easily fall into a rut of making some version of roast vegetables + whole grain + cheese + meat = dinner. For the last several weeks, we’ve eaten more fish, managed a lot more spinach and leafy greens, seasoned things with more fresh herbs, and generally eaten more creatively. My new favorite trick (although Michael doesn’t care for them very much) is pea fritters with mint (loosely adapted from this recipe).

4. We Wasted Less Food

We (I?) went to the grocery store more often, maybe 2-3 times a week instead of once a week, but we wasted less food. I loved this fringe benefit because food waste gives me guilt. I don’t like weekly meal plans because I can never manage to stick to them for more than a few days. So we get meat from the butcher and stock up on all the vegetables that look good or are on sale and go from there. We had stir fry, lots of grilled meat with different vegetables, even meatloaf with lots of vegetables and ground almonds instead of bread crumbs.

5. Almond Butter and Pesto Are Lifesavers

Sometimes you just need a darn snack! Michael snacks on nuts, but I just find nuts a little tedious to eat. I’ve been making almond butter in my new food processor and a spoonful (or seven) is the perfect snack. I’ve also been making pesto (basil leaves, garlic, ground almonds, olive oil and salt), and adding it to scrambled eggs and slathering it on burgers instead of ketchup. I think if you can find a few flavorful things that feel like a treat but aren’t packed with sugar, it’s a big help.

All that long-winded explanation to say that we’re pretty hooked and feel pretty great! We’ve started another week today (after celebrating Valentine’s Day with pink waffles) and will probably continue, slowly adding in a few more grains and starchy vegetables. If you’re starting your Monday feeling like you just need the push to get you to start eating a little healthier, maybe this will be it! If you have any questions or suggestions, do let me know! Happy Monday!

How to Say I Love You in Irish

February 13, 2015

How to say I love you in Irish

Happy Friday, everyone! I wanted to put together a little DIY Valentine in case you’re the last minute type, and in case your Valentine is particularly enamored of all things Irish. This will be such a hit and won’t take more than a few minutes to put together! That is, if you can find a bunch of pink tulips this late in the game!

Inspired by the I Love You sign in Appassionata Flowers, I wrapped up a little bouquet of pink tulips and made a card to say I Love You in Irish!  Irish Valentine with I Love You

I think the key to making nearly any flower look a little special is to wrap it in some craft paper, tape it up with some washi tape, and tie it with a fancy fabric ribbon. Add a sweet little tag and voila! An instantly impressive yet inexpensive bouquet for any occasion.

How to say I love you in Irish Happy Valentine’s Day, friends. I hope you feel loved tomorrow (and every day!), and you should know that if you come here and read these words, I love you! And I’m so grateful that you spend a few moments here. Is breá liom tú from Dublin!


Dublin Flower Shops / Appassionata Flowers

February 12, 2015


Welcome to round two of our pre-Valentine’s Day virtual flower shop tours! This time, we’re visiting Appassionata Flowers on Drury Street, sandwiched right in between George’s Street Arcade and Cocoa Atelier. (And now that Cocoa Atelier has gone from charcoal to orange, it’s like a little Irish flag between those three buildings! Probably not what they were shooting for, but it’s happening nonetheless!)

I’ve worked with Ruth, the owner, on a few different styling projects and I just love following the Appassionata Instagram for all the latest from their studio and the shop. They’re always working on weddings, commercial projects, bouquets and rumor has it they’ve got a big flower wall installation happening this week (maybe Kanye/Kardashian wedding meets Dior flower wall) and I’m hoping for a peek! flower_shop_dublin_appassionata_ireland

Now on with the tour! Appassionata is small but packed with flowers and plants. I’ve picked up a few plants here – mostly because it’s so hard to walk by their little corner without falling in love with one of them. I picked up a beautiful maidenhair fern there a few months ago, which I am sadly now nursing back to health after leaving it in Michael’s hands over Christmas. i_love_you_sign_appassionata_florist

I’ve also fallen in love with their love sign, made by a friend of our family who works in their studio (hi ultra-talented Sally!), it’s a collection of I love you’s in all the languages their staff speaks! You might get a little dose of the Irish version here tomorrow!  appassionata_flowers_dublin_ireland

While I was taking photos, Lynn was working on this giant bouquet right on the counter and telling me all about the shop and the flowers and how to keep my succulents from growing into ugly little mini trees (less water!).

Behind Lynn there is this year’s Valentine’s installation, an awesome vintage neon LOVE sign Ruth has had for years and 3-D mesh clouds made from chicken wire. And this is exactly why I wanted to give you all a virtual tour of flower shops. They have the most creative decor and inspiring window displays.  flower_shop_dublin_appassionata dublin_flower_shop_appassionata

Scoopable lavender. hanging_raindrops_appassionata_flowers_dublin

And red rose rain drops hanging from another big mesh cloud in the front window. So cool. irish_flower_shop_appassionata appassionata_succulent_dublin

I discovered this new succulent but decided it was too precarious to lug him around town all afternoon. I’ll be back for you, buddy! appassionata_succulents_dublin_ireland irish_flower_shop_appassionata_florists

How can you not to love flowers in boots!

One more tidbit I learned while loitering in Appassionata oohing and aahing over the flowers? The price of red roses gets jacked up by Holland ahead of Valentine’s Day, and they can cost as much as €10 per stem! Isn’t that nuts? If I was in the market for a Valentine’s gift, I’d definitely hit up the succulent section instead!

Appassionata Flowers / 29 Drury Street / Dublin 2

Don’t forget to catch another lovely virtual flower shop tour of Les Fleurs Artisan Florist from yesterday! 

Dublin Flower Shops / Les Fleurs Artisan Florist

February 11, 2015

Les Fleurs Dublin Flower Shop

Welcome to today’s virtual flower shop tour! Because flowers are hot on everyone’s minds with Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d introduce you to a few of the lovely flower shops around Dublin. Whether you’re a local looking for blooms for a loved one (Valentine’s Day or otherwise), or a visitor looking for the best window displays in the city, I think you’ll enjoy these posts either way!

First up, Les Fleurs Artisan Florist in Harold’s Cross, where it currently feels like spring!  Les Fleurs Irish Florist Dublin

Les Fleurs is run by Olivier (you can see him below in the background on the phone!), who is French, hence the shop’s name. He was on the phone with someone who had just received a bouquet – he said the woman wanted to call and tell him the bouquet looked like a painting! What a lovely compliment.  Wedding Flowers from Les Fleurs Flower Shop

The only sign of Valentine’s Day at Les Fleurs is this fun graffiti on the front window. It’s perfectly subtle Valentine’s Day. Les Fleurs Pink Flowers Valentine's Day

Inside, there are a few lovely shades of pink mixed with some springy grape hyacinths and olive branches.  Les Fleurs Valentine's Flowers Les Fleurs Irish Flower Shop

Narcissus and perfectly pale pink tulips would make any Valentine smile. les_fleurs_dublin_flower_shop Dublin wedding flowers Les Fleurs Dublin Flower Shop Les Fleurs

And these cappuccino roses  – I love the red and pink doors across the street in the background, they worked out well for the holiday!  les_fleurs_dublin_flowers

Les Fleurs Terrarium Flower Shop

Or a succulent-filled terrarium for a slightly longer lasting option!

Les Fleurs Artisan Florist / 204 Harold’s Cross Road / Dublin 6


Dublin Chocolate Shop / Cocoa Atelier

February 10, 2015

Cocoa Atelier Chocolate Shop in Dublin

Why, happy Tuesday night, everyone! Let’s talk chocolate in Dublin (again), shall we? Last week, when I was having my happy little wander around the city looking for pink Georgian doors and flower shops (coming tomorrow!), I stopped into Cocoa Atelier. I did a double take, because Cocoa Atelier used to be charcoal grey on the outside, and now they are a very serious shade of orange (it’s growing on me, slowly), but it was the very same sweet shop on the inside.  luxury_chocolate_shop_dublin_ireland

Cocoa Atelier is a chocolate and sweet treats shop, a purveyor of delectable chocolates in flavors like Earl Grey and Bailey’s, macarons in many colorful flavors, and even ranges of ice cream and chocolate bars.  cocoa_atelier_chocolate_shop_dublin

But my very favorite thing about Cocoa Atelier is their light fixture, made of more wire whisks than you could count before your neck got sore staring up at the ceiling. Isn’t it spectacular?

cocoa_atelier cocoa_atelier_chocolate_dublin_ireland

They have boxes of chocolates all wrapped up and ready to surprise your sweetie with this weekend. A little luxury and of course, all Irish made.  cocoa_atelier_chocolate_dublin I picked up a few of these tiny boxes made for two truffles to gift on Saturday. The perfect petite present to let a few friends know I’m thinking of them!

Cocoa Atelier / 30 Drury Street, Dublin 2

A Valentine’s Day Georgian Door Desktop Wallpaper

February 9, 2015

valentine's Day Dublin Door

Just one week left until the most loved up day of the year! I had a few hours free last week and thought I’d take a Dublin Bike around the city in search of a pink Dublin door to adorn your desktops for Valentine’s Day! My fingers were numb before I found a pink Georgian door (turns out they are rare!), but I found an especially cheery shade of pink to share with you today, along with a few lyrics from Lady Antebellum’s song If I Knew Then.  desktop download georgian doors dublin

‘Cause love only comes / Once in a while / And knocks on your door / And throws you a smile

Click here to open the image, then right click to set as desktop wallpaper. For personal use only.

I hope it brings you a smile this week!

Friday Finds

February 6, 2015


Hello and happy Friday, friends! How was your week? Mine was remarkably fun – not too packed, not too many deadlines, and a few extra doses of fun. I loitered around a few Dublin flower shops taking photos (all to share next week!) and wandered around in the cold looking for just the perfect Dublin door (for another little fun post next week). This weekend, we’ll be chatting with a bank about a mortgage (early stages yet!), watching/playing some basketball, and eating dinner at Opium. What are your plans?

And for your weekend lounging, here are some fun finds from around the web!

Homemade pepper-jack crackers sound yum and not too terribly difficult?

Grace’s kitchen makeover in upstate New York makes me want to buy a house in New England and paint it all white. There’s nothing like winter light in a New England kitchen.

Five apps that make investing easy, I’m thinking this might be a way to go for my freelance retirement fund?

Conversation heart magnets, because I need more magnets. Just kidding, I need zero more magnets but these are too cute!

I have enjoyed Natalie’s writing on Hey Natalie Jean for years and she wrote a book I’m excited to support! Design Mom did too, they’re both available for preorder and I feel really strongly about supporting them both after reading their words for free for so long!

I made these pea fritters with a few tweaks this week – mint instead of parsley, ground almonds instead of coconut flour, and no ricotta. Still so yum!

Happy weekending!

Tying the Knot?

February 5, 2015


My friends Rachael and Anthony, photographed by our other friends Poppies & Me!

I don’t like to bombard you with my wedding writing, but every so often I’m reminded that some of you are in the midst of wedding planning and might benefit from what I’m writing in other places. Lately I’ve gotten a few messages from brides planning honeymoons in Ireland and asking for wedding photographer recommendations (have those for dayyyyyys, friends!), so I figured some of you might find these useful!

Here’s my writing lately over on Wedding Party:

Happy wedding planning!