Dublin Bookstore / Books Upstairs

April 15, 2015


I sat down this morning to write about our time in Croatia a few weeks ago and I just couldn’t do it. I’m ready to be back in Dublin for a minute and writing about Dublin feels much less stressful. So this is the perfect time to introduce you to one of the most beautiful restored Georgian buildings in the city. Books Upstairs relocated a few months ago from their longtime spot in College Green to D’Olier Street and you can’t miss it when you’re walking by.

D’Olier Street isn’t particularly beautiful or colorful, so the blue facade of Books Upstairs with its intricate gold detailing and stained glass windows practically jumps off the brick at you. There’s a space just across the road that’s getting a makeover, too, so I’m hoping D’Olier street is getting a bit of a facelift!


Books Upstairs’ new space has a bookstore on the ground floor, focusing on the best of Irish literature as well as the best of international literature. I chatted with owner Maurice Earls, who told me the store is book oriented, rather than best-seller oriented, and it’s pretty hard to argue with that. They have the whole building, so there’s a cafe on the second floor, the Dublin Review of Books, and even an event space.  books_upstairs_cafe

The cafe is probably the most stunning – in the sunshine the light gleams through the original stained glass windows. I wish more than anything that they had ripped out that red carpet, but the wainscoting and funky artwork go a long way to make up for it.  books_upstairs_cafe_dublin

A lot of the posters are Maurice’s personal collection – his daughters have given him artwork over the years and it has made its way to these walls. He said some of the prints are from This Greedy Pig, a Dublin creative agency. When I tracked them down, it turns out their shop is closed because someone broke in and stole all of their inventory last week, which is horrible. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the reopening of their shop because that print in the top photo is a hoot – they illustrate passages from great literary works and each of them cracked me up.  detail_dublin_bookstore

Can you even get over the pattern and texture on the walls? I know you want to touch it right now.  books_upstairs_irish_books books_upstairs_dublin Books Upstairs has a wonderful collection of Irish literature, if you’re visiting and books are your fave souvenir, this would be a great stop for you! And obviously, locals can park it in the cafe with a great book from one of our favorite Irish authors and relax in that gorgeous sunlight.

Books Upstairs / 21 D’Olier Street / Dublin 2

p.s. Here’s another, more literary review of the bookshop and cafe!


Insta-Wander the World: Ireland

April 14, 2015

Wander the world with Instagram - Ireland

Hello, friends. How are you? Are you watching the Dublin sun set? Are you in the middle of your work day in America? Sometimes I like to picture where you are and what you’re doing when you decide to hop on over here for a visit. Anyway, I digress.

Late last night I had an idea for a new monthly series I thought we’d try out – an Insta-wander around the world via some of my favorite Instagram accounts. Let me back up and explain why I’m so excited about this.

I spent the weekend in Berlin with some of my favorite people at the Hive Conference. One of the speakers at the conference was Heiko Hebig who manages Platforms in Northern Europe for Facebook and Instagram, and his talk sparked a lot of conversations about Instagram in general and how it’s being used by bloggers and now by Instagram celebrities. It’s all fascinating, to be honest, and a little terrifying – what a weird online world Instagram has become in the last six months. When we were chatting after Hebig’s talk, a few people expressed their concern that Instagram has become hyper-curated and filled with same-ness, causing so many of us to only post perfectly posed photos with perfectly worded captions, dotted with perfectly placed emojis. It’s true and weird and kind of a shame.

I love Instagram for the moments I get to capture from daily life, and overall I hope what I’m adding to the online world is useful and vaguely interesting, but overall, a reminder to me when I look back of things I would have otherwise forgotten. Whenever I scroll through my old photos on Instagram, I always think how lucky am I to live this life? It’s a great pick me up on the grey days.

I also realized last night how much I love traveling to faraway places via my Instagram friends and their travels. So! The new series! An Insta-wander, so to speak, where I’ll be sharing some of my favorite Instagram feeds around the world, and sometimes I’ll even have guests who live in different parts of the world share their favorite feeds to follow to get to know their homes. After so much actual travel in the last few weeks, I’m very excited to sit on my couch and do a little travel daydreaming. How does that sound?

I figured we’d start with some of my favorite Irish Instagram accounts – the friends I love to follow because they remind me just how amazing Ireland is from coast to coast. Don’t forget, you can see Instagram photos without an account, so everyone wins!

1. Imen McDonnell / Modern Farmette

Irish Instagram accounts to follow - Imen McDonnell, Modern Farmette

Imen is an American blogger, writer, food maker/baker/stylist and generally sweet soul who married an Irish farmer and fell in love with this island. She lives on the other side of Ireland, outside of Limerick, and she shares a combination of delicious recipes using farm fresh ingredients, and glimpses of the farm where those ingredients originated!

2. Dublin Ghost Signs

Best Irish Instagram Accounts to Follow - Dublin Ghost Signs

Dublin Ghost Signs features the fading signs and peeling paint facades of the city, giving new life online to signs that will likely be painted over or torn down in the months or years to come. It’s also a really sweet reminder to look up when you’re walking around the city!

3. Donal Skehan

Best Irish Instagram Accounts to Follow - Donal Skehan

Donal Skehan is a food blogger turned television presenter and cookbook author. He’s always zipping around the globe – to New York for St. Patrick’s Day with the Today Show, or London to record with Jamie Oliver’s FoodTube team. He also happens to have grown up in Howth, just around the corner from us. When he’s back in Dublin you can follow his walks around Howth with his playful dog Max. I’m not even really a dog person and Max cracks me up!

4. The Art of Exploring

Best Irish Instagram Accounts to Follow - The Art of Exploring

And last but not least, The Art of Exploring. My friend Nora has such a great eye for capturing the sweet side of Dublin, and her accompanying words are always so thoughtful. She’s a Belgian blogger who has lived in Dublin for years and lives over on the South side. I love seeing the city from her perspective.

I hope you all have a good wander around Ireland with these lovely creative souls. And please feel free to make suggestions for where we should visit next!

Styled in Ireland / What to Wear to a Castle

April 9, 2015


Good morning, friends! I’m excited to share another Styled in Ireland post with you today, this time focusing on exploring castles! We’re lucky enough to have castles in our back yard, and almost every week I meet a friend for coffee and cake at our favorite local castle – Malahide Castle malahide_castle_dublin

Malahide Castle is really popular with locals because it has a large public park where you can run and walk, and it’s a great place to bring children. There’s a giant playground with a zipline (that part is fun for adults, too!), and lots of green grass to run around. There are paved paths throughout, so it’s a good spot to bring small ones in strollers. I usually bring my niece and meet my friend Naomi and her little girl, on this day a few weeks ago, Naomi was nice enough to take some photos while the girls chatted away to each other in their strollers.  blossoms_spring_dublin_castle

Malahide Castle is like a lot of castles around Ireland – parts of it date to the 12th century, but other parts are more modern. In fact, a family lived in Malahide Castle until the 1970’s when the remaining members gave the property to the town in exchange for relief for some tax debts. Now we all get to run around the grounds and pretend we live in a castle, too! You can take tours of Malahide Castle, but I admit it has been years since I took the tour. At the time I took it, it was a little weak, but I have heard it has improved. Even if you don’t go for the tour, there are the grounds to explore, a walled Victorian garden, an Avoca shop with a restaurant that’s open for breakfast and lunch and cake all day long, and even peacocks that roam freely! And all only thirty minutes by train from the city centre!  what_to_wear_to_a_castle_ireland

My absolute favorite castle tour is just 40 minutes west of Dublin in the town of Trim. Trim Castle has an hour-long tour that walks you up through the ruined levels of the castle. It’s where scenes from Braveheart were filmed, so it feels extra-authentic. The only trick about Trim Castle is that there are some steep spiral stairs back down at the very end, which make me nervous every time. I’m not a big fan of heights or steep stairs, so I like to remind people to wear flat shoes to explore castles. It means you’ll be able to explore the grounds and get yourself down from high heights if necessary!

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You’ll also want to wear layers, because castles are damp and cold, no matter the time of year (thank goodness we didn’t live in ye olden days!). I love this vest that my grandmother made me a few years ago and it’s perfect for adding another layer of warmth without extra bulk. The buttons are from a coat my mom wore when she was very small and my grandmother saved them, just in case. Makes me smile, knowing they’re both with me, every when I’m so far away!

castle_style_dublin_ireland styled_in_ireland_malahide_castle

At this time of year, keep an eye out for the millions of daffodils in Malahide Castle, as well as purple helebores and flowering quince blossoms. They’re some of my favorite early spring blooms.  daffodils_malahide_castle


And how about an outtake for the road?! Because mostly these shoots look like me being a lunatic and Naomi or Julie making me look somewhat sane. I think at this point I was also singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over so two little girls in strollers would be patient while we took a few more shots! Naomi had to tell me more than once to stop moving my mouth! Aren’t you glad I’m not doing all the itsy bitsy hand movements? 😉

Boots: Coach / Jeans: Zara / Collared tunic: Cos / Vest: My grandma! / Watch: Kate Spade / Necklace: A Lovely Little Shop on Etsy (a gift from my brother, thanks Charlie!) / Photography: Naomi Phillips

Easter Egg Hunt for the Big Kids

April 7, 2015


One of my goals lately has been to take more photographs of my family and friends. For a while there, photos were just for business or blogging. But I’m realizing how much I want to remember the unstyled, imperfect moments with the people I love. I brought my big camera along to Easter and was happy I remembered to pull it out just before our traditional Easter egg hunt for big kids.

This is actually the first year there has been a little kid at the Easter egg hunt. Of course, our 15-month-old niece Eabha wasn’t quite old enough for the hunting part. We hid a few plastic eggs in plain sight so she would stay occupied while we went in search of the candy my mother-in-law hides every year in the shrubs, in the bird feeders, in the grill, and under every single plant pot. At one moment in the scramble, I looked up to see Eabha running and shrieking at me, totally overcome by the excitement, bunny ears hanging from her neck. This might be one of my favorite photos of all time. The hilarity and hubbub and perfect chaos of a family holiday, all in one momentary snap.

I hope you all had an equally chaotic and fun-filled holiday. I’ll be back tomorrow with a new Styled in Ireland post!

Just a few more from Easter because I couldn’t help myself! First, the evolution of that screech!

eabha_easter_dublin easter_egg_hunt_dublin


Post scream, back to the action. easter_egg_hunt_big_kids easter_baskets easter_basket_cake

Our Easter isn’t complete without an Easter basket cake! And we had to take advantage of that perfect green grass for a little photo shoot. Photo below by my ultra-talented friend Sebastian. He works at Nikon!  easter_basket_cake_2 easter_baldoyle The grandparents being grandparents!

How to Stay Fit while Traveling Anywhere

April 6, 2015


Happy Monday after Easter! Michael and I arrived back in Dublin from Dubrovnik on Friday and swooped right into the Easter hubbub. We had a lovely vacation followed by an even lovelier holiday with family and friends. But now that the ham and Cadbury eggs have been all eaten, it’s back to reality. It’s as good a time as any to share a post I’ve been thinking about for the last several trips I’ve taken: fitness on vacations! Sounds like an oxymoron, but hear me out. It’s one of the best little tweaks to our heavy travel schedule.

I don’t know about you, but I like to eat ALL THE FOOD and drink ALL THE WINE on vacation. And I like it that way. But, I also know that I’m happier if I can get a little exercise between ALL THE FOOD and ALL THE WINE. Exercise also helps mitigate any guilt you might feel if you can’t find the healthiest of options when you’re out and about – Croatia wasn’t so keen on salads, it seems, so we had pizza on the go more than once. Those choices aren’t world ending at all, but when you find yourself traveling to three different countries in just under six weeks, a little vacation exercise isn’t the worst idea!

So these are the ways I squeeze in some quick exercise when I’m traveling. A lot of European hotels don’t have fitness centers with lots of gym equipment, and more often than not we stay in Airbnb-style apartments, so I like to be prepared to sweat without the help of a gym. Here’s what’s worked for me.


I suppose I should preface these first two suggestions by saying that I am the kind of person who thrives on repetition. Some people hate it, and if tha’ts you, tese first two might not be for you!

When I lived, briefly, in Santa Monica, California, in college, I was introduced to The Stairs. Capital T, capital S. On balmy mornings, I’d head over to The Stairs with all the fancy people and their trainers and we’d go up and down, up and down, the steepest stairs you’ve ever seen. You’d see people sprinting the stairs, taking them slowly, and taking them two by two. According to the trainers there, each of those tactics has their own benefits. I tend to prefer the slow and steady repetition version – find yourself a set of out-of-the-way stairs and go up and down, up and down, for as long as you can stand it.

At our apartment in Dubrovnik, there was a big set of stairs at the end of the row of houses. Perfect little workout area! (Thanks to Michael for getting himself out of bed before 10am to take these photos!)

I always do ten sets of ten flights. I take about a one minute break between sets. Because we don’t have stairs in our apartment, I’m always huffing and puffing by the second set and a little sore the next day. Or, in some cases a lot sore. In Dubrovnik last week, I decided a stair workout would be a great idea one morning, not realizing that our afternoon excurion to walk the Dubrovnik walls would involve eight million stairs. My calves were killing me the next day. Oops!


Jump Rope

I’ve been jumping rope for exercise for years now, even before Michael and I did the white collar boxing match for charity a few years ago. I order inexpensive $8 rubber jump ropes from Amazon and go through 2-3 of them each year. They are the best for bringing on vacation because they take up very little room in your suitcase and you can use them almost anywhere. All you need is a parking space or a square of concrete and a timer and you’re good to go!

For our boxing training, we always had to do sets of 3 minutes, so that’s what I typically do. It’s a great workout for your arms as well as your legs. When I’m in really good shape I’ll do sets of 20 push-ups between jump rope sets. Just set your phone timer for three minutes and jump as much as you can in those three minute sets. I mostly alternate between one foot and the other or sometimes two hops on each foot, back and forth. I told you, repetition is my jam!


In some cities, walking, running or cycling is a great option. I’ve run around the streets of Amsterdam and Paris while on vacation, and it’s such a fun way to see the city. I usually go out first thing in the morning when all the locals are heading to work, and it’s great people watching. When I run in Dublin, I don’t bother bringing my phone, but when I’m in a city I don’t know well I bring my phone to make sure I don’t get too lost. I pull up the map on my phone and make sure I can always get myself back to my home base.

Another alternative is to work in a little exercise into your daily plan. Some days, we’ll have big walking days exploring around the city, and I won’t bother with any extra exercise. Or we’ll be exploring a city by bicycle and that certainly counts as exercise as well.

Online Workouts

I’m such a fan of body weight work outs that need zero equipment because you can do them anywhere. For years, I didn’t belong to a gym because I would alternate running with body weight workouts I found online. Now I use online workouts for hotel rooms or places we stay where we don’t have a good outside space. Or, if I’m staying by myself and I don’t have to tiptoe around Michael while he sleeps late in mornings!

Zuzka Light is a good option (just ignore her hilariously fake boobs) and Tone It Up has some great short workouts as well.

And that, my friends, is how I justify ALL THE WINE on vacation. Any tips I can add to my repetoire?

One Amazing Travel Tip

April 2, 2015

one amazing travel tip

On our first night in Dubrovnik, we figured out one amazing travel tip. Find the best spot in the city to watch the sunset. It had been grey and cloudy all day, and the sky was just clearing for the most incredible sunset. We sat at the Hotel Dubrovnik Palace with our glasses of wine and watched the sun meet the horizon. We went back again tonight because it was just too good. An unobstructed view of a sunset over water in a foreign place can’t be beat.

From now on, sunsets will be on our travel must-do list, when weather and vistas permit. You should try it!

I can’t wait to share more from our Dubrovnik adventure. It has been breathtaking.

How to Pack for a European Weekend Adventure

March 31, 2015


I’ve written a lot about how to pack for a trip to Ireland – my whole Styled in Ireland series was designed to help you figure that out! But since I’ve taken so many weekend trips to various European cities in the last few years, I thought I’d share some tips on how to pack for those adventures. With budget airlines making carry-on-only travel so common, packing light has become imperative. Of course, there’s the added benefit of not having to lug a giant rolling suitcase along cobbled streets to your destination!

Stick to one color palette

My friend Anne of Pretavoyager is the queen of packing light for long trips. She spent two weeks in America last summer and only packed a carry on! When we went to Amsterdam for the weekend, she arrived with a backpack. She’s a champion packer! Anne’s biggest tip is to choose a single color palette and pack only that. It’s an absolutely genius trick and it instantly limits what you need to bring.

For this trip to Croatia, Michael and I are here for four nights and five days and we both only packed carry-ons. I’m not as strict as Anne about the color palette, but I try to choose either black or brown as my base. For this trip, I decided I would only wear black or grey pants, black boots, and white Converse low tops. Then I added color with tops and accessories.


Pack for the weather

It’s almost never possible to predict the weather in Ireland, but almost everywhere else you travel you can get a reliable weather forecast a few days in advance. You should be packing for the weather you expect to get with limited layers. For tops, I usually go with a tank top under whatever I’m wearing – in cold weather it provides extra warmth, and in warm weather it means I can take off my top layers so I’m not sweating in unexpectedly hot temperatures! I used to pack endless layers, “just in case.” Those just in case clothes take up way too much room. Choose your layers wisely, and stick with them. If worse comes to worse, stop into a shop and buy a cheap long sleeve t-shirt to layer under, or a tank top for warm days.

Pick outfits that go from day to night

There are two keys to this tip. First, plan outfits. Actually lay them out on your bed so you can see what goes with what. I start with pants that I know I can wear twice, then add in tops that can layer over tank tops and cosy up with a cardigan or jacket.

Second, choose your outfits that can work for daytime exploring and get dressed up for an evening at a wine bar or out for dinner. I used to bring heels on all our weekends away and honestly, it’s just not worth it. Cobblestones are too hard to walk in heels and you never know how far the restaurant is going to be! Instead, now I go for low heeled boots or slightly fancy flats. I won’t be the fanciest chick in the restaurant, but I won’t be underdressed.


In case you’re curious, here’s what I packed for our current visit to Dubrovnik – expected temperatures between low 50’s and low 60’s, with light rain forecast on two days.

Shoes: flat boots / Converse sneakers / Nikes (from this post) / running sneakers

Bottoms: black skinny pants / grey skinny pants / charcoal jeans

Tops: two tank tops, black and white / silk tank top / silk tunic / silk button down

Outerwear: black blazer / cotton zip-up jumper / pink wool cardigan

Workout clothes: tank top / sports bra / capri spandex

Accessories: sunglasses / scarf / a few necklaces and pairs of earrings

Essentials: 5 pairs undies / 3 pairs dress socks / 2 pairs workout socks / bra

Writing that all out, I’m surprised how much I fit into my carry-on! Especially since I also had to pack makeup, my camera, an extra lens, and my computer and chargers, notebook and book. I carry a tote on the plane with lots of snacks and since we’re staying in an apartment I also brought along a shopping bag for our groceries. It’s come in so handy!

We have three more days in Dubrovnik and I’m hoping my packing job is a success by the end! Do you have any light packing tips?

Photos by Julie Matkin for Delightful Dublin

Recent Baby Photography / On the Move

March 26, 2015

baby photography dublin emily westbrooks

Aoibhe (pronounced Ava), is one of the first babies I’ve photographed who was already on the move. She was crawling all over the place on the morning I stopped in to take photos, and didn’t stop for a break the entire time I was there!

I actually left this shoot worried that I hadn’t captured anything. I was worried they were all blurry or out of focus, and that I hadn’t captured her little essence since I felt a little frazzled trying to work around the angles of their living room with my fixed lens. The fixed fifty milimeter lens gives you beautiful, bright images, but there’s no zoom so you have to be the zoom! It means a lot of backing up to the wall and creative cropping.

When I finally made myself look at the photographs a week later, I was so relieved. There was Aoibhe and her essence, and a little family just bursting with love for their little girl.  newborn photography dublin ireland


(This one is a little blurry, but I loved the way Aoibhe’s mom looked at her as she put the squishy ball around in her mouth so she could crawl unencumbered.) Aoibhe_50 Aoibhe_49

It’s actually quite sweet spending a little time with a family. You get a peek at their games and the unique little tricks they’re teaching their little ones. In this image above, Aoibe was wagging her tiny finger to say “No Daddy”, just like her mom has taught her for the times when Dad is being goofy. It’s their little family joke, and it felt so intimate to have captured it on camera.  Aoibhe_47

Aoibhe_05 Aoibhe_30 Aoibhe_27 Aoibhe_23

I think I love baby photography so much because I want to help families capture the memories that are so fleeting with small children. Aoibhe might only have those few wisps of hair that stick straight up for just a few weeks, and I hope when her parents look back at these photos they remember that sliver of time.  Aoibhe_19_bw Aoibhe_74_bw

My niece Eabha (also pronounced Ava) has a penchant for necklaces. If something is remotely circular, she’ll try to put it over her head (good reason to keep watching her like a hawk!). This Aoibhe loves her dad’s watches, and I’m glad they’ll get to remember that little quirk when they look back years from now.  Aoibhe_73_bw Aoibhe_72_bw

For more about my baby photography, visit my portfolio site.

Off to Croatia!

March 25, 2015

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Next Monday, Michael and I are headed to Croatia! Before Christmas, Michael came home from a basketball fundraiser with a surprise. He had won short-haul AerLingus tickets in the raffle! That guy has great luck winning trips. So, we booked the longest short-haul we could find, to Dubrovnik for the week before Easter. It’s not going to be very warm yet, but we’re hoping for a little of that sunshine that seems to make the city glow.

The above image is from Nathalie’s visit to Dubrovnik, and we’re also bookmarking her romantic spots in Dubrovnik post too! We’re staying in an apartment up in the mountains above the city, and we’re renting a car. I think I’ve convinced Michael that we should kayak, even though he categorically hates kayaking, and we have a trip to a vineyard planned!

Have you been to Dubrovnik? I would love to hear your tips!

Landing Strip Makeover

March 24, 2015


In the next few months, unless something really unexpected occurs, Michael and I will be moving out of the sweet little apartment we’ve lived in for the last five years. We’re in the process of trying to buy a house that will give us a little more space, and while we aren’t sure when we’ll leave this home, it will likely be sometime this summer. I’m already getting soppy envisioning our last night in what was truly our first home as a married couple. We have so many happy memories here – parties, kittens, chickens, dinner parties, fights and some of the saddest and loneliest moments of my life, but also the making up and moving on and growing that happens in a home.


I’m sure I’ll have so much more to say about the move and the changes we’re planning in the coming months, but in the meantime, I realized I hadn’t shared the changes we had made to a few more of the rooms in the house last year! Really, since there are so few rooms, it’s only the entry room and the living/dining room that I have left to show – and since we’re running out of time here, we’re going to forget that it’s not Pinterest-perfect!

I lovingly call the entry room our landing strip, because it’s where we enter and drop everything. Jackets, bags, motorcycle helmets and gloves and pants, so many shoes, mail and bills and grocery bags, all start and live here. Luckily, this is where the only closet in the apartment is, although it is half full of the immersion hot water heater (which you have to turn on half an hour before you want a shower every single time, don’t get me started!) and half full of shelves up to the ceiling.

You can see the before photos here!


Last year, when we decided to paint the whole apartment white instead of cream, we also tried to make each of the spaces work better for us. We moved the standing wardrobes out of the bedroom so that we could walk all the way around the bed and it was life changing. It made such a big difference. We moved the wardrobes into the landing strip and effectively turned the room into all storage. It once held my desk, but since the internet signal won’t reach that far, it didn’t make sense to keep it there, so we sold the desk and I work on the dining room table now instead.



This is an old photo of the phone seat that sits opposite the front door. I realized I completely forgot to snap any photos of it, plus Coco was snoozing on it and he just looks like a black blob in photos! You can see a few more photos of it here!


You can see Coco snoozing there on the phont seat to the right, and on the left are the two wardrobes, which I painted blue. We obviously have more shoes than we have storage, so Michael’s giant basketball sneakers and coaching runners go underneath the bench. A few pairs of mine go in the basket, and we keep scarves and hats in the bucket.  landing_strip_shoes windows_landing_strip

When I found light blue paint for the wardrobes, I thought light blue with accents of red might be cheerful. I ordered red pom pom trim from Ebay in America and my mom brought it with her when she visited in October. I’m not the biggest fan of red, but the contrast with the white is ultra perky. landing_strip_curtains



The room is quite narrow, so quite difficult to get much of a shot of every wall. We bought the sideboard my first year in Ireland for €11 on Ebay! It holds extra bedding, all those grocery bags, extra hats and mittens, all our keys and sunglasses, and the ever-important junk drawer. The light fixture is from Irish designer Grainne Lyons. It comes in flat pieces and you put them together yourself. It took us a few tries, but once we got the hang of it, assembly was quite simple. sideboard_landing_strip

But of course, more fun is the set of shelves above the sideboard. They’re inexpensive Ikea shelves and brackets, wrapped with colorful washi tape around the edges.  souvenirs_landing_strip

I brought that little cross stitch back from Amsterdam last week! Isn’t it adorable? It was €5 at the Noordmarkt and it was made and framed in 1983, the year I was born. The creature creamers are from Avoca a few years ago, and the painting is a limited edition print by Irish artist Lola Donoghue. My favorite trick with art is to buy a slightly less expensive frame and have a framer cut a mat to fit, making it look much more polished without breaking the bank. shamrocks_landing_strip_makeover

My mother-in-law painted the landscapes, and we rescued them from her parents’ farmhouse before it was torn down. The pottery dish was a wedding gift and is one of my favorite possessions. The salt and pepper shakers are from the Oh Joy for Target collection and I picked them up on clearance last time I was in America! One cracked in transit back to Dublin, but eventually I’ll superglue it back together.  landing_strip_birdcage

We keep loose change and coins from other currencies in the old tea tins. And for Christmas this year, my mother-in-law made us these little salt dough ornaments that represent the homes we’ve had. First, our little “Hobbit House” as we called our tiny basement flat where we lived for a few months when we first arrived, and then this house. On the back they even have tiny labels with our addresses and the dates. Such a lovely keepsake idea!

I have to say that having this whole room function as storage has made our home so much more pleasant in the rest of the rooms. It’s still a tight squeeze for all those pairs of shoes, but that keeps us from buying anything that won’t fit! It’ll be interesting to see whether more space means we end up with more things. I hope not!

In a few weeks, when the garden fills in a little, I’ll share the final room in our little apartment. Our dining/living room is where we spend the bulk of our time and it’s so bright no matter the weather. Back soon!

Check out our bedroom, bathroom and hallway makeovers too!