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  • Names Jewellery by the Irish Design Shop

    The Irish Design Shop has long been one of my favourite places to shop in Dublin, especially for birthday and Christmas gifts. For my 30th birthday, I even asked Michael to go in and…

    January 12, 2016
  • 2016: Resolutions and Goals

    Happiest of new years to you all, friends! I’m still finding it hard to believe that we’re starting another year, and clearly getting off to a slow start. Of all the years, this one…

    January 6, 2016
  • The Art of the Surprise with Marks & Spencer

    I think I’m doing possibly my worst ever when it comes to Christmas gift shopping this year. I love coming up with the perfect gifts for family and friends, and for Michael. I don’t always come up…

    December 17, 2015
  • Our Biggest News Yet: Welcome Maya Catharine!

    Well, friends, it happened. It really and truly happened. We’d like to introduce you (kind of, and I’ll explain that below) to our daughter, Maya Catharine Westbrooks. On October 6th, I closed my eyes…

    November 25, 2015
  • Happy Weekend!

    Happy weekend, everyone! We’re holed up in the house while it pours down buckets of rain here in Houston. The strangest thing is that it’s still about 82 degrees outside! Not like Irish rain,…

    October 24, 2015
  • A Patio (Barely) DIY and a Few Spilled Beans

    Welcome back from the longest blogging break I’ve ever accidentally taken! Whoops! After months of strictly enforced vagueness about our plans and what’s going on behind the blog, today I’m ready to spill some…

    October 7, 2015
  • Street Roundels

    Last Friday, I went with a friend to The Menil Collection here in Houston, a rather large contemporary art gallery built and curated through the extensive collection of the de Menil family. One of…

    September 21, 2015
  • Ireland’s Cafe Culture

    One of the most fun stories I’ve ever written came out in the Irish Independent the weekend before last, about Ireland’s cafe culture and the real people behind some of the sweetest cafes around the…

    August 31, 2015
  • Happy Weekend

    Happy weekend, all! How are ya? How was the week? We’re still sweating it out in Houston for the time being. It’s been a little less hot and humid this week but we still…

    August 29, 2015